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Trump ain't the Savior

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Stef once said that to see the farm is to escape it. I think he's right about that. And yes, it IS a spell. See also:



As Pierre Beaudry said, “...the ruses of the gods of Olympus were all invented to make man impotent in order to reduce demographic growth, that is, reduce relative human population density. Of course, such ruses did not reflect creativity, because they were all based on the false underlying assumption that human beings are incapable of becoming immortals....”


Lyndon LaRouche speaks of how people need to engage in "epistemological warfare" to wrest back reality from the oligarchs who view, and successfully treat, common men as cattle. The successful revolt against Olympus, against human impotence, relies on counterspells which allow us to become Dr. Strange, and which spells must be founded, ultimately, on the proper conception of what man is.


This is, specifically, a being made in the cognitive image of God. Denial of this nature, is itself a product of spellcraft. People who think they are animals are ensorcelled. Their creative powers are bound and chained. They do not recognise universal principles or if they do those are fallacious principles. Yet it is these principles that are the gems of power, and our civilisation has storehouses full of them, lying unlocked, but the enemy wizards have placed a spell of illusion on them to make them look locked, or invisible entirely.


Help me break the spells, open the treasurehouses, distribute the gems to their rightful owners.

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God. Denial of this nature, is itself a product of spellcraft.

This is the opposite of the truth. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The religious are the ones who are under a spell. For your claim to be true, you would have to prove a deity.

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This is the opposite of the truth. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The religious are the ones who are under a spell. For your claim to be true, you would have to prove a deity.


I've already proven it, dsayers, you are merely unwilling to consider the proof.  You're caught in the web of materialism and bestial logicality, which leads to your own degradation.  You're an existentialist, really, and you have an idol like all existentialists do, you spell it N-A-P.  This is what the oligarchs want.


How will you break the spell that covers the world?  Do you want to?  If so, why?

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  • 3 weeks later...

No. Trump isn't but, Obama sure as hell was not either. it was mostly white American women that promoted Obama as 'the second coming.' What Trump is a 'stake through the heart' of political correctness,' of language policing, and victimizing groups. Crying racist, sexist or misogyny will not be enough to win arguments nor will screaming and acting like a crazy woman. We are seeing this in America right now with riots, with trashing public property, and being a sore sport. Reason and evidence will not match the level of stupidity here.


The men following this nonsense are chasing the validation of women or as Stefan would say, "men want the eggs." Women want their safe spaces, their liberal arts and women's study class along with free education. Anti Capitalism, participation ribbons, and a series of adversity to competition. Trump wins. The man is a multi billionaire. He has a model wife and absurd riches. He is now president Elect Donald J. Trump. Tears will not change this nor will false rape accusations, cries of sexist, misogyny or racism. I will admit that Trump is a bit of a bully and a bad guy but, I think we finally needed someone with a bit of balls for a change.


To end off, no, Trump is not the savior but, it is a example of self-awareness, the flowering of consciousness, and actual change from anti-establishment. People will stomp their feet, cry, sob, whimper, and whine. Its happening. Lets move on and hope it is a change for the better.

I don't think anyone has said so, but Trump ain't the savior.

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Yeah, you havent proven it at all. Nothing that you said in that post is proof of god.


There is a type, the fundamentalist materialist, who would deny any merely empirical-miraculous proof, such as burning Hebrew letters 30° in the nighttime sky, reading "I AM GOD WHO EXISTS".  It would be rationalised away by them, as a bit of underdone potato or what have you.  They are operating on a rational-logical level but not an intellectual level (Cusa).  Go through what I have written again and consider that you may be missing the point because of your idol-worship.

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There is a type, the fundamentalist materialist, who would deny any merely empirical-miraculous proof, such as burning Hebrew letters 30° in the nighttime sky, reading "I AM GOD WHO EXISTS".  It would be rationalised away by them, as a bit of underdone potato or what have you.  They are operating on a rational-logical level but not an intellectual level (Cusa).  Go through what I have written again and consider that you may be missing the point because of your idol-worship.


Doesnt matter how many times I read it, its still not proof of god.


And what idol worship are you talking about?

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