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Everything posted by NotDarkYet

  1. This virus has poisoned my workplace too. It's INSANE. It's like 1984 double-speak...and nobody questions it.
  2. Imagine a debate between... 1. The you of 10 years ago 2. The you of now 3. The you of 10 years from now How do they treat each other? Does anybody feel bullied? Do they all need to get the last word?
  3. All of that is nitpicking relative to the huge elephant in the room here. Namely: Is God real? Is Jesus the "son" of God? How can you know any of this?
  4. Strawman: ...."anti-voting and anti-activism" One can be a powerful activist and not vote.
  5. Regarding the leftist suggestion: Speaking personally: I've had a thousand lifetimes worth of leftist propaganda. I'm full up. It dominates TV, radio, podcasts, internet news.... I'm not sure we're in dire need of somebody to explain what the left thinks
  6. I would not put my money on a 'collapse'. I'd put my money on increasing burden for working people, less ability to save, longer working hours, more expensive government, growing parasite class - - - generation after generation after generation.
  7. I love the idea. Browsing the pdf...you used the term "somewhat objective" in the paper. Isn't that a contradiction?
  8. I have a problem: I've been playing with this musician for about 2 months (short amount of time!). There were a number of red flags that (should have) bothered from at the beginning. - He has a daughter he's not allowed to see (he's 33 years old) - Would get so drunk that I worried about the safety of my house (he opened a window in a rainstorm and left it there in middle of the night) - Stole pain medication (my girlfriends) from the house. (apologized profusely later) - Intensely interested in music, yet has never written a single song. - Very critical of past bandmates ( a big big red flag for me, usually) - Claims to have nearly died in a drug overdose Stupidly, I was hoping that everything would just "work out" with our partnership. Well. I sent a message to the band (+him) giving some critiques of our last jam recording. Normal stuff, I've been doing this for a decade. Most of the critiques this time around his tom drum EQ and vocal effects. He flipped out, sending everybody an aggressively rude email implying that I was out to get him basically, and I just don't care...it was very aggressive. After that he's not replying to my emails trying apologize (for what, I'm not sure), or to my phone calls. I KNOW I'm not in the wrong. But why do I feel so bad? It bothers me that he doesn't reply. I feel like a stronger/better person would say "good riddance". But I seem to have a problem letting go.
  9. Why is the burden of proof on we those who believe: 1. Morality isn't an opinion 2. Violence isn't the way to solve non-violent problems. ?
  10. In debates I find myself unable to remember exact statistics. I'd like to challenge myself to MEMORIZE 10 libertarian/Mens-rights/RK-Theory/Anti-State stats. What do you think are the best statistical facts to utilize in debates for freedom? Wow. I think narrowing it down to 10 is too modest. Maybe 100 is more appropriate. I'm finding a dozen just about guns: Source: http://americangunfacts.com/ ------- 1) Every year, guns are used over 80x more often to protect a life than to take one 2) 200,000 TIMES A YEAR WOMEN USE A GUN TO DEFEND AGAINST SEXUAL ABUSE. 3) Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally 3) Nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not in general. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate 3x that of the 9 European nations with the highest gun ownership rate. 4) In UK: In the decade following the Labor party's election and banning of handguns in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77% to 1.2 million in '07- or more than 2 attacks every minute. 5) Kitchen knives are being used in as many as half of all stabbings in the United Kingdom and has prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on long pointed kitchen knives. 6) With just one exception, every public mass shooting in the USA since 1950 has taken place where citizens are banned from carrying guns. Despite strict gun regulations, Europe has had 3 of the worst 6 school shootings. 7) In 1982, Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to just 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole. Today, the violent crime rate in Kennesaw is still 85% lower than Georgia's or the national average.
  11. +1 Practical Anarchy not being on YouTube is a bummer. I'd love to send various chapters of PA via hyperlink on as-needed basis.
  12. Q: How tasty should a pizza be? Q: Where, exactly, is the right flavor point? --- A: Enter, the Market. A: You choose your flavor point.
  13. Are you here to say hello, or do you want to debate philosophy? If the former, then, hello. Welcome to the boards. If the latter, then please present an argument
  14. The Left and Media are the biggest threats to liberty in the West. They control the narrative. Republicans are neutered.
  15. Government power will increase. Straight white males get put down yet another notch. Women become more 'empowered'. The spirit of boys will continues to be denigrated. The economy will slow. The popularity of freedom will decrease. Propaganda from the left will become even more popular. Similar to each and every year I've been alive.
  16. Don't forget we also need unique labels for people who don't believe in: 1. Aardvark-ghosts 2. Bat-ghosts 3. Cat-ghosts 4. Dog-ghosts 5. Elephant-ghosts 6.... 7. 8. .... To infinity!!! How about just saying " I believe in reason and evidence".
  17. Absolutely, that' true. But wouldn't it be more efficient to share youtube links with people as opposed to everybody individually downloading the (9 hour?) file. That's the magic of web hosting. Ultimately I'm curious why it's not up there.
  18. I can't find Practical Anarchy on Youtube. I'd love to be able to send that to people via youtube because youtube... 1. Has playback speed control 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 2x. 2. Remembers where you left off. A long book like that can't be heard in a single sitting - iTunes doesn't remember where you left off.
  19. I had a girlfriend who, over the course of a 12 month relationship, never once asked me what it was like spending 10 years living in Asia. I realized this when a documentary came on Netflix about Shanghai, and I remember being so excited that I recognized so many of those places, and I thought "this is a great opportunity to share part of my life with her! - - - she wanted to watch ANYTHING else. We had to change it. She was a big time feminist. Tats. Makeup. Good riddance.
  20. Red flags for me.... 1. Self-identifies as a 'feminist' 2. Interested in tatoos 3. Self-identifies as 'spiritual' 4. Aggressively colored hair 5. Is extremely pretty 6. Has very little savings
  21. Everybody is a capitalist, whether they know it or not.
  22. Neoconservatism isn't a philosophical position. It's a grab-bag of subjective preferences to be enforced at point of a gun.
  23. Go to the free book Practical Anarchy. There is a section there. The argument, as I recall is something like. 1. You'd have to employ thousands of people. This would be the same as advertizing your intentions. 2. The training of people for warlike purposes would be insanely expensive, and further announce your intentions to your surrounding communities. 3. DROs would drop you and anbody you employ, because obviously you intend to steal and/or harm others. 4. You'd be throwing away money. If you invested that in the free market you'd get a 6-10% return. War, what do you really get? .... 5. What are you going to do with all these extra cars, houses? 6. The world at large will cut you out of economic interactions. You will be a clear outcast from society. All for what? The only way aggressive war becomes possible is when you can OFFLOAD THE COSTS to taxpayers. If your friend is concerned about violence, they should then be an anarchist.
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