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Everything posted by cynicist

  1. There is a lot embedded in there. First of all what Stefan is talking about is ownership of your body, but that's not the only type of ownership that exists; It's simply where the concept of property originates from. Responsibility is a form of ownership in regards to your actions that doesn't necessarily mean direct control. For example, if you try to rob a convenience store and the owner attempts to defend himself with a gun, but kills an innocent bystander by accident, you would be held responsible for his death since you set in motion the events that led to it. (even though you didn't shoot the person directly) Now for the second part, government is a fictional entity so it can't own or control anything, but I'm assuming you know that and are just using this language out of convenience since that's how most people talk about it. Those who claim to be a part of the government claim to own/control everything, since they reserve the right to take it at will through force. That's theft, which is the taking of another's property, and not a legitimate form of ownership. (it is an ought-claim like you mentioned) This is my first time hearing of him, but I can see why he's not popular here. He makes a lot of mistakes in that video by not looking at the context of the conversation. Stefan was not giving a detailed explanation of all forms of ownership, he was just talking about ownership of the body. (where anything besides direct control wouldn't make sense)
  2. Well what you are saying is true if you think sex is the only difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship. I think the difference in intimacy is not just physical. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but with a partner your lives are intertwined in a way that a friendship is not. Sex and children have a lot to do with it but it's also seeing each other every day and sharing all your dreams/hopes/fears. (which might be overwhelming with a friend, or confusing for a female friend when it's coming from a man ) Why jump to this conclusion? The feeling that young children have towards their parents would be more accurately described as attachment, and by the time we can feel love most of us have already been too traumatized to feel that way about our caregivers... unrequited love is certainly not how I would describe what I felt as a child towards my mother. (in fact I can say I've never felt that way about anyone I've met in my personal life so far) Maybe Kevin feels differently.
  3. Obligatory means required or mandated, as in not optional. So if there is a possibility to do otherwise than it's not obligatory. Oh that's not true at all. Moral obligation is only binding on you if you want to be good. Morality applies to anyone regardless of what they want, but moral obligation is something that only occurs for people who have being good as a goal, who have a conscience in other words. That's why people without a conscience are so dangerous: moral obligation means nothing to them.
  4. Wait but now your statement is confusing to me. What does this mean then? Since saying that morality is optional and not obligatory are the same thing.
  5. I never said moral obligations are optional. I said that morality itself is not obligatory.
  6. You should read UPB again in that case. From page 43,
  7. The availability affects how bad I feel not because of how I feel about myself, but how the woman feels about me. In other words I can still feel good about myself and my qualities, it's just that she either doesn't see them or doesn't agree, and that's the hurtful part. (and she could be right, in that her standards could be different from mine, the point is that if it's not something that I can see and improve on then there's no hope of a relationship and a friendship is going to be awkward from then on due to that knowledge) I want to be clear here, we're all deficient. (I fall short of my own standards) I'm talking about when that deficiency prevents a romantic relationship or friendship from being a possibility in the eyes of the other person. Personally, it sounds masochistic to try and continue from there. I'd rather just find relationships where mutual respect/value is possible. You know what I thought of when you brought that up? Stalker. I don't think it's healthy to be interested in someone that isn't also interested in me to the same degree. If we both want to be friends, great. If we both want to be lovers, awesome. If one of us wants one thing and the other wants something else, I just see problems. (I could be completely wrong, this isn't science or anything, I'm just thinking out loud here)
  8. I just glanced at it and even they admit no significant correlations, but that's not important. What's important is that they haven't defined what they are testing for, and without that their tests cannot be valid proof of anything.
  9. Edit: Actually, forget it. When you feel uneasy about responding to a thread, it's generally your unconscious understanding things before you do, next time I'll be sure to listen sooner.
  10. Lol, you just click them. Sorry, the first time I posted them they got mangled so I had to input the html manually, they work fine now. (unquote my post if you don't mind, your quote contains all the broken links)
  11. Here are the magnet links for all the podcasts. My favorite thing about torrents is being able to start a download by clicking a simple uri I'm seeding all of them at the moment (up to 22, not sure if there are any more) Given that adding torrents is as simple as linking to a webpage, I'm assuming it was overlooked or that having to install a torrent client was deemed to be asking too much of our less technical members. I think it's possible to explain how it works in a simple and friendly way, and as a bonus you get the satisfaction of being able to share with other FDR members directly and help the site on bandwidth costs! However, it's easy enough to assemble them into torrents and share links that if it's not on any official page a thread could be created for that purpose. Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 0Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 1Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 2Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 3Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 4Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 5Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 6Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 7Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 8Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 9Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 10Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 11Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 12Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 13Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 14Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 15Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 16Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 17Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 18Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 19Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 20Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 21Freedomain Radio Podcast Torrent 22
  12. Ok I just asked him a question about this on the 29th, and he does a video on it on the 1st... coincidence? I think not! Thanks for the link
  13. Edit: This is where I probably should have explained that 'likening' and 'comparing' mean the same thing, but I assumed people wouldn't think I meant that drinking caffeine and ending your life are identical...
  14. Edit: Should have realized that replying to posts after being accused of emotional bias is not a good idea, lesson learned.
  15. That page itself is great, the only concern I have is over the disappearance of the torrent links for those that want a way to grab all the podcasts without creating a huge burden on the server or having to use itunes. Did you guys decide they weren't used enough to warrant being listed?
  16. No they have not. There is zero evidence that what they are studying has anything to do with a 'global consciousness'. Seems to me like they are mistaking a construct within our minds for something external, and until they can clearly define what a 'global consciousness' is, much less provide any evidence of its existence, that project is just going to be a giant waste of resources.
  17. Edit: Changed my mind about participating here
  18. Oh no I loved the character despite some of his craziness, because he seemed to genuinely have a good heart and want to do the right thing even if it was hard.
  19. Edit: Note to self, be pickier about what threads you participate in
  20. cynicist

    Good vs. Evil

    I don't know if you are aware of this but you are essentially arguing Plato's Theory of Forms, which has some serious logical problems. See Stefan's Introduction to Philosophy series and you will get a better understanding of why this argument is problematic.
  21. Edit: Arguing about someone else's family? Probably not the best idea ever.
  22. cynicist

    Good vs. Evil

    Wait, so we are unable to conceive truth?
  23. Edit: Ingesting caffeine and killing yourself, same principle I suppose.
  24. I doubt it. If you had a deep, meaningful romantic relationship, why would you want to share? (it's not like you can be give equal attention to multiple partners)
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