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Hello from the Midwest

Mark G

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Hey My name is Mark,

At the moment I live in the Midwest.

Ive been listening to Stefan for a year and a half. 

 I film weddings & other things like music videos, short films, etc.

For the most part I cant find anyone I can debate that wont get angry and call me racist or say I am full of micro aggressions.

So if anyone is around this area hit me up.



Love all yall

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What state do you live in? How's life in the best part of America like? Are the streets clean? Are there ruined houses and apartments? Do people actually know their neighbors' names? Is there any semblance of racial or gender equality there? 

Is it remotely American?

...This is not rhetorical. I would like to know if I'm overly optimistic about the American Midwest given how terrible the East Coast is. 

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5 hours ago, S1988 said:

@Siegfried von Walheim

It varies from city to city, just like all regions in the world. I don't know my neighbor's name since I'm not very social, but maybe there are other neighborhoods that do.

Maybe. I've never left my hometown so I can't really be sure. I've heard port cities are generally trashy with similar cultures and Philadelphia is a port city... 

...But I don't know. I'd hate to spend the next 5 years working to gtfo of Pennsylvania just to end up finding out Boise or Salt Lake City are actually little different.

Personally I'm much more hermit than not, but if I actually felt safe in my own berg I might be a lot more adventurous. After all I do like interacting with interesting people, I just don't like interacting with obvious trash (you know; the guys with blazed eyes, the girls with overtly sexual getup and lots of betas around, or the groups that look less than legal). 

Obviously every city has its good and bad people, but I think the average is widely different depending on the local culture and ethic. Here's culture is basically hedonism and escapism. I'm innocent of the first but I indulge/ed in the latter quite a bit as I really don't like my surroundings.

But I am very thankful to be living in a world where I don't have to worry about going hungry, being dirty, or melting/freezing. It's not hard to "get by" and "getting by" nowadays is quite luxurious compared to the days of our ancestors. They clearly left more for us than just problems. 

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