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Missed this area, "Hi again"

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I didn't see the Introduction area and figured I'd give an official "Hello". 


I wrote this introduction over a few times. I don't really know what to say. Mostly want people who can point me to hard to find information. I was on an MRM form trying to figure out the best way to get married or start a family and I was met with "There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, we are all going down and woman are Evi....." I tuned out. Same thing happened on the MGTOW forum and a lighter form of that in a PUA forum. Then I found Stefan's video taking a practical approach to it, compiling information so you can make a decision based on actual evidence and not fear mongering.



I don't want to start a family right now, but I can spot my own BS and when I say to myself that marriage is bad and only look at the side who says marriage and family is bad, this is very biased. So the thought experiment is to gather as much information as you can on why marriage and family are good and see how it sits with you.


The above is just one example of the type of things I spend my time on. I went back to school part time a while back and thus study like a fool while working full time. I'll probably be here talking about that from time to time as well.


Good luck all




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  I have a similar outlook on this topic.  It's easy and quite natural to fall into those kinds of generalizations, especially in the absence of self-knowledge and first principles.  That kind of rage and viciousness I think, can be a cover for vulnerability.  It's easier for many men who know about the facts on this topic to say "all women are evil", than to say "I want to follow my biological imperative, and seek real affection and intimacy with a woman and build a family, but I'm afraid of things going badly".  I've also noticed there is a kind of naive glorification of the past amongst a lot of people in the man-o-sphere, similar to that of many conservatives:  they look at the past through rosy glasses, thinking that things were better with men in charge, when the fact is that power corrupts both men and women, although the effects look much different.  Anyway I could go on, but I commend you on not taking the easy road, and committing to improving yourself.  Look forward to hearing how things go.

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