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Islam vs. Welfare-Warfare-State: Better of Two Evils?

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Note: As I typed this out I quickly realized I wasn't typing out an argument so much as a rant. Therefore I decided to post in the Self Knowledge section since I'd rather steer this into something more personally fulfilling and inspiring as I can't see this as being something worth arguing on an objective level.


I have a very simple question: Which do you, the reader of this post, prefer? Or, which is the better of two evils? Incoming Islam or existing Statism? On one hand my religion and culture will be annihilated and I will be forced into slavery if I do not convert and join the horde, on the other I will be a lifelong tax serf for the Welfare-War-State and an ungrateful 50% whom receive portions of the money looted from me. On one hand women are under a true patriarchy, which I'd say as a man is greatly preferred to the matriarchy of the Welfare-Warfare-State (which I will abbreviate as WWS for simplicity). 

Considering these factors I'm tempted to either throw up my hands and say "screw it--they both suck. I'd rather wait for the inevitable meltdown to occur and join the side most aligned with my self interest" or give preference to he Muslims since as a man I'd be better off with them than the WWS. 

Maybe I'm just salty because male slavery in the West has gotten me pissed off again, maybe I have a point in saying Islam is slightly better than the WWS, or maybe I'm completely overlooking the benefits of the WWS (like hobbies to escape reality and the ability to join the White Flight out of the ghetto)...but I know I have point in suggesting that as a man Islam is better than the WWS. 

I'm not arguing that Islam is better than the West because any idiot would know otherwise. The West is the Best. However the West had died decades ago. Now the Occident is some disgusting degenerate dystopia on the Slow Train to Nowhereland. 

Am I the only one tempted to grab a Koran and join the heathens? Am I missing something vital (like the likelihood of my decapitation by association? Which frankly isn't a big minus given how shit life is likely to be for me anyway)? 

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4 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

I have a very simple question: Which do you, the reader of this post, prefer? Or, which is the better of two evils? Incoming Islam or existing Statism? On one hand my religion and culture will be annihilated and I will be forced into slavery if I do not convert and join the horde, on the other I will be a lifelong tax serf for the Welfare-War-State and an ungrateful 50% whom receive portions of the money looted from me. On one hand women are under a true patriarchy, which I'd say as a man is greatly preferred to the matriarchy of the Welfare-Warfare-State (which I will abbreviate as WWS for simplicity). 

Considering these factors I'm tempted to either throw up my hands and say "screw it--they both suck. I'd rather wait for the inevitable meltdown to occur and join the side most aligned with my self interest" or give preference to he Muslims since as a man I'd be better off with them than the WWS. 

Maybe I'm just salty because male slavery in the West has gotten me pissed off again, maybe I have a point in saying Islam is slightly better than the WWS, or maybe I'm completely overlooking the benefits of the WWS (like hobbies to escape reality and the ability to join the White Flight out of the ghetto)...but I know I have point in suggesting that as a man Islam is better than the WWS. 

I'm not arguing that Islam is better than the West because any idiot would know otherwise. The West is the Best. However the West had died decades ago. Now the Occident is some disgusting degenerate dystopia on the Slow Train to Nowhereland. 

Am I the only one tempted to grab a Koran and join the heathens? Am I missing something vital (like the likelihood of my decapitation by association? Which frankly isn't a big minus given how shit life is likely to be for me anyway)? 

I would highly recommend you check out this video. The parallels between then and now are freaky.

Stefan has regularly said that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

In the case of white countries, Germany is a great example. The ((( Jewish Commies / globalists ))) were winning.

And then Hitler happened.

Nationalism is much more in line with the NAP than Islam (which is globalist / world domination oriented).

The current state (which is increasingly Weimar-like) is not static. We may very well have our own Hitler if Trump doesn't succeed.

Between an Islamic State and Hitler (the smaller government of the two), I'll pick Hitler any day.

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4 hours ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Note: As I typed this out I quickly realized I wasn't typing out an argument so much as a rant. Therefore I decided to post in the Self Knowledge section since I'd rather steer this into something more personally fulfilling and inspiring as I can't see this as being something worth arguing on an objective level.


