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Hello - What a Journey!


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Well I would like to say I have been red pilled in the last year or two, and what a strange ride it has been. Before I go into the story I suppose some backstory would be proper... If you don't want/need to backstory, skip to -The Red Pill-


My name is Garrett, I live in the amazing state of Texas, and am 31 years old. I have been very lucky be surrounded by loving family and amazing friends from an early age. I disliked public schooling growing up, but was always interested in learning. I was a pretty active kid despite my passion for video gaming. I played baseball, basketball, soccer, and spent a good deal of time running around outside with toy guns and whatnot. In my teenage years I got heavily involved in soccer, and grew even more opposed to public schooling.


Being stubborn runs in my family, so once I became a teenager it was Clash of the Titans within the family. To put it in a nutshell, my dad is pretty authoritative, and I was a rebelling stubborn teen. While I don't think the best choices were always made, I know my parents only wanted what was best. Honestly this is why I so strongly believe you can only guide people, forcing behavior doesn't work. It provoked the opposite response in me and I consider myself a rational person. Anyways I digress... 


Made to Highschool and hit a new low for disgust of public schooling. I'll just say this, my history teacher was a coach who taught us more about cow tipping than history. In fact I would even argue he taught us no history, as it was just reading the book and doing multiple choice worksheets. What makes me really angry is I passed most tests with high scores, but because I didn't do homework I ended up failing a great deal of courses. I am sorry but I have proven competency in a subject by passing the test, I shouldn't fail the course because I didn't do the busy work to gain said knowledge. I have good memory and tend to excel in math and science, so navigating a test was always fairly easy if I payed attention while in the classroom. I graduated on time due a thing called PLADO lab, where you take your classes on a computer. I wish they would of just let me do that from the start, I would of been out of Highschool in less than a year. 


I had held a job from 4th grade to 10th as a soccer referee. My father was VP of the association so that is where I had learned of it. I would wake up early Saturday and Sunday to be the line ref for the games my father was the center ref. I learned the value of money early on and highly encourage allowing your kids to earn their things. My best friend was spoiled, and he lives paycheck to paycheck on 35k take home being single. From age 16 and on I have mostly worked in the food industry. 


I tried to go straight to college but still had such a distaste for school I dropped out before the semester was over. I moved out of the house, worked full time, and drank a lot of alcohol. I don't remember the exact age, but early-mid 20's I asked my parents to return home so I could go to school full time. They shockingly allowed it, and I returned to a local community college. I knocked down 2 years on the Dean's list, and it really re-ignited my passion for learning. I had absolutely wonderful teachers, including a fantastic philosophy teacher who had read every book on earth as far as I am concerned. I sadly didn't appreciate his knowledge as much as I would now, but still loved his class. I actually wanted to stay another year to explore some fields of study, but was forced to attend a 4 year college due obtaining my Associates. Basically if I wanted to stay there I wouldn't received any federal aid. I am on my own in paying for college, and my sister graduated with 100k in loans, so I was concerned about debt. 


I got to UTA (University of Texas at Arlington) intending to major in Physics. Man....this was such a slap in the face. Most of the teachers of my major, English was not their primary language. Some of them are even difficult to understand. When you start getting into advanced math and science..... I kind of need to understand the teacher.... I have another close friend of me at the time who was working on his doctorates, and man the BS doesn't stop in the classroom. There is so much red tape involved in science, and I was so naive. I will just say on that note, science could achieve SO MUCH MORE if individuals didn't have to keep their bodies of work separate in order to apply for funding. I have personally seen so many labs in different schools, that if they were combined could probably do 100x more work, and better quality work. 


So I got really frustrated with school, dropped out a year from my Bachelors and never looked back. I did try to join the Air Force to work in some form of aerospace, but extremely long story short my recruiter wouldn't sign a waiver to let me in. I got a 95 overall on the ASVAB and was stunned they didn't want me. No, I don't have any criminal history. 


-The Red Pill-

So for the juicy part! Lets start by saying two years ago I would of voted for Bernie. I bought into his bullshit because it sounds good and I was uneducated in the realm of politics. Probably more importantly, I didn't have a big picture view of history. I actually had decent knowledge of events in history, but not great understanding of why certain things happened. 

So lets all thank the fake news, particularly the ad hominem, because it exposed me to their irrationality. I watched the debates. I watched the speeches. I watched the congressional hearings. So watching reality, and seeing what the papers were saying, I just had to get into the weeds. The end result of the research was socialism is bad, Hillary should be in prison, and the media CANNOT be trusted. I understood before that large government wasn't good, but didn't really connect the dots that socialism is the expansion of the government. Lots of misinformation out there and labels have been contorted.


Stefan you were a large step in my education, and have directed it further in other areas. Sincerely, thank you!


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