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Hello from Phoenix!

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Hello everyone! 


I just joined about a week ago, after discovering Stefan on YouTube. I'm so glad that I did, because in addition to feeling relieved that there are other clear-minded individuals in the world (and greatly enjoying his social and political perspectives), I also feel that my eyes have been opened to some of the destructive relationships in my life, as well as some of my own undesirable behaviors. I've spent the past few days doing a lot of self-evaluation as well as examining my close friendships, and I have to say, I've never felt better. The path to the life I want to live, and the person I want to be, seems clear at last, and I have Stefan to thank for it. :)


A little bit about me: My name is Jessica, I'm 34 years old and I've been a rather passive libertarian for about 10 years now; I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to the deeper political and philosophical theories, but I plan to work my way through more of the core literature this summer, as well as purchasing Stefan's books (since I prefer physical copies to digital). I happily became a monthly subscriber pretty much the same day I created a board account, once I realized just what a massive amount of insight and information Stefan is providing, and also what a huge undertaking it must be to keep all of us this up and running smoothly. 


So! I'm quite happy to be a new FDR member, and I'm looking forward to having good conversations and meeting new people here. :)


-- Jessica 

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Welcome, Jessica! :)


I totally understand the fast love of FDR; I was the same way! I'm curious, what was the video that hooked you?


Phew, y'all have had a mighty hot summer there in AZ. There are a few FDR folks who meet up in Phoenix. They post their events on Facebook via the FDR Meetup Event Group. Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDRMeetupEventGroup/ 


If you are interested in connecting with people over the internets, we have an FDR Women's Group that chats on Google Hangouts every other week or so. Private message me if you'd like to join us sometime! Here's a link to the original thread that started the group, so you can get an idea about the kind of ladies who come to chat. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41818-female-support-group/


Hope to see you around! 

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I also feel that my eyes have been opened to some of the destructive relationships in my life, as well as some of my own undesirable behaviors. I've spent the past few days doing a lot of self-evaluation as well as examining my close friendships, and I have to say, I've never felt better. The path to the life I want to live, and the person I want to be, seems clear at last, and I have Stefan to thank for it. :)

Hello, Jessica! That is quite an exciting introduction. I am very happy for you :) As I read the first portions of this quote, I felt motivated to praise your courage as the things you described are NOT easy tasks! So I wanted to provide a little push back for you if that's okay. Stef has done so much for so many; Humanity itself I do not hesitate to say. However, don't lose sight of the fact that you have YOU to thank for it. YOU were faced with difficult decisions and YOU chose to take on the path of greater resistance. One of the ways the destructive people in our lives carry out and indeed perpetuate that destruction is by conditioning us to be smaller than what we are. So embrace what YOU have done and make yourself too large for those weak minds to think they'll have any influence over you! What do you think of that?

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Welcome, Jessica! :)


I totally understand the fast love of FDR; I was the same way! I'm curious, what was the video that hooked you?


Phew, y'all have had a mighty hot summer there in AZ. There are a few FDR folks who meet up in Phoenix. They post their events on Facebook via the FDR Meetup Event Group. Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FDRMeetupEventGroup/ 


If you are interested in connecting with people over the internets, we have an FDR Women's Group that chats on Google Hangouts every other week or so. Private message me if you'd like to join us sometime! Here's a link to the original thread that started the group, so you can get an idea about the kind of ladies who come to chat. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41818-female-support-group/


Hope to see you around! 

Hi Kathryn! Thank you so much for your response.


The video that instantly hooked me was 'Why Brexit Must Happen' (with Paul Joseph Watson). I was looking online for pro-leave material (since I'd been arguing about it with a friend and wanted to strengthen my facts) and though I wasn't really looking for a video, I clicked on the YouTube link that popped up because Stefan's name seemed vaguely familiar (as it turned out, one of my other friends had mentioned him to me a couple of years ago, but I just never got around to checking him out). So I watched the video for a couple of minutes, enjoying it while also thinking to myself that there was no way I was going to watch it for the full hour, but of course, I got sucked in pretty quickly.


Thank you so much for the information and the links you provided! I'll definitely be joining the meetup group (I'm fairly shy 'in real life' but I've been working on changing that) and I'll probably be contacting you soon about the women's group. I hope to see you around the forum as well! I haven't been online much for a day or so, but now my big glorious empty weekend has sprawled before me, so I'm looking forward to diving back in here. :)


All the best,


Hello, Jessica! That is quite an exciting introduction. I am very happy for you :) As I read the first portions of this quote, I felt motivated to praise your courage as the things you described are NOT easy tasks! So I wanted to provide a little push back for you if that's okay. Stef has done so much for so many; Humanity itself I do not hesitate to say. However, don't lose sight of the fact that you have YOU to thank for it. YOU were faced with difficult decisions and YOU chose to take on the path of greater resistance. One of the ways the destructive people in our lives carry out and indeed perpetuate that destruction is by conditioning us to be smaller than what we are. So embrace what YOU have done and make yourself too large for those weak minds to think they'll have any influence over you! What do you think of that?

Hi dsayers!


Thank you, truly, for your response. I felt a warm glow in my chest reading your words, actually, because you're right. Stefan may have provided the spark, but the fires I've set to certain relationships -were- my doing. I definitely have the unfortunate tendency to minimize myself within my own life, and I've grown weary of it. One of the first podcasts I listened to (upon a random comment someone had left to one of Stef's videos) was #183 - Freedom Part 4, and much of what Stef said just hit me like a bolt of lightning, particularly the bit where he said (and I must paraphrase here) that he wasn't telling us that we must be alone, but that we already *are* alone by being in these toxic relationships. Right when he was saying all of this, I could almost -feel- the click in my mind, and I knew I would always remember it -- sitting on the floor in my living room, my cat curled up next to me, and the sunset filling the room with a soft orange glow. That was the moment. :) 


I'm definitely looking forward to continuing to make myself larger than all the negative influences in my life, and shedding the old me. It's becoming quite exciting out here in my little corner of the desert. Thank you again for your kind words, I hope to see you around!


All the best,


Hello Jessica!

I'm also happy to see you here.

And I would like to encourage you to take a offer of support from kathryn or dsayers at some time, because (like in my case) swallowing a red pill /rewiring your brain isn't a most pleasant time of one's life. But definitely worth it. 

Hi Maciej! Good to meet you! :) And you're definitely right -- the red pill process hasn't been entirely easy, but I'm quite excited to be taking these steps, and even more encouraged by your kind response, as well as the responses of the others. I hope to see you around! :)


(I also hope my responses post correctly; I'm still getting the hang of the forum features. :))

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