I have a very simple question: Which do you, the reader of this post, prefer? Or, which is the better of two evils? Incoming Islam or existing Statism? On one hand my religion and culture will be annihilated and I will be forced into slavery if I do not convert and join the horde, on the other I will be a lifelong tax serf for the Welfare-War-State and an ungrateful 50% whom receive portions of the money looted from me. On one hand women are under a true patriarchy, which I'd say as a man is greatly preferred to the matriarchy of the Welfare-Warfare-State (which I will abbreviate as WWS for simplicity). 

Considering these factors I'm tempted to either throw up my hands and say "screw it--they both suck. I'd rather wait for the inevitable meltdown to occur and join the side most aligned with my self interest" or give preference to he Muslims since as a man I'd be better off with them than the WWS. 

Maybe I'm just salty because male slavery in the West has gotten me pissed off again, maybe I have a point in saying Islam is slightly better than the WWS, or maybe I'm completely overlooking the benefits of the WWS (like hobbies to escape reality and the ability to join the White Flight out of the ghetto)...but I know I have point in suggesting that as a man Islam is better than the WWS. 

I'm not arguing that Islam is better than the West because any idiot would know otherwise. The West is the Best. However the West had died decades ago. Now the Occident is some disgusting degenerate dystopia on the Slow Train to Nowhereland. 

Am I the only one tempted to grab a Koran and join the heathens? Am I missing something vital (like the likelihood of my decapitation by association? Which frankly isn't a big minus given how shit life is likely to be for me anyway)? 

I would highly recommend you check out this video. The parallels between then and now are freaky.

Stefan has regularly said that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

In the case of white countries, Germany is a great example. The ((( Jewish Commies / globalists ))) were winning.

And then Hitler happened.

Nationalism is much more in line with the NAP than Islam (which is globalist / world domination oriented).

The current state (which is increasingly Weimar-like) is not static. We may very well have our own Hitler if Trump doesn't succeed.

Between an Islamic State and Hitler (the smaller government of the two), I'll pick Hitler any day.

Edit: Sorry for double-post, I think I did something wrong with the first post.

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5 hours ago, Erwin said:

I would highly recommend you check out this video. The parallels between then and now are freaky.

Very interesting. Too bad he was a Socialist and not a Capitalist. Could have made all the difference in his regime's longevity.

While it's true there were good Jews like von Mises (who invented the Austrian School of Economics), Milton (or was it Martin?) Friedmen (who inspired Pinochet and was a member of the Chicago School) and Ayn Rand (not exactly a good moralist but certainly had some great points about the producer's shrugging off the looters)...Most of them were terrible and created and propagated the worst ideas to come out of Europe. Namely Communism, Socialism, and its offshoots Feminism and (ironically) National Socialism.  



5 hours ago, Erwin said:

Stefan has regularly said that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

In the case of white countries, Germany is a great example. The ((( Jewish Commies / globalists ))) were winning.

And then Hitler happened.

Nationalism is much more in line with the NAP than Islam (which is globalist / world domination oriented).

The current state (which is increasingly Weimar-like) is not static. We may very well have our own Hitler if Trump doesn't succeed.

Between an Islamic State and Hitler (the smaller government of the two), I'll pick Hitler any day.

Agreed. Very much agreed. While I criticize Hitler since his Socialism would have inevitably starved the people he may have intended to save, I still would rather take him than what we already have or Islam. I expect with Trump we'll either have a breath of fresh air or people will become disappointed enough with republicanism that our side of the isle will become more appealing and actionable. Either way the system as it stands cannot last. One of the things that make me hopeful for the future is the fact we'll inevitably overcome both the invaders and the termites. 

I intend to make sure my children are in the right place at the right time with the skills and resources they need to make it big when that time comes.

I highly encourage everyone to aim for the lofty goal of building a big and safe safely with the principles that Stefan espouses for he knows better than most how to raise a family. 

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34 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Too bad he was a Socialist and not a Capitalist.

Actually, he was quite the capitalist within Germany. He privatized many industries. He privately made pro-private-property comments, and acted upon e.g. gradual replacement of taxes with tariffs.

He even mentioned that he regretted calling his party socialist, since it was used to refer to something else by the ((( Soviets ))).

38 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Most of them were terrible and created and propagated the worst ideas to come out of Europe. Namely Communism, Socialism, and its offshoots Feminism and (ironically) National Socialism.

