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Hello From Pennsylvania.

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Hello all. I've been following Stefan Molyneux for about 6 months now, and have enjoyed his content and the information he brings to bare. I've had a rocky political life, starting out as a full-on Communist, then a National Socialist, and now a....National Capitalist? Something like that.  ;)


I'm still trying to figure out this forum. Took me 19 days just to wait for validation, now I'm wondering why I can't give myself a profile pic or edit the blanks in my profile. Do I have to wait for permission, or do I need to post more until I'm "trusted" enough to manage my own profile?


As much as I love Stef, he really knows how to make signing up to forums difficult. I suppose it is to protect against trolls/hackers/etc. But still...


Either way, hello all. 

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I don't spend enough time on here, but it's good to see a semi local person. I've been craving a real life hangout just to riff on ideas. The video chats don't really appeal to me.


Anyway, good on ya for being smart enough to land at truth at age 18! This forum is certainly quirky but it's an oasis nonetheless!

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I don't spend enough time on here, but it's good to see a semi local person. I've been craving a real life hangout just to riff on ideas. The video chats don't really appeal to me.


Anyway, good on ya for being smart enough to land at truth at age 18! This forum is certainly quirky but it's an oasis nonetheless!



It was hard getting on and figuring it out, but I'd say it is worthwhile thus far. I mostly have put up a few topics while gave my two cents to some existing topics. Feel free to message me anytime for a text-based convo, since I don't have the equipment for video or voice chat.

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It was hard getting on and figuring it out, but I'd say it is worthwhile thus far. I mostly have put up a few topics while gave my two cents to some existing topics. Feel free to message me anytime for a text-based convo, since I don't have the equipment for video or voice chat.



I don't spend enough time on here, but it's good to see a semi local person. I've been craving a real life hangout just to riff on ideas. The video chats don't really appeal to me.


Anyway, good on ya for being smart enough to land at truth at age 18! This forum is certainly quirky but it's an oasis nonetheless!


Western PA or Eastern PA?

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I'm sorry to hear that. I live near Pittsburgh. As long as I avoid the inner city most y'inzers look like me around these parts.


Well when I have enough money to move out I'm thinking somewhere upstate, where I can appreciate homogeneity and low crime rates.


I have to say though, I probably wouldn't have red-pilled so early (relative to the older people in Stef's call-in-shows) if I hadn't first hand experience as to what "diversity" and "white privilege" actually means.


Sadly most people that look like me aren't exactly much different than the people that don't, most likely because the smarter of our kind left decades ago while the dumber and trashier stayed behind.  

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Well when I have enough money to move out I'm thinking somewhere upstate, where I can appreciate homogeneity and low crime rates.


I have to say though, I probably wouldn't have red-pilled so early (relative to the older people in Stef's call-in-shows) if I hadn't first hand experience as to what "diversity" and "white privilege" actually means.


Sadly most people that look like me aren't exactly much different than the people that don't, most likely because the smarter of our kind left decades ago while the dumber and trashier stayed behind.  


Richard Spencer I think uses the term 'red pilled by life'. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Hey. A Pittsburgher over here as well. I'm down to do a meet up if anyone is interested. I've been listening for 4 or 5 years now I guess. Thankfully before I had my daughter. I was sold on peaceful parenting but Stefan's videos and interviews pushed my dedication to a new level.


I laugh when I hear callers on this show and others saying they never see any Hillary signs or bumper stickers, etc. Man, it's the opposite in Pittsburgh. I feel like I'd get murdered wearing a "make america great again" hat and imagine my house would be Egged if i had a Trump sign out front, and my tires slashed if i had the bumper sticker.


Not a huge fan of the guy, but definitely support him over Hillary. Think i'm finally convinced to vote for him over Gary Johnson, but still feeling it out.


Always down for checking out music, getting tea, or taking walks in Frick Park.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey! I'm always up for meeting people who listen to FDR. I know what you mean about wearing a MAGA hat in the city. The one time I tried it I almost lost my job because of it.


Sent you a PM about meeting.


Hey Hey. A Pittsburgher over here as well.

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Hey Hey. A Pittsburgher over here as well. I'm down to do a meet up if anyone is interested. I've been listening for 4 or 5 years now I guess. Thankfully before I had my daughter. I was sold on peaceful parenting but Stefan's videos and interviews pushed my dedication to a new level.


I laugh when I hear callers on this show and others saying they never see any Hillary signs or bumper stickers, etc. Man, it's the opposite in Pittsburgh. I feel like I'd get murdered wearing a "make america great again" hat and imagine my house would be Egged if i had a Trump sign out front, and my tires slashed if i had the bumper sticker.


Not a huge fan of the guy, but definitely support him over Hillary. Think i'm finally convinced to vote for him over Gary Johnson, but still feeling it out.


Always down for checking out music, getting tea, or taking walks in Frick Park.


Hey I'm also from Pittsburgh, born and raised.  Living out near the airport at the moment, but I'm in town quite often and would love to meet up sometime out in your neighborhood.  Frick Park is one of my favorite places to hike/run, and Biddle's escape is my favorite coffee/tea place in town; I don't get to either of those places nearly enough.


I have the next few weekends freed up, so let me know if you would like to meet up sometime (my schedule is very flexible if given a day or two notice).  Also, I keep in touch with Matt D pretty regularly, and I'm sure he would love to meet up as well.  Could be the beginning of the Pittsburgh FDR meetup group...

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