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Your right about perspective and kinda like a inkblot test isn't it? In reality though that can't happen.


Yes the Antarctic thing is strange from the few things I looked at last night. Why can't they just put a live feed camera on a plane and fly it over the Antarctic and finish the debate once and for all. They could do it when the weather is -30C or warmer since anyone who lives in the north where temps have been that cold know planes and cars can operate just fine in those conditions.  


They could, people would just say it's fake. That's my point. There are thousands of videos and stories of people being there. Anyone who says they have 24 hour days are simply lying. It's impossible with the FE model and therefore any evidence that contradicts the FE model is fake.


Ok haha I see now the big stink about my question. I live at the entrance to the Trent Severn Waterway so I'm surrounded by locks canals and large bodies of water  so when I heard they were going to make the Suez canal wide enough for 2 ships to pass My first thoughts were wow thats alot of work. then when I found out there were no locks at all through a length of 125 miles connecting 2 bodies of water it didn't make sense to me when its hard to travel more then acouple miles from where i live to each lock along the way. I figured all these locks were to help the water get over the curve of the earth. but I guess thats not the case eh... ah well thanks for teaching me better. 



How does this change your mind in regards to the whole FE theory?

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Your right about perspective and kinda like a inkblot test isn't it? In reality though that can't happen.


Yes the Antarctic thing is strange from the few things I looked at last night. Why can't they just put a live feed camera on a plane and fly it over the Antarctic and finish the debate once and for all. They could do it when the weather is -30C or warmer since anyone who lives in the north where temps have been that cold know planes and cars can operate just fine in those conditions.

They have. There are satellite images. There are commercial flights that travel across the Antarctic to save time. You've been reading fringe sites with very poor information where lies like these are spread.

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For  flights going over the Antarctica I should beable to find a video of someone boarding a flight in Sidney Australia headed to Cape town South Africa and they would have photo evidence of  flying over the Antarctic? seems to me if there was one you  would have posted it right? I just did a search for one and couldn't find one.


I'm not fighting for or against the flat earth theory. I discovered something that didn't makes sense to what I was lead to believe.I want to know how the Suez canal works without locks.  If the conclusion is that the earth is flat then I can see that is how it works.  I'm seriously leaning that way now as no one has been able to dispute it. Water can't lie. Water seeks out the lowest point and then levels. The Suez canal joins 2 bodies of water 125 miles apart at the equator. In this post the earth has gone from a ball to an obloide, so that would make the curve there the same or greater. I thought maybe the rotation of the earth made the water over come the curve but that was shot down really quickly. So that leads me further to flat. With in 10 mins of my house there is a 5 mile canal that connects Brighton bay to the Bay of Quinte but because those are also connected by Lake Ontario I know they are level and thats why there are no locks needed in this case. So it didn't make sense for the Suez. I don't like to tackle more then acouple tasks at a time as I'm easily distracted and can't stand it when I don't finish.


I think that is pretty clear now and it looks like you have done extensive research on the south pole  to come to a conclusion on that. What would be a good topic to look into next? to prove either way.

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For  flights going over the Antarctica I should beable to find a video of someone boarding a flight in Sidney Australia headed to Cape town South Africa and they would have photo evidence of  flying over the Antarctic? seems to me if there was one you  would have posted it right? I just did a search for one and couldn't find one.


I'm not fighting for or against the flat earth theory. I discovered something that didn't makes sense to what I was lead to believe.I want to know how the Suez canal works without locks.  If the conclusion is that the earth is flat then I can see that is how it works.  I'm seriously leaning that way now as no one has been able to dispute it. Water can't lie. Water seeks out the lowest point and then levels. The Suez canal joins 2 bodies of water 125 miles apart at the equator. In this post the earth has gone from a ball to an obloide, so that would make the curve there the same or greater. I thought maybe the rotation of the earth made the water over come the curve but that was shot down really quickly. So that leads me further to flat. With in 10 mins of my house there is a 5 mile canal that connects Brighton bay to the Bay of Quinte but because those are also connected by Lake Ontario I know they are level and thats why there are no locks needed in this case. So it didn't make sense for the Suez. I don't like to tackle more then acouple tasks at a time as I'm easily distracted and can't stand it when I don't finish.