Oh yes. The whole spiel about transgenderism, transracialism, trans-specie, trans whatever is fundamentally based on relativism. ((( Jews ))) have historically spent long periods of time in Goyim land. Their survival mechanism has always been to preach relativism, as a means to disarm the Goyim and prevent them for advancing their own interests. Today, the Goyim can't even admit that they even have interests out of fear of being labelled racist.

"Here's the toilet paper currency you can use" - said the ((( Jew / bank )))

IMO, ((( they ))) are the same lot as the Muslims. It is a distinction without a difference. At the end of the day, they are both semites and preach very similar religions. They have very different interests from our Aryan peoples.

46 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

While I criticize Hitler since his Socialism would have inevitably starved the people he may have intended to save, I still would rather take him than what we already have or Islam.

Perhaps the wars would lead to starvation, but I think Hitler could have been glorious in his pursuits without war. In 1933, real income rose 10%. Mises must've been jealous... LOL!


51 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

One of the things that make me hopeful for the future is the fact we'll inevitably overcome both the invaders and the termites.

I think the biggest challenge is ourselves, since we receive the most resistance from our own people, not the ((( Jews ))).

The Lion of Europa must awaken, once more. 


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24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Actually, he was quite the capitalist within Germany. He privatized many industries. He privately made pro-private-property comments, and acted upon e.g. gradual replacement of taxes with tariffs.

That contradicts the "We are a Socialist movement..." quote so famously said about him. Of course given how convenient a scapegoat he is it wouldn't surprise me if was actually a lot more Right than Left than what has been said about him. 



24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

He even mentioned that he regretted calling his party socialist, since it was used to refer to something else by the ((( Soviets ))).

Which makes sense, given his enemy would sound similar in name to his own force.

24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Oh yes. The whole spiel about transgenderism, transracialism, trans-specie, trans whatever is fundamentally based on relativism. ((( Jews ))) have historically spent long periods of time in Goyim land. Their survival mechanism has always been to preach relativism, as a means to disarm the Goyim and prevent them for advancing their own interests. Today, the Goyim can't even admit that they even have interests out of fear of being labelled racist.

Hard to say how much Jews actually contributed to the modern degeneracy. While many Jews propagate it (and even live it), was only possible because of the series of events that was sparked by the newfound ability of states to print paper money and the suffrage of women, which always leads to welfare-warfare states.


24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

"Here's the toilet paper currency you can use" - said the ((( Jew / bank )))

Naturally if I were a Jew I'd do the same. After all when you're only a million out of a hundred million, you have to put yourself in a position of power in order to survive and thrive. However that does not change the problem many of them are...

24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

IMO, ((( they ))) are the same lot as the Muslims. It is a distinction without a difference. At the end of the day, they are both semites and preach very similar religions. They have very different interests from our Aryan peoples.

They are both xenophobic and have a chosen-ones complex, but Jews are much more subtle and intelligent about their survival plan. Muslims will fight you on a battlefield while Jews will invite you to dinner and make a deal with you, which can benefit you both but can also be risky...And in recent times, it has become risky. I can't say they had/have a plan and this was it, but I can say they are a very flexible people as shown by their ability to survive genocidal wars, pogroms, etc. As much as I admire their fortitude I hate how they're maintaining themselves. Unfortunately we can't cohabitate. Either they'll turn us into degenerates or we'll bake them in ovens. The best solution seems to be separation into ethnostates. 



24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Perhaps the wars would lead to starvation, but I think Hitler could have been glorious in his pursuits without war. In 1933, real income rose 10%. Mises must've been jealous... LOL!

Yeah WWII was a mistake. However I figure his party would have shared the same fate as the Communist Party of Russia since there was no clear successor to Hitler and chances were the party leadership would degenerate over time. Establishing a hereditary monarchy could have solved the issue but he had no children nor a stable family to choose successors from. As a dictator he was doomed to fail unless he either abolished the state or turned power over to a family he could trust.

As for von Mises I don't know much about him personally except that he knows money and people. Knowing money and people is why Free Market systems always trump Centrally Planned ones. The former is humble enough to admit they don't know how to run people and therefore let best among people run people through the natural selection of the market place. The latter either attempts to know people and fails or pretends to know people for their own sake and sustains a self-destructive dictatorship.


