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Greetings from Norway!


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I don't know how to do an introduction so will make it short. :P


I'm a 27 year old Atheist guy from Norway. I am a a vivid gamer, a shitposter/truthposter and I like to have civilized discussions about everything from economics to human rights to religion. Other times I just enjoy ranting about sheer stupidity. Nothing's off the table. As for what fandom(s) I belong to and what other hobbies/interests I have I really don't think they are at all relevant. But if it is at all interesting, I can type'em up later on.


Some of my favorite Youtubers are Stefan Molyneux, Sargon of Akkad, Computing Forever, Paul Joseph Watson, Bearing, Chris Ray Gun and Anita Sarkeesian(Hah, almost got you there! Who'd take this insane broad seriously?).


If you have any questions feel free to ask!

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