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Hey there, fellow newbie.  :Welcome: 

When it comes to boards like this... Meh, don't fret about what to post and just say what's on your mind. Read it over once, maybe twice, just to make your message clear, make any additions, and fix any mistakes and leave it at that, I say. That's why boards have threads/topics, you don't have to read or post in anything that doesn't interest you. Plus, this section is just an introduction area, so all you really need to say is "hey, I'm new" and anything else you want to tell people. Your introduction looks good to me! :)

Well if it's too slow there's a chat. (top right corner) The nice thing about boards though, is that you say your piece whenever you want, and then get to come back at some other point and see what people have said and go from there. Instead of having to wait for replies or for people to type.  It might be slow if you're looking for a back and forth lively conversation though, but the nice part is that you don't have to worry about anyone else's schedule or your own and post when you have time. Don't get me wrong though, I understand where you're coming from. I like those deep and in-depth conversations too, especially one-on-one with a mate. I think I saw or read somewhere that some people here do live chatting too, I'm not sure though. If that interests you... poke around and find out maybe? :)

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