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Greetings from Ohio!


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Hey, there! 

My name is Rosemary, I'm a seventeen-year-old high school student from Ohio who likes to spend a lot of her time reading. After a few years of overhearing, or even just sitting down and joining my father and step-mother when they watch Stefan's YouTube channel, I've become increasingly more interested in finding out more about, well, all of this. Finding out that this website existed was like the best thing I've done this month. Being a high school student in this generation, having a political opinion can be the thing that outcasts you the most from your peers, which I've discovered already. However, after reading a lot on the topic, I realize that I'm going to fit in quite well here. 

Some other things about me (To keep it interesting, I suppose):

I play the bass guitar and sing in a school choir. I spend a lot of time reading; mostly fiction, but also quite a bit of biographies and political pieces. I love talking to people, and having good, civil debates about things. If there are any other younger people here like me, or even other new-to-this-whole-thing kind of people, feel free to say hey! 



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9 minutes ago, Jot said:

Welcome to the board :)

I started getting into the show when I was 17 myself.

I am curious what fiction works interest you the most and what area/areas of philosophy are the most exciting to you?


Hi! Thanks for the welcome. I really enjoy science-fiction, historical fiction, fantasy and Gothic fiction. As for philosophy, I'm not so sure yet? (Is that the right answer haha) I mean, topics that I find myself really interested in are science and social issues, so? 

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Hi @RCBlevins

I think your profile background image is really cool.

Here, a few of the books I really enjoyed reading (some, multiple times)...

(Science fiction)

Sir Arthur C. Clarke - Childhood's End

Isaac Asimov - Foundation series

Stephen Baxter - Time

Douglas Adams - Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

Frank Herbert - Dune

Yevgeny Zamyatin - We

... let me know if you need more...


p.s. Have you seen this?


Edited by barn
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3 hours ago, barn said:

Hi @RCBlevins

I think your profile background image is really cool.

Here, a few of the books I really enjoyed reading (some, multiple times)...

(Science fiction)

Sir Arthur C. Clarke - Childhood's End

Isaac Asimov - Foundation series

Stephen Baxter - Time

Douglas Adams - Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

Frank Herbert - Dune

Yevgeny Zamyatin - We

... let me know if you need more...


p.s. Have you seen this?


Thank you for the list of literature, I recognize some titles from recommendations from my father and friends; I'll have to get around to reading them! :bunny:

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