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I just had a conversation with a Muslim and I am so pissed that I'm going to share it with you guys =P. 

We all know that whites colonized most of what we consider the civilized world today. We brought education, modern medicine, electricity, water and waste management, trade, freedom, science, philosophy, truth and reason, we abolished slavery.... Whity is really cool. We should be proud of our ancestors. We didnt even conquer most of the lands we occupied. We obtained most of it through fair trade. But, as we know, the left is using academia to write an other history. A story of the evil greedy white men that enslaved everyone and starved everyone with capitalism and plotted some evil master plans with wipe out other races.

You would be surprised, but the majority of people actually believe that crap. Even people with a college degree or a university diploma believe this shit.

This Muslim I'm talking about is a pharmacist that comes from Algeria. She believes that the Armenian genocide is fake, that the whites in south Africa were horrible and that I am rewriting history every time i speak. Why am I talking to this idiot??? Good question. I dont think I should bother talking to someone who pretends everything I say is bullshit. But the shocking part is that she believes that the whites in south Africa should die. that the white genocide is a good thing. And she is not the only person I have hear saying this kind of disgusting thing this year. Most of the time, it is people from Africa or south america who believes the south African whites deserve this. This is unforgivable. What would happen if I were to say that the 500k children in Iraq that died because of the lack of electricity and drinkable water deserved to die because of the Muslim slave trade????  I think people would lose their shit. But someone can say, in front of a room full of people, that 5 millions Whites deserve to have their family raped to death in front of them before being gutted alive, and believe that they are completely virtuous. 

This Algerian girl wants to visit south Africa. I believe that once she is there, she will realize that the blacks dont give a shit if she is Muslim. That for the blacks, she is only an other white girl. And, someone who do not research what is really happening in the world and who celebrates the suffering of others, I dont believe this person deserves any empathy if shit hits the fan. 

Wow, I'm even more upset now then when I started writing this text. 

I'll just say this: We have nothing to be ashamed of our history, we do not owe anyone anything, we do not deserve the hatred of other races, we have a right to exist, to be free and the right to be happy.  The leftist establishment is causing so much harm around the world. And if shit hits the fan, we have the right to defend ourselves.

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