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US Government Seizes Russian Bitcoin Exchange BTC-e Domain


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The US gov has seized one of the most popular crypto exchange sites "btc-e.com" I personally used it for its wide crypto selection and ability to quickly exchange cryptos. I had around 1% of my net worth on there for convenience since I do trade crypto a lot and like to take risks. Luckily from the Mt. Gox experience, I learned to store the bulk of my crypto on cold storage and never keep large amounts of crypto on these exchange sites. The US gov is also claiming Mt Gox and this website is connected. 

I have a few friends who lost a lot of their money due to this. Here is a petition if anyone here cares to sign 

I dont know how active Crypto is in this community. But the US government seems to be in full attack mode. Coinbase.com, the main US exchange site has been asked by the IRS to hand over customer data. I used to use coinbase until they asked for my ID. 

Bitcoin has also been expecting a fork soon. Overall, its pretty excited to see how this all plays out. 


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