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Hello from the high plains

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I'm a father of two, soon to be three, who just took into Stefan's speeches and podcasts only a few months ago and have dedicated myself to self knowledge and reason. Since listening to him I've become more AnCap and moved away from libritatrian thought processes. I hope to meet like minded people who are dedicated to reason and facts. I look forward to debating important topics and meeting new people. Thank you for accepting me into this community. Please I'll answer nearly any questions.

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I'm just starting out I'm building my first propane run forge right now. But I'm looking to do general metal work and blades.

On 3/7/2018 at 7:41 PM, MercurySunlight said:


I'm new here too. I looked up your profile and it seems we might have a few things in common.

What kind of forging do you do?


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