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Yes, I have found it difficult to have debates on twitter, so I gave that up. I have been listening to Stefan for several months now. I have always been interested in philosophy, but with only so much time in life, never found it to be in a palatable form. Now that I am older, and more convinced than ever of the absolute necessity of philosophy, I am making it more of a priority. In public school years, in the eighth grade, I was introduced to some philosophy. The teacher, however, was a leftist. I didn't know what was wrong with her at the time. She must have been indoctrinated into the leftist religion in college. She said things like there is no difference between males and females. Everyone in the class had puzzled looks of disbelief. This was in 1987. The philosophy of the older generation were sayings like don't bite the hand that feeds you. Once, I told that saying to a teenager. The response was, I don't know what that means. So, I explained, Like you feed a dog and it bites you. That dog is not likely to get fed well in the future. The response to that was, Your calling me a dog! That was a wake up call for me that the younger generation is so indoctrinated with bitterness, that they can not process basic survival knowledge. Taking offence never crossed my mind when that saying was told to me. But I don't mind being compared with a dog if the situation is right for it. The single mother aspect, education, and media of the younger generation is creating an imbalance in proper k and r gene ratios. After listening to Stefan about r and k, I think that there has to be a proper ratio of those gene sets for society to exist in a more harmonious fashion. In America, people used to believe certain things. There was a general consensus of ideology, mostly about freedom. It is fine that people don't have consensus ideologies anymore, but even discussion is out of the question. I feel like I am in the middle of a war where my fellow soldiers for American values are too busy to pay attention to the battle all around. They are worried about the football game, or just unable to pay attention to what is going on. There are people I personally know who still vote democrat that have no idea about the grenade of socialism rolling around at our feet. There are people who won't vote so they don't have to be called for jury duty if it ever comes up. Trump changed a lot of that. I hope I can as well. 

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