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Hello from the Netherlands


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Hello there,


I found FDR roughly a year ago listened to many podcasts and videos and i really enjoy the time spent listening to them.

The reason i enjoy them so much i think is because i have always been drawn to having meaningfull conversation with people.

And i seem to be able to relate much more to a lot to the podcasts and videos even though i do not agree with everything said and i am not even an active participant in them.


Yet i also think it is this very desire for connection in such a way that has caused me much loneliness.

As a small child i experienced a great disconnect between me and the people surrounding me.

I was tremendously bullied at school and i had a very bad home and parental situation.


So as a child i started spending most of my time inside my own head as a way of coping. For my entire childhood i was a complete dreamer many times not even hearing when people would adress me for 4-5 times in a row.

For most of the time i was quite bored at school because i could learn really well and everything was quite easy.

And i could not really connect with anyone because i was bullied so badly wich made me withdraw heavily within myself.

I remember that since grade 6(8-9year old) i used to constantly play a game with myself in where i would try to break down the definition of everything surrounding me.

For instance i could spend entire afternoons thinking about the concept as simple as a door, or how a tree stood in relation to funguss etc.

This mindset led me to more problems, i attended an roman catholic school and i stopped praying ever since i saw someone on television say that there are over 250 different religions.

Long story short, logic has always come very easily for me and it does not seem te be the case for most people who surround me and it has caused me to struggle greatly with finding true connection and made me struggle with many bouts of alienation.


Fast forward many years and experiences later and i am now an 27 year old developer/hacker/entrepeneur who spends a lot of time on self knowledge and philosophy.

In the last 5 years i have grown tremendeus as a person and became a lot more knowledgable, Yet this ironicaly also caused even more loneliness and disconnect.


But for the last year i have become more and more aware that there are a lot more people who think like me and that there is no reason not to try and find some of these people to share some ideas and thoughts with.

And i thought here would be a great place to find some of these people, so hi! :)





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