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Perceiving Freedom: How to convince people of the unreality of "Legalism".. how to help free people from legalistic thought patterns via Ideology

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]Metpaoltical  work...fr members here about convicne others ab Question about the community W the possibiltiy of a small mocment



ith Family members....

They tend to not be very brithg with regards to of laws....

They woudl have been basically RINOs had and his brother telling them to vote for Trump last year (I am using the term year a bit losley thoug... 1 year and three or so months ) 



A way to help people (and by this I mean only loved ones, friends, and itnitmate, not strangers) realize that the "elephant" of Law  has no clothes (white elephant, elephant in the room, emperor with no clothes... I mixd them all together apparently)

People who live their live honestly believing for because they don't know any better... .. The legalism is written too deeply into their to see the freedom

Ala the "Philosophy of Freedom",  minus all of his Insane New-Age woo Garbage. 

they are only interest in the benefit towards their own group...


Of a PSubset of Libertartianism.....

I hav ebeen trying to contact distant Friends  as well as former contacts of a certain organization, abotu the psosibiltiy.

I fear that their may make them immune to .......the others tend to be insanely liberla about many thigns, but they sense abo

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On 1/19/2018 at 6:01 AM, barn said:

Sorry man, can't read your 'cryptic' style.

What if, you ran it through 'google translator' (assuming you aren't a native English speaker.)

... I mean, you want your message to be understood, right?!


Sorry about that, Barnsely.

I was having some keyboard troubles while writing that.. I haven't been able to log back in here for a while since , I'v always been trying to run at once and kep crashing this browser.

I still have some ......

Let me rephrase it here.

My questions where about the damage of legalism to people's minds and what degrees it is possible for people to be  "de-progammed " from such views (especially if their skills are necessary to preserve)... Mostly of other people.

that they cannot do something, because "it's illegal"... when in atual fact there is no..

When it comes to a state system being center of a civilization, there is a warping of focus around

There will always be a 

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