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Everything posted by cynicist

  1. You didn't avoid learning to use creative tools when you became interested in graphic design. The motivation for that comes from your desire, so what do you want to do next?
  2. I think if you practiced and had a gallery of work that you could show to prospective clients, that would mean a hell of a lot more than a degree, but it depends more on whether you want to freelance or join an already existing company. (where they will want to weed out applicants using the college degree system) If you want to become a logo designer, why not offer to make some logos for free for application developers on platforms like Android? It would be impressive to see your work actually being used on a website or application somewhere in the wild, and not charging for the first few is a good way to make that happen. Afterwards you can point to them as evidence of your ability and begin charging new clients. Obviously you can also dip your toes into the industry through acquiring a degree and being hired by some professional design firm, but that takes more time and investment and has a similar guarantee (none) of success. It's up to you what is a better path, just for the love of god don't listen to your parents. I can say this from experience, if you are going to college because of your parent's expectations, you will struggle and likely fail. Even if you do succeed you will hate yourself the entire time for succumbing to their pressure. Feeling shamed by them is a thousand times better than the misery you will go through if you stick to their commandments as a guide for living your life.
  3. Sweet guitar solo that I can't believe I'm only hearing just now.... Damnit this guy is good, here he is on an electric guitar.
  4. From Wikipedia: If you want to come up with names to classify people based on small differences in facial features or skin tones go right ahead, but I think culture and diet are far more real differences. The characteristics that define race are completely meaningless. Yes I see that asians are on average shorter, or that the majority of people on the african continent have dark skin tones, does that have any impact on how I treat them? Then what is the purpose of categorizing these small differences?
  5. Thanks! I thought it would be funny. OP's post basically amounts to, "Change is scary, can we do less of it guys, please?" You say that as if it were possible. It is going to take generations for these ideas to simply take root in people's minds, much less get to the point where the majority are actively pushing for it. Advocating Minarchism is the same as asking to never achieve freedom in society. If you don't think that is the case I'd recommend looking at Stefan's book, Everyday Anarchy, and his video series, Why Libertarianism Fails.
  6. Fun and relaxing chillstep remix
  7. No that's fine, I really like having those two approaches. The first one was along the lines of what I was thinking but the second, looking at what my parents actions from the eyes of my younger self with the knowledge and awareness that I have now, that's something I didn't think of. Thank you! I'm sorry to hear your SO went through something similar. I know how surreal it can be... it's good that he has someone as self-aware as you to clarify things.
  8. I'm hesitant to get involved when a parent 'disciplines' their child for 'misbehaving' even though I hate seeing it (still working on my courage there), but if I saw someone do that to a child for being afraid... well I'm glad I haven't because I'm not sure my response would be helpful. Let me ask you, did you have any trouble recalling these memories? I can imagine how the one you mentioned would be difficult to forget, and I have several that were like that, but a lot of what I went through was neglect. Most of my history as a child is a blend of monotonous moments, just being herded from one place to the next like a farm animal with no consideration for my preference. So outside of a few outrageous moments it's hard to point to specific negative events, the absence of positive ones is more noticeable. It makes things more confusing, but maybe the 'lack of positives' is a thing I can empathize with as well...
  9. Logically that fails though. If you say the only thing that we know (i.e. with 100% certainty) is that claims outside of the world can't be 100% proven, well that itself is a claim about the outside world, which makes the statement self-detonating.
  10. But that would be to say that someone in a coercive situation (like a soldier who would be shot for refusing an order) is exactly the same morally as someone who enjoys killing and does it freely (some kind of psychopathic monster). Do you think the circumstances of a murder are completely irrelevant? Personally I think morality requires free choice, so someone being forced to do something should be treated differently. The same applies to survival scenarios because a choice between life and death is not really a choice for someone who desires life. (which presumably would be everyone who goes on living rather than killing themselves)
  11. Well no, if you say that we can't know anything, that's self-contradictory. You are making a knowledge claim, that we can't know anything, that truth is subjective. It can't be 'true' since truth is an objective standard. I know that may be confusing but it's important to be precise here, since the whole purpose of this board is exploring the truth and so being active here when you don't believe truth exists doesn't make a whole lot of sense lol. Even saying 'I don't exist' doesn't make a lot of sense, because what does the 'I' in that statement refer to then? If this is just the first time you've ever heard these ideas you may want to check out Stefan's Introduction to Philosophy series. He does an excellent job of providing the foundational ideas surrounding philosophy, it's the best primer that I've ever seen anyway. (It's a very good antidote to the becoming crazy thing )
  12. So if someone kidnaps your wife and orders you to rob your employer if you ever want to see her again, then you should be punished for theft because there are no exceptions right? I mean you always had a choice to not steal...
  13. Ermm, not quite. There are no practical differences one way or the other, (determinists will bend over backwards arguing it and then say they are programmed to do it and can't help their behavior when you point out the contradiction in arguing their position) but I'm going to go with the one that doesn't make everything I do or say completely arbitrary and take away my responsibility. Otherwise me arguing anything is equivalent to an audio player repeating one of Stefan's podcasts.... What determinists will rarely admit is that if choice is causal, due everything being reducible to neural activity in the brain, well that makes everything in the brain causal, including reason. If reason is causal, then how do we know anything is true outside of direct sensual experience? You become incapable of logic, and therefore truth. (since you can't help what your thoughts are) It's a form of brain damage, a psychological defense, that people use in order to abdicate responsibility for themselves or others (most likely, parents). Since there is no way to falsify it, I don't think the question is a philosophical one at all, but of course we're all free to believe anything we want... (except for determinists )
  14. Holy fuck. That's one of the most selfish and horrible things I've heard in quite a while. I can't imagine the kind of mental gymnastics required for your father to come up with such a fucked up, narcissistic conclusion. Interesting topic but I'm afraid I'm too pissed off to think about it at the moment, maybe I'll add something later when I calm down...
  15. cynicