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ex-russian ex-rocket scientist, living in Melbourne, Australia


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Born in a secret city in the middle of Siberian nowhere (Check Tomsk-7), went living in Pripyat, studied in Moscow Uni, became Chernobyl survivor, showed middle finger to the Russian state and went living in Australia thanks to the skilled migration program.

Currently happy father and husband, unsuccessful pig hunter, metal detectorist, weekend philosopher and red wine lover. 

What else do I tell? Bits of my life story are quite unbelievable. I saw a ghost city of Pripyat the day after it was evacuated, I inhaled and carried on my close so much radioactive dust the detectors in the University back in Moscow went overload, I was studied as an insect by the medics, I had a lovely encounter with a KGB officer, and I witnessed the collapse of the Soviet state theater and managed to escape before the new ugly theater was built by Mr. Putin.


Freedom domain radio is just another rich source of information I learned to appreciate recently. 


Thanks to all who made it happen, and special thanks to Stefan, although I don't approve of his way of thinking entirely. Too much of a monologue for my liking :) But it is a quality monologue indeed. 


Cheers all



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My goodness, you have many starting points for discussion.  What can you tell us about the collapse of the state theater?  I have a small bit of knowledge that is decades old.  In 1976 my family saw the Bolshoi in Moscow do a show featuring American dance styles because of the US bicentennial.  I can still recall the lead dancer in the group that was crouching down low snapping fingers as they moved forward, like in West Side Story.  What replaced it? 

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by " collapse of the state theater" I was referring to the Guy Debord "Society of the Spectacle" book, which I read years after migrating to Australia, and which made me very excited and regretful at the same time - it was certainly a work of a genius describing without having a direct experience how the things were run in the USSR, exactly, not as a state, but as a state-wide theatrical show.

Debord was writing more about the disturbing way the western society was developing into a representation of a society, without a person's direct involvement into social life; life experience is largely replaced with the participation in the state-run show. 

But what would be an exaggeration of the trend in a mind of a genius,  for the Soviet Union was a hardcore reality for quite a while. As far as I know, Debord was inspired with the revelation of show-trials of 1930's in Soviet Union. Well, good for him, because my grandfather was put through one of the shows and ended up in concentration camp. 


In any case, I was lucky to escape the show, and the story is partially reflected in my essay on the First Woman in space. 

If Debord is right and the western society drifts towards the same showy model, we all need to be worried a lot. The trends with SJWs, feminst brainwashing in schools and via Duluth program are extremely alarming indeed. 

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