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Hello from NJ!


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I am from New Jersey (NJ) but actually spent the last 12 year of my life in Nanjing (NJ), China. So it seems I have a problem escaping NJ regardless of my location.


I will dive right into some things that interest me about FDR and how I found commonality in Stefan's topics.




I was raised by strict Roman Catholics who were beaten for education, however they never really hit me, if so, it was not an intentional "beating". Point being, I don't feel there is much physical violence handed down to me as much as I just bore witness to it, and it's results. The Catholic church is really a phenomenon, perhaps more of a topic than I can really tackle in an introduction :)


What I do take interest in is methods of moving forward with my life, as someone who can not accept the existence of God without proof, and being that the theory of evolution and other modern science brings too much to light to keep thinking within the confines of an ancient book. It is both inspiring and a great relief to see other people sharing this feeling and proving to being intelligent, thoughtful people.


There is too much to say, and I don't want to ramble, please excuse me if I am not making 100% congruent sense.


I am wondering if Atheists who come from Theist families try to find other organized religions to put in the place of the God religion? Do you recommend that? After all Atheism does not mean Anarchy, why not have an organized set of beliefs while simultaneously Not believing in God? Do too many Atheists just hate the sense of organized religion after their experience from Theist religions?


Government and Anarchy:


I am ignorant on politics and have poor history, but listening to Stefan brings a lot of sense to things. I think the core problem which needs to be dealt with is Corruption. We have in fact made a very fair and working system in the US to live by, but greed and power keep getting in the way of progress and prosperity.


How can we make a system to stop corruption? I thought that is what checks and balances were supposed to do.


Or maybe you disagree, there is no corruption or it is not the problem. :)


Regarding Anarchy, I like the concept, obviously not new, but don't have enough knowledge on it to support it. I have listened extensively to Stefan's viewpoints and model. It makes a lot of sense from what I've heard so far. But I do worry if it requires a lot of intelligence on the average person to stay afloat?




I love philosophy but again, am not as well educated or well read in it as I would like. One of my first hopes at FDR was to look for a reading list. I started reading some of Stefan's free materials here, and I have listened to almost every show.


I also want to read more from the old originators of philosophy, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, etc. Or where/who do you consider to be the source?


I seem to agree a lot with Stefan's way of thinking, and so does that mean I should like Aristotle? Although I don't really have time for a lot of heavy reading these days. I read a book called Sophie's World (a philosophy intro) and actually it was fun but got confusing from a beginners point of view. Although I can see why an experienced philosophy reader would see it as a good overview, but I can't see how it helps a newbie learn the ropes.


I had an ethics course in college where we read arguments on modern controversial issues written by debate and philosophy experts. The topics regarding Death Penalty, Abortion, etc. That book was mind bending and changed the way I think about thinking. Sadly I can never remember the books title :) But will recognize it if I see its cover.




Love it. Cognitive all the way. Unless she's really hot, then I'll try the Reiki :)


Men's rights is also a very sobering topic and the way Stefan presents the clear disadvantages men often have in today's world is very mind opening.


The End


Nice to meet you!


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