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Second time Hello!


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I have been away from Freedomainradio for a few years and I’m back! Not quite sure why yet.

Choosing to stop listening to and contributing to Freedomainradio several years ago was an important step in my personal journey to become more authentic, autonomous and free, and I have developed my emotional and mental life, as well as understanding of myself and the world to the point that I want to hear more from Stefan again, and feel this show and this community can contribute a lot to deepen my understanding further. I owe my thanks to the people in this community who encouraged me to go to therapy several years ago, and now I am in the process of becoming a therapist myself. I want to be the best therapist I can possibly be, and I am certain I can be a good one, and I feel I can be an even better one by listening to this show, and engaging in the arguments, whether on my own or in this community. 

I have been listening to some of the recent call in shows and the discussions are incredibly interesting. Everyone I’ve heard calling in to the show so far have been incredibly articulate, honest and vulnerable, and humble in the best possible way. I realise how much I have missed these important and exciting conversations and I am grateful to all. Something about the tone of the conversations feels different compared to a few years back...Stefan seems more confident, knowledgeable as ever, and more empathetic towards the callers. Of course...it could just be me who’s different. I agree with what Stefan says about the state and the non-aggression principle, and living a principled, peaceful life. I both agree and disagree with a lot of his interpretations when it comes to men and women, gender differences and relations. This is where I hope to gain most clarity when it comes to my own thinking and I am certain the shows will help me do that.

It would be great to hear from people who remember me from this community a few years back. If you do, please say hello! And I look forward to exploring the site again.

Thanks for reading,


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