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Everything posted by NotDarkYet

  1. Here's a new track (also based on iterated looping) The visuals aren't so important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdahCVfABCw&t=9m36s
  2. 1) Programming 2) Realized that some people aren't worthy of my anxiety
  3. To the rational, this knowledge is just another tool of persuasion - - like being nice, or not looking like a bum. It's not a logical argument in and of itself - only a tool for those wishing to push for freedom and truth. And certainly if our enemies know this, we should too.
  4. If somebody agrees with you, haven't you won the argument? The ACTUAL truth an an argument, I suppose you're right, isn't up to either one of you.
  5. http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-win-an-argument-2015-10?ref=yfp It seems that appealing to a neurological explanation for some behavior is a check-mate in most arguments. Interesting.
  6. Awesome quotes! Thank you! Great timing too: I just watched this youtube video about video games (a PBS production), and the host OPENS the video with a jab at men's right activists. FOR NO REASON? Why?!
  7. My best friend just told his wife that he cheated on her 17 years ago. She just filed for divorce and is taking the kids. Honesty is for those you trust with your truth.
  8. Austin here too! Yuanqufucious, I haven't heard back from you about the offer to meet up.
  9. Do you lock your doors? If yes, why? If not, why not.... and what's your address?
  10. Here's a funny (but serious) little loop-based project I'm working on: https://funguysfromspace.bandcamp.com/album/the-official-soundtrack-to-the-opposite-of-911 https://funguysfromspace.bandcamp.com/album/beethovens-filth My friend did an awesome remix of the above: https://funguysfromspace.bandcamp.com/album/ataque-de-la-planeta-jungla https://funguysfromspace.bandcamp.com/album/the-lost-childrens-choir You might find the album covers funny too: https://funguysfromspace.bandcamp.com/music Although half of them don't have music associated with them yet. Believe it or not, all the music you hear was recorded in one take (per song), no planning, no overdubs. This is the beauty of this project. Don't donate! I don't have a finished product yet. These are just sketches in my sandbox. And a music video I did with 2 projectors and a webcam. No digital effects - all captured live. Very much in the spirit of the music!
  11. How much does productivity increase with alcohol? At my office we have a weekly happy hour. People do a lot of brainstorming during that time.
  12. You sound somewhat manic at the moment. Are you having panic attacks? In University I suffered from panic attacks. Managing anxiety is very doable, and becomes second nature eventually, but nothing will fix it overnight. Your best bet in the short run would be to do some guided relaxation meditation videos on youtube. You'll feel a lot better once you learn how to breath.
  13. 100% noticed this too. At my funeral, the eulogy would depend on which area this person knew me in. All of the following would be accurate, depending on the perspective: - Aggressive - Passive - Hyper-Intellectual - Hyper-down-to-Earth - Too Selfish - Too giving - Liberal - Conservative - Insanely-hard working - Insanely disinterested in work - Hyper sexual - Uninterested in sex etc....
  14. For somebody experiencing pain now, that now is everything. The fact that they they will die someday doesn't mean we are OK with inflicting pain. Would you agree with that?
  15. I have something to say about that: 1) The only person who reached out to a real flesh and blood person to inflict real negative feelings was you. My despair-yelled-into-the-void touched nobody, and was directed at nobody in particular. That isn't "active aggression". 2) If you are allowed the benefit of a doubt of sarcasm/exaggeration in their writing - then why aren't I? Clearly, a member of FDR (since 2007) isn't really hoping for actual chaos. I had a bad couple nights. I was pissed, clearly. 3) The ultimate bummer though was - the first reply to my post (about having negative social interactions) was - - boom - - a negative social interaction - the problem I was lamenting on. It was like going in for a hug and getting a kick to the nuts.
  16. So we ought to all believe there are no oughts to believe in?
  17. Sure, it's not violence. But are you indifferent to all acts that aren't violence? Convincing somebody to go die, and to go kill - -pretty sure we can't call this ok, right?
  18. Is your declaration true, objectively? Or is this your opinion.
  19. UPB is, in fact, a framework for evaluating the validity of moral statements. The validity of UPB itself is not in jeopardy because you take issue with any specific example (body control vs body ownership, or the gravity example). You can go ahead and reject either of those as valid examples, but it doesn't mean we can make valid arguments for the universal goodness of theft and violence. UPB stands, regardless of how we snip along the edges.
  20. You nailed it. It was downtown. Seems most of those negative things have happened near 6th street. In fact, last night Shia Labeouf was arrested for public drunkeness. http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/10/entertainment/shia-labeouf-arrested/ So even the rich aren't immune experiencing a crappy night out. I wish it was like water off a ducks back, but I have tendency to bottle up my hatreds and remember them and act as a Karma Policeman. But that is draining. And clearly not helping anybody, including myself. To Will Torbald: You've made some valid points. There are definitely worse places on the planet than 21st century Texas. Of course. I should appreciate that. Also, yes, I am flawed person, guilty of some of the characteristics I've accused others of having. Maybe some of my Karma Police attitude has resulted in the very behavior I'm criticizing.
  21. Glee? I shared with you a moment of weakness. And shared how I was sad to admit that I, for a moment, entertained that emotion. Are you so strong that you've never thought "these statists and warmongers can reap what they sow". ? If no, then yes, clearly you're a better man. Although, you'd think a better man would come at a misguided person such as myself with a bit more of your the compassion you claim to have for the statists.
  22. Well. No. I'm obviously not perfect. I'm seeing an awful lot of fighting going on at these places. A lot of jerkyness, aggression and overall cruelty and violent tendencies. But you could be right. Could be me. But when somebody says "stand in line faggot" to me...I totally have a right to feel anger.
  23. ...is a regrettable thought I have from time to time. Does anybody else get like that? I moved from Asia recently, (I was there since 2005) to Austin TX. Now that I'm back, half the time I go out , I have a horrible time - near-fights, jerk-bag comments, passive aggressive douche bags, horrible conversationalists, people with no curiosity, sarcastic hipsters, etc..... I think of myself as a very open and friendly guy, but this negative social night-out is not uncommon. I'm writing this because I just came back from a show, and sure enough, some people voiced some fightin' words, looking to start an altercation with my friend, the gentlest guy. ......I'm feeling angry at the moment. The most horrible result is that tonight I have the following feeling....I half hope this country devolves into chao and these disgusting animals deserve what they get. I'm starting to look at the bad news as good news. Serves em' RIGHT. Sad that I feel this way today.
  24. Highly intelligent/motivated people will be immensely hindered at every pass....so improvements in quality of life will slow, or go backwards.
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