I think that is pretty clear now and it looks like you have done extensive research on the south pole  to come to a conclusion on that. What would be a good topic to look into next? to prove either way.


If you trust photographic evidence, then why don't you trust the photos of the Earth where it is seen to be a round planet? Why would you trust a picture of the antartic taken from a plane, but won't trust a picture of the moon, the planets, the sun, galaxies, and everything else? That's why I didn't post a picture: Because you can just deny any and all photographic evidence that you don't like. That isn't honest.

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Ok might have found the answer for the Suez. The soil around it is sand and clay the location is high wind area do you think that maybe the curve there was blown off? At one point they weren't going to dig it because they thought the Red sea was 30 feet higher then the Mediterranean and that much of a difference would be catastrophic. They finally figured it out and there is only a few feet difference.


Well I've only looked into the south pole stuff for what a day and a half and the information I've seen sofar isn't much. The midnight sun stuff is interesting to me now and there is very little about it for the south pole. The view points of the Arctic are pretty big over 6000kms you can witness it the Antarctia doesn't have many populated areas in that view point range so I can understand the skepticism. I can leave my house and probly find 300+ people that have been to the arctic and I bet I can't find 1 thats been to the antarctic so my local resources are nil and any info I get will be no different then what you can and there are equal amounts of good and bad info on the internet. I've stated it a few times that I'm not religious or a flat earth guy but I just want the truth and this has nothing to do with the Suez canal lol But I;m will to learn more.


Thanks Will for challenging me this a great experience  

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They could, people would just say it's fake. That's my point. There are thousands of videos and stories of people being there. Anyone who says they have 24 hour days are simply lying. It's impossible with the FE model and therefore any evidence that contradicts the FE model is fake.



How does this change your mind in regards to the whole FE theory?

Well I've been doing some historical research for the 24 hour sun and I can't find any documents about this phenomenon, I've found many about the sun not rising for a few day but nothing on it not setting. there should be lots of documents on this from the 1900-1925 cause that would be a huge discovery one would think. I can't even find anything about it from the time Byrd spent down there. All of this information seems to be from the last few years so far I think its misinformation. I'm still looking but its looking grim. 

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Being that this is only my first post it might get censored and never see the light of Truth, but I feel that I must stand up for what it right. 


This report was just submitted to the moderator:


"ProfessionalTeabagger has violated multiple rules in his posts.  Please refer to this forums rules below:


No swearing.


Please try to focus criticism on the theory, and not the individual.


When responding to a post, please remember that simply stating that the poster is wrong is a complete waste of time. To correct someone, you must point out an error in his reasoning or facts, and supply evidence.


Please respect your feelings. If you find that a thread is becoming unpleasant, please disengage. If you feel your temper rising with someone, please stop responding to him. Anger and escalation will never lead us to the truth. The truth can only result from a positive and challenging mutual exploration of facts and principles. Escalation is the responsibility of both parties.


Please avoid accusing someone of bad intentions without any evidence. “Oh, so whenever you are wrong, you just run away!” “Oh, you're just changing the topic because you can't handle the truth!” Even if it turns out to be true, this kind of hostility will never bring enlightenment.


 Being that this was my first real delving into the treads I was appalled that this kind of behavior was tolerated on this forum, especially by a member with so many posts under his belt.


The appropriate punishment has already been suggested and should be followed with the same vigor as the violations.


"If you violate the above rules, you will be banned".


Thank you for your time"


I will continue to report these or any other violations that I find on this forum as is my right as a member.  Consider yourselves warned and invited to do the same.


U.D.P.,  "Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31 (NIV)" and all that jive.
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