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Hola from Madrid, Spain


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Thanks for letting me participate. I won't have much time, but I'll try to check this out often and participate with my more or less limited english.


I'm a fan of Stefan's YT channel back from 2015 and while I don't really understand everything participants talk about, specially politics and history, I really try to learn and think about it.

About my job. I work on the visual effects industry, working on big budget movies abroad, specially USA's mega-movies (I'll talk about this in a thread soon). Then I came back to Spain for more local series that want to imitate USA's products so badly, they look terrible. I work in a very technical position as a developer. And I'm a woman. All three things make people think it's a hard time for me (that's interesting!), and they keep asking me all the time... but It's absolutely different. In fact I'm lucky. An industry with long hours, no credits on movies, bad health habits, really big problems related to schedules, politics, taxes, incentives, moving from house to house all the time and the impossibility of raising a family. An industry where at the same time as Life of Pi won the oscars for Visual Effects, people were standing outside with signs asking for respect because the same company that made it happen was in bankrupt and closed a week before (rythm & hues).

That's not my life, thankfully. Technical people had less hours at least, not like artists, and woman are valued because it's rare, somehow, and I was treated the same as other people. Somehow extreme feminists i meet seem to find that wrong and insulting, the fact that I mentioned it is great, and I got tired of having my story ignored, and tired of being asked to talk about my experience, which is absolutely boring and normal. But I kind of quit the "best" company in the world and the best job that any vfx artist could dream of. I work as a freelance, at home, and I decided to follow Stefan's advice and to live at home and try to be a mother in the near future and touch soil with bare feet. Not big movies anymore, at least for a while. I'm tired of those. I like small ideas and projects. Real projects.

About Stefan's channel, I'm sometimes hesitant to listen to some themes, but I do and try to be absolutely skeptic. Sometimes I read people disagreeing with some ideas, and I just can't understand how can people manage to do it. I think I can be influenced by words very easily when I have no idea about it. I have not much idea about history even living in Europe and Spain, just the basic education, and I don't like politics, which is a joke for me here and I ignore it as much as most of the people I know because we are tired of it... so I'm afraid of being driven to thoughts that could be wrong. I'm skeptic and try to understand before, but with my limited culture on some themes, I can't. Sometimes bad ideas with good reasoning are easy to believe, and I realized a while ago I have to be really careful about all this. Sometimes I listen to a video and think: wow, that was interesting. But I see other people's comments and I just couldn't disagree with any of the arguments. I think I can't do it.

About my life experience and intests. I'm starting my 30's, and the one thing that I really value is that I've travelled a lot and shared my culture with others. In a very different way other people does. Respectfully, and seriously. I've learned arabic, japanese, english and other languages. I lived in Syria, in USA, in Canada, in New Zealand, and travelled in separate months in north african countries, south east asia and india. Travelling too much is hurting the planet, destroying cities and cultures, the way tourists behave. But I tried to be the opposite. I was lucky to gather all that cultural knowledge since I was a teenager.

Last summer I went to Indonesia. Swam in seas full of plastic bottles, flip-flops, and one-sip-disposable-glasses. I saw village shops being sponsored by tabaco companies with a runner sweating saying "don't quit". I saw kids throwing water bottles to their only beloved river. After that shock, I started to be more aggresively interested in Ecology than ever. It's too big of an issue, but I decided to fight one-use-plastics and joined forces with other people here in Madrid to fight that my way: visually.

Some other thing that interests me is the effect social media is having in the people around me. How good and bad it can be, and how addict people is starting to be and how it's affecting social connections, behaviours and how things are starting to work the opposite way because of them. I'm concerned about it. So I've been moving out of social media slowly and trying to use it properly as a tool, not for entertainment. I love making people think and give me reasons about why they use them the way they do and in general they end up angry, I guess nobody likes to hear they are addicts.


That's more or less what interests me and why I'm here. I'm extremely entrepreneurial, and I really need to learn how to properly think and speak, I'm overwhelmed by people with great mind-muscles and I'm here to admire you and learn from you. Hopefully I can do it in this community.

Thanks Stefan and everybody

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Welcome Ludera!

I'm fairly new here also, and female.

Your line of work is fascinating to me. I've been a big fan of Ray Harryhausen's stop motion animation since I was a kid. In retrospect, special effects is a field which I would have loved to have entered at a young age. Still planning on doing some game modding. One of my stepsons is involved in CGI work. Amazing how things have progressed over the years. If I remember correctly, it was around the time of the making of Jurassic Park that there was a huge shift from stop motion and puppets, to CGI.

It sounds like you've had a chance to explore the world and I'm interested to hear about your journeys.

I'm glad you found your way here.


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On 26/3/2018 at 3:12 PM, MercurySunlight said:

Welcome Ludera!

I'm fairly new here also, and female.

Your line of work is fascinating to me. I've been a big fan of Ray Harryhausen's stop motion animation since I was a kid. In retrospect, special effects is a field which I would have loved to have entered at a young age. Still planning on doing some game modding. One of my stepsons is involved in CGI work. Amazing how things have progressed over the years. If I remember correctly, it was around the time of the making of Jurassic Park that there was a huge shift from stop motion and puppets, to CGI.

It sounds like you've had a chance to explore the world and I'm interested to hear about your journeys.

I'm glad you found your way here.


Thanks :-) 

It used to be cool and very interesting. Jurassic Park, in fact, brought me there. I watched it in school... Until you find that if you work on, for example, a big blockbuster movie, you won't be on the credits for sure, and your contribution will be so small and insignificant that you forget about watching the movies you worked at. You can't have a life, you get to work too many hours and you get tired easily of it all... You find the reality. It can be entertaining, specially if you work at a medium/small studio... but since I can't live in my own country to do it becuse there are places where they pay 50% of the movie if it is made there (that's why, for example, L.A. has lost most of its production) like this is going to explote or already has...

Just if you are interested in those issues, it's very interesting to watch this little video that everybody liked sometime ago. It's very interesting.



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On 04/17/2018 at 2:41 PM, ludera said:

Haha. Why's that?

Fishing for compliments, eh?! :P

That's all-right, it's clear as day you've been keeping busy plus the things you eluded to/did in your own account are what usually describes a small minority, in a small minority of a small minority. It's as if you've got Nike sport-trainers, not Jordans but Hermes edition on your feet. The 'wing' thingies on the heels? Swiftly, effortlessly flying, just like the wind?

Your affinity to the technical and the verbal acuity you mentioned speak of very high I.Q. , to me... to name a few things I'd picked up on. (theorised)

Alguien, a quien podrías llamar 'un/a crack' :thumbsup:, verdad?!

Let me ask you something different if you don't mind. How did you find, all the moving around have affected your groups of people you call your real friends? (As someone who have also moved around quite a lot, though nearly not as much as you... I wonder sometimes if the benefits gained really make up for the price I've paid.)

ref.  - 'swift steps'

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