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Hi I am Nick , 30 years old i am a pharmacist and i live in Greece Thessaloniki


I joined for two reasons . first i am thankfull that there are people like Stefan . he helped me extremely to clear my head and my life . i have been listening over a year now. its deligthfull to listen to minded people and listen to reason and real arguments.

 i want to bring reasoned and minded people to my life so, i am working on it in my life , near me  but i am also happy to participate in this forum. so..Happy to meet you guys. i hope i'll find interesting stuff to talk about and have nice chats with you.


the second reason is that in greece things are going very very very wrong. i have a bussiness here but i have an open mind about moving somewhere else . i am really sκepticall about my family's life here. so i really apreciate yout thoughs and experiances in other places




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