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I'm posting this because of how impressed I am with Rucka. The discussion starts off jokingly with Rucka claiming that he's ignorant on most things, basically just a pleb. Later on it becomes way too obvious that Sargon is out of his depth when it comes to philosophy compared to Rucka. Sargon tries to wiggle out by turning the conversation to generalities but Rucka brings it back to the personal each time. When Sargon makes a statement that is a clear counter argument Rucka demolishes it easily by making him define his terms and using his own definition against him. Rucka extracts first principles, makes the argument from ethics, even tricks Sargon into making self-defeating statements. It's great. It's unexpected. The podcast ends because Sargon is literally at a loss for words.


Rucka also makes a very insightful statement I find. He comes out attacking all of these anti-SJW's saying they're no different that the SJW's. His reasoning is that before they attacked video games, these gamer-gaters (now anti-SJW's), they all were fans of The Young Turks, SJW converged gaming journalism sites, late night leftist political shows, and so on. This is I think a very important point. I afterwards recalled the conversation Sargon had with Crowder in which Sargon claimed TYT really went off the deep end but Crowder said they were always like they are now. That it's not TYT that has changed (and implicitly all other leftist outlets) but the viewer that has changed.

If it is indeed the case that the viewer's values are the ones that change, because they went from left-leaning to now right-leaning we can safely imply that the pendulum will swing the other way, from right-leaning to left-leaning. And if that is the case then we are certainly not making any progress towards a more free society, we're just running in circles. If we are indeed running on a treadmill trying to get to Anarcho-Land the end effect is us just getting tired by standing in the same place. But if we aren't actually running on a treadmill how could we even tell the difference?

Check out this video of Peter Thiel from 1996 whose rhetoric is indistinguishable from 2017 rhetoric. It's been more than two decades and we're still in the same situation. My question is basically, is this a feature of the matrix or is this a failure of society?

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