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Hello from Stockholm

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28yr old male

Studying BS in Mechanical Engineering.

Robotics hobbyist.

FDR follower since 2 yrs.


I was born and brought up in the countryside, far away from any central government. My father was a farmer and entrepreneur, in constant battle with the local government (primarily disputes regarding activities on some of his land prior to his purchase of the land). One could say I was red pilled early, I just didn't know it. Back then it was all about hating on the social democratic party, but by experiencing the "conservative" parties I see how pointless it was. I didn't find the freedom loving community until 2014 when I tried to figure out what Keynesianism really is. I found the Mises institute by researching Hayek, and soon thereafter I finally found piece.


Being a student in Stockholm has been rather hazardous. Even though there are a lot of folks from rural areas here, it's been incredibly difficult to find people who like to hang out. There is a lot of people, especially females, who just assume you're a fascist if you express an unofficial opinion (less common in the countryside). But hey, you probably knew that already.


Looking forward to take part in discussions and make new friends.

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What do you think the future holds for Sweden?


Failed state.


There is of course several aspects, I'll list a few points. I'll start with the points I think is the most serious:


Household debt/incoming crash. Both housing market and Household debt at an all time high, while the interest rates are at a record low, recipe for disaster. 

Comment: I'm lucky I'm free from debt but instead I live like a rat. I rent a room from a mentally ill person who gets his housing through the social service. The rent is affordable though.


Businesses moving abroad/lost to foreign competitors (the cost of high taxes). This has been everyday news for many years. Big companies has been moving little by little, division by division. An example: On the continent it is many times cheaper to import Brazilian pulp rather than Swedish, since the taxes on fuel is insanely high here. Same goes for agriculture as a whole, the few brave farmers that are left really have their balls in a vice. Many times their business is in heavy debt because of expensive, fuel efficient machinery. 

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Failed state.


There is of course several aspects, I'll list a few points. I'll start with the points I think is the most serious:


Household debt/incoming crash. Both housing market and Household debt at an all time high, while the interest rates are at a record low, recipe for disaster. 

Comment: I'm lucky I'm free from debt but instead I live like a rat. I rent a room from a mentally ill person who gets his housing through the social service. The rent is affordable though.


Businesses moving abroad/lost to foreign competitors (the cost of high taxes). This has been everyday news for many years. Big companies has been moving little by little, division by division. An example: On the continent it is many times cheaper to import Brazilian pulp rather than Swedish, since the taxes on fuel is insanely high here. Same goes for agriculture as a whole, the few brave farmers that are left really have their balls in a vice. Many times their business is in heavy debt because of expensive, fuel efficient machinery. 

I didn't know about the push back against big government by companies in Sweden.


I would be more forthright and in particular unflinching in expressing your opinions, info. The aim of the regressive left is to use shame to remove opposition, leading to the fake conservative parties you mention. The people you have mentioned have probably never heard anything other that leftist positions and fed the "everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi" line. By speaking more freely, you will attract more like-minded people to yourself and be the first micro-fractures in leftists' unchallenged worldviews.


When more Swedes de-cuck themselves, like Peter Springare,  from fear of being shamed, there will probably be some considerable and rapid changes, as has happened in the US and UK. Swedes are living in a fake construct created by being decoupled from responsibilities and reality by a giant, unsustainable government and had the wool pulled over their eyes by a complicit press.


If you go out of your comfort zone and make your arguments without apology or reservation, that your opponents probably don't have any rebuttals beyond calling you names. This will chip away at their belief system.

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Tjena. Tråkigt att vi inte är fler, men det kommer väl!


From Southern Sweden here



I didn't know about the push back against big government by companies in Sweden.


I would be more forthright and in particular unflinching in expressing your opinions, info. The aim of the regressive left is to use shame to remove opposition, leading to the fake conservative parties you mention. The people you have mentioned have probably never heard anything other that leftist positions and fed the "everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi" line. By speaking more freely, you will attract more like-minded people to yourself and be the first micro-fractures in leftists' unchallenged worldviews.


When more Swedes de-cuck themselves, like Peter Springare,  from fear of being shamed, there will probably be some considerable and rapid changes, as has happened in the US and UK. Swedes are living in a fake construct created by being decoupled from responsibilities and reality by a giant, unsustainable government and had the wool pulled over their eyes by a complicit press.


If you go out of your comfort zone and make your arguments without apology or reservation, that your opponents probably don't have any rebuttals beyond calling you names. This will chip away at their belief system.


My thinking about Sweden is that it's getting closer and closer to the breaking point, when that happens shit will really hit the fan. These people that are starting to speak out could potentially stop the shit from hitting the fan that hard. I would also think it's the same story more or less in the rest of Europe. The question with this happening in Sweden would probably be either the election next year or the one after that (2022). The sooner it happens the fewer people are going to get hurt.


Regarding the EU, Sweden desperatly needs it. Not because it's some sort of nice and friendly organization but because our politicians are such retards that the EU stops most of the really retarded shit they are trying to pull.

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Regarding the EU, Sweden desperatly needs it. Not because it's some sort of nice and friendly organization but because our politicians are such retards that the EU stops most of the really retarded shit they are trying to pull.


Valid argument.

In a parallel universe, what would Sweden look like in 2017 if it didn't enter the EU? 

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Regarding the EU, Sweden desperatly needs it. Not because it's some sort of nice and friendly organization but because our politicians are such retards that the EU stops most of the really retarded shit they are trying to pull.

I didn't think of that. I guess I would prefer EU autocrats to Stefan Löfven and his cadre of denialists.


With Sweden Democrats just in the lead, hopefully it can begin to end; but it's likely them becoming the majority party would lead to a tumultuous power struggle like we are seeing with Brexit and Trump. It's become patently clear over the last 9 months that democracy and the free press were always a facade to the same agenda playing out indefinitely. Now the agenda is at risk masks have slipped as it has required guiding hands to become obtrusive. It's also clear that there will be a war against Trump and others until they are gone, but I don't think there is any chances of things going back to how they were. The system has broken and it's really heartening to see how things have changed.


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Regarding the EU, Sweden desperatly needs it. Not because it's some sort of nice and friendly organization but because our politicians are such retards that the EU stops most of the really retarded shit they are trying to pull.



He, he, I had the same attitude towards the EU when there was the vote for Austria wether to join or not :D

I really hoped that the EU would restrain those idiots here that call themselves politicians.

Lesson learned - it got worse :)




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He, he, I had the same attitude towards the EU when there was the vote for Austria wether to join or not :D

I really hoped that the EU would restrain those idiots here that call themselves politicians.

Lesson learned - it got worse :)






that is the risk you take. when you think of a swedish politician think of an ostrich, shoving it's head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away, fuck the guy who would actually talk about problems and not saying how nice everything is and how much more equal we could become

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