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I am considering taking Jordan Peterson’s Self Authoring thingy. But I am unsure if it would be helpful for me. I am an engineer and my brain works a little differently. The deterant is the price, if it won’t help, the cost is an absolute loss, if it does help thenit would be worth it.

 I recently turned on the radio and heard Dennis Prager talking about how the ability to communicate clearly is indicative of an organized mind or somesuch.  And while  I often have trouble communicating clearly when it comes to things that are engineering related my memory seems better I can  hold a complex machine design in my mind and see how all the parts are interacting and what problems might arise and how to fix them just leaning back in a chair thinking without paper and pen.



There are numerous other cheaper ways to get the same thing. Peterson's suite isn't novel in its approach, it's more convenient. 'Eat that frog' by Tracy or 'Getting Things Done' by Allen are similar and can be implemented without having to buy some software.

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