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Why Stefan is Wrong About Atheism

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I didn't say "all Atheists," neeeel.  I was talking about my own experience.  There may be "true" Atheists who cannot understand why anyone would believe in God, and I think I may have met one or two, but that is not me.


Atheists ("true" or otherwise) are just the people that don't claim there is a god of any stripe. There is a variety called "strong" that claim there is no god, but proving a negative is a waste of time. There is a variety of person (called "rational") that point out that certain collections of claims about certain gods are logically inconsistent, but that has nothing to do with whether they themselves make a claim there is a god or not.


There is no assertion about understanding another person's beliefs in not making a claim. If they don't understand why someone else believes something it is not because of their atheism but because of their lack of understanding, curiosity, or empathy. You can get those problems from a variety of causes regardless of religious or areligious upbringing.


There is a class of error known as "fundamental attribution error" that is rampant in discussions of atheism and atheists. There are so many sacrilegious puns possible with this turn of phrase that I am having a hard time keeping it under control.

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I didn't say "all Atheists," neeeel.  I was talking about my own experience.  There may be "true" Atheists who cannot understand why anyone would believe in God, and I think I may have met one or two, but that is not me.


If you really hated god, you werent an atheist. Do you see why?

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The atheist subpopulation is much more performant. The disparity between this ability to throw themselves onto the altar of critical examination for God, and complete disinterest when it comes to a much less abstract State is what this is all about. It makes them much more cowardly, in my opinion -- having the ability but not the will.

Yes, I entertained myself with an atheist being more silly about Trump than the silliest theist is about god.


He blocked me after I tweeted this:



I have recently reflected on Stefan's words to and about leftists, spanking/tenured libertarians, atheists, feminists: It is an act of love to show a brother or sister the evil wrestling to gain control over his subconscious mind. Pursuant to brotherly love, the conscience should be shamed into correction of the moral error.

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I am an atheist.  I am not a statist.  I am a conservative.   


( I am also a small potatoes subscriber, ( $10 a month), and new to The Board.  I find it interesting that some of the most opinionated, don't appear to be  donors...?)


Its hard to really tell, I imagine I'm not the only one who has a different email tied to their paypal than the email tied to their forum account.

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