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  1. Today I'm bringing new life to this thread. Reason being is that today is the day of the election of the church assembly. Wouldn't you believe the church would be a place out of politics? Not in Sweden. There is a fork in the road, two paths to choose from. If you listen well you hear that this election is between the Social Democratic party, and the Swedish Democrats. I'm gonna give a short summary of their programs. But first, please read the following article from the state sponsored propaganda channel: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2054&artikel=6778122 Fist lets unpack the program from the Swedish Democrats: In short: Let the church be the church, let it be a place apart from party politics. Let the church be a place for Christians. http://kyrkoval.sd.se And now, on to the Social Democrats: http://sisvenskakyrkan.se/kyrkopolitiskt-program/ To get their concrete ideas you have to read extremely carefully. It's written in a way a post-modern politician would speak. Here I present a short condensed version: 1. Continue on the current path. The social democrats have big plans for the church and wants to use it in the society that the social democrats wants to build. 2. An open and welcoming ”peoples-church”. A church should be a place for everyone, no matter what you believe in. The Swedish church should offer services rich in variety. An open church should stimulate and defend the ”intercourse” between beliefs – the ecumenical work that lets the Swedish church find it’s own path. (I couldn't find a proper translation of this paragraph). All activity should have an including perspective – We want the church to be open to everyone no matter their beliefs, everyone should feel welcomed and important. 3. The church should stand up for the equal value and rights of all people, everyones right to ethnicity, sexual and religious identity. In times where populism and extremism is in the rise in our society, it is important with a church that does not pit people against each other. The church must fight against islamophobia and antisemitism and in this fight the church should be a raw model. Alright, this is half of their program condensed. The rest continues in the same pattern with HBTQ, anti-racism, let the immigrants in, how the church should only use electricity that is environmentally labeled, and of course fair trade products. There is one more thing from their program I would like to cast some light on, and I believe it is relevant to this thread: The church should be relevant in tradition and renewal. Traditions must be combined with renewal in order to be preserved and to be relevant. Gott mit uns
  2. In this scenario family would matter a lot, don't you think? You would have to think about what Frederic Bastiat wrote back in the 19th century (the broken window fallacy), what will people do with all the time they have, that they don't have to waste on chores that automation can do a lot more effectively? How can we know now? Assuming were not going for a totalitarian global government, but for freedom, here are some of my speculations regarding how people will provide for themselves (and their families): Private schools (and homeschooling). Craftsmanship (providing premium crafts, such as furniture etc. for trade. Fine arts. To provide any service we don't know of yet. Wouldn't it be great if all mundane professions was to be automated?
  3. I've read through your thread. Would you like to give us all an update? Did you find a therapist? Care to share?
  4. Valid argument. In a parallel universe, what would Sweden look like in 2017 if it didn't enter the EU?
  5. Tjena. Tråkigt att vi inte är fler, men det kommer väl!
  6. Failed state. There is of course several aspects, I'll list a few points. I'll start with the points I think is the most serious: Household debt/incoming crash. Both housing market and Household debt at an all time high, while the interest rates are at a record low, recipe for disaster. Comment: I'm lucky I'm free from debt but instead I live like a rat. I rent a room from a mentally ill person who gets his housing through the social service. The rent is affordable though. Businesses moving abroad/lost to foreign competitors (the cost of high taxes). This has been everyday news for many years. Big companies has been moving little by little, division by division. An example: On the continent it is many times cheaper to import Brazilian pulp rather than Swedish, since the taxes on fuel is insanely high here. Same goes for agriculture as a whole, the few brave farmers that are left really have their balls in a vice. Many times their business is in heavy debt because of expensive, fuel efficient machinery.
  7. For me, reflection on the topic has been helpful when the amount of detail has been low. Works good when it comes to remembering concepts. What I do is that whenever something has been presented in it's whole (say for example NAP), I stop reading and reflect on the matter. I try to identify what I think about it, and how I think another person might conceive what I just read. Some times, when I study for a test, I try to summarize the concept in as few words as possible and I write it down for future use. I hope this could come to use for someone.
  8. 28yr old male Studying BS in Mechanical Engineering. Robotics hobbyist. FDR follower since 2 yrs. I was born and brought up in the countryside, far away from any central government. My father was a farmer and entrepreneur, in constant battle with the local government (primarily disputes regarding activities on some of his land prior to his purchase of the land). One could say I was red pilled early, I just didn't know it. Back then it was all about hating on the social democratic party, but by experiencing the "conservative" parties I see how pointless it was. I didn't find the freedom loving community until 2014 when I tried to figure out what Keynesianism really is. I found the Mises institute by researching Hayek, and soon thereafter I finally found piece. Being a student in Stockholm has been rather hazardous. Even though there are a lot of folks from rural areas here, it's been incredibly difficult to find people who like to hang out. There is a lot of people, especially females, who just assume you're a fascist if you express an unofficial opinion (less common in the countryside). But hey, you probably knew that already. Looking forward to take part in discussions and make new friends.
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