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G'day from the Goldy

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Hi everyone I've been here a while but thought I should be polite and introduce myself :)


Coming across Stefan's videos was life changing and I shudder to think where I would be without FDR! It was an interesting journey from first looking into feminism and getting on board with men's rights and subbing a few good youtubers like Aaron Clarey, Bernard Chapin, Paul Joseph Watson, Sparkyfister  (and some bad ones,  Barbar, thunderfoot). When I first checked out one of Stef's videos I couldn't handle it, I didn't finish it, got bored and really annoyed for no reason and didn't try again for a few weeks, slowly I watched more and more till one video I remember particularly well where Stefan, while talking to a caller, said you shouldn't feel bad about not wanting to talk to your parents, and BOOM, instant game changer.


Anyone else have a "click" story to share?


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