24 minutes ago, Erwin said:

I think the biggest challenge is ourselves, since we receive the most resistance from our own people, not the ((( Jews ))).

The Lion of Europa must awaken, once more. 



Very true. White people do not have any race in particular barring their way from flight as eagles but rather their own governments and their own willingness to kick the can down the road. Once we stand our ground, most likely after the storm has come,  we can and will be victorious.

Truly Hail to our Victory. So long as we work for it wisely we will have it.




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4 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

That contradicts the "We are a Socialist movement..." quote so famously said about him. Of course given how convenient a scapegoat he is it wouldn't surprise me if was actually a lot more Right than Left than what has been said about him. 

When we win an argument against ((( them ))), the response is: "well.. you know... history is written by the victors"

Seriously? ((( They ))) won WWII, didn't they? So didn't ((( they ))) write the Nazi history? 

Not to mention, the death camps were under ((( Soviet ))) control, the camp docs were burned, and the images had starving German bodies edited out of the pictures... ((( Jews ))) would never lie about the HoloHoax would they? I mean, it's not like they have a dog in this figh--- oh, wait... never mind.

19 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Hard to say how much Jews actually contributed to the modern degeneracy.

((( Their ))) theatre from 100 + years ago in Germany, is the first recorded instance of ((( them ))) challenging our norms  / leftist media influence. Atheism (despite them being jewish), adultery, faggotry, transsexualism, etc. was pervasive, and portrayed in such a way that normalized and promoted non-stigmatization of degenerate behaviors.


12 minutes ago, Siegfried von Walheim said:

Naturally if I were a Jew I'd do the same. After all when you're only a million out of a hundred million, you have to put yourself in a position of power in order to survive and thrive. However that does not change the problem many of them are...

Absolutely. I don't blame them.

Anything less, and they would probably be extinct right now. They have their interests, and they are not ashamed to show it proud. ((( Birthright Israel ))) ? 

Well, neither should we.


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12 hours ago, Erwin said:

When we win an argument against ((( them ))), the response is: "well.. you know... history is written by the victors"

Seriously? ((( They ))) won WWII, didn't they? So didn't ((( they ))) write the Nazi history? 

Not to mention, the death camps were under ((( Soviet ))) control, the camp docs were burned, and the images had starving German bodies edited out of the pictures... ((( Jews ))) would never lie about the HoloHoax would they? I mean, it's not like they have a dog in this figh--- oh, wait... never mind.

That is true. Unfortunately we'll never know the whole story. I'd guess Jews were persecuted but maybe not that badly, and the Soviets touched it up to hide and/or overshadow their own war crimes. 



12 hours ago, Erwin said:

((( Their ))) theatre from 100 + years ago in Germany, is the first recorded instance of ((( them ))) challenging our norms  / leftist media influence. Atheism (despite them being jewish), adultery, faggotry, transsexualism, etc. was pervasive, and portrayed in such a way that normalized and promoted non-stigmatization of degenerate behaviors.

Don't know enough to say. I wouldn't be surprised if the first feminist/socialist/etc. film makers created movies sympathetic to degenerates, however I'd assume it was balanced out with movies accurately portraying the pitfalls of living life as a degenerate. Namely unstable families and lifelong depression. 

Unfortunately the movie industry is large run by Leftists and therefore if we want to change that we'd have to go independent of mainstream movie making. I think if someone were to do that and do that well, they could attract a big and hungry market...

12 hours ago, Erwin said:

Absolutely. I don't blame them.

Anything less, and they would probably be extinct right now. They have their interests, and they are not ashamed to show it proud. ((( Birthright Israel ))) ? 

Well, neither should we.

Agreed. We have far more to be proud of than not. It still amuses me how blatant they are about their "right" to the west coast of Arabia and Jerusalem. Personally that doesn't bother me--let them have it. Let them turn Arabia into "Judea". Over time they'd most likely degenerate as more and more less intelligent and hybrid Jews are born and by contrast after the inevitable population drain of degenerate Whites, only top quality Whites will remain the trends will reverse.

It is almost inevitable (so long as we do what we can where can) that we will win. We are more numerous, and the better minded of us have more children, and we are equally committed to our preservation as they are.



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