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corpus mentium

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corpus mentium last won the day on May 3 2016

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  1. I have a hard time visualizing what you are talking about. Do you have a YouTube channel that you can share with me so that I can see what you are talking about?
  2. Computing Forever made a video recently about a new platform in the works. I'm not sure if it's been officially unveiled yet.
  3. As someone who has considered employing others, I haven't worried too much about taxes but the regulatory hoops I would have to jump through just to give ONE person a job have given me pause.
  4. I guess this is one way to be more inclusive... Also, if you call it genital alteration, then that means it's not as bad. Sigh. http://reason.com/blog/2016/02/25/female-genital-alteration-legality
  5. Absolutely fucking abhorrent behavior from this woman. So much so that even the majority of the comments are in favor of protecting the baby, which is not something I tend to see when children are being assaulted by their caregivers. The video was posted almost a year ago. Maybe it's already been discussed here. I am not sure of the language spoken, but there are some Arabic looking scribblings on a piece of cardboard on the ground. Might anyone know how pervasive this behavior is in that part of the world? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1f3_1426055818
  6. I don't think the point is to talk just to the author of the video, but rather the 700k+ potential viewers of it.
  7. I wonder if Stefan might be interested in discussing this video: I just found the channel today and so I don't know much about it. I think it has a big enough subscriber base that this video might be worth tackling.
  8. The 18,000 number appears to have something to do with detentions. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/06/04/calais-crackdown-more-than-18000-migrants-caught-in-illegal-attempts-to-enter-uk-in-2014/ http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article4458919.ece
  9. Apparently, this story (the Daily Mail version) is being censored from the Swedish public... http://breaking_daily_mail_censors_story_about_swedish_woman As well as this one: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3422605/The-town-destroyed-migration-week-murder-beautiful-young-social-worker-sent-shockwaves-Europe-MailOnline-shines-spotlight-Molndal.html https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/693175076254908416
  10. I speak Czech, but I'm not a native speaker. Statečný means brave, courageous, valiant, etc. and I think it comes from the word statek which is like estate, homestead, farmstead, etc. Stát is the modern word for state. I tried to search for the etymology of these words and had a hard time finding a good website.
  11. http://watchdog.org/254518/new-jersey-snow-shoveling-ban/ But if there is no storm predicted to hit within 24 hours, one would still need a license to shovel snow for money.
  12. I did the time stamps as well as another person here in early 2014. IIRC there was an RTR YouTube video that hasn't been made public and it was in one of the premium forums. I tried searching my posting history, but it looks like my posts in those forums don't show up to me anymore since my donation status has expired.
  13. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/17/poor-hurt-walmart-closes-la-stores-over-15-minimum-wage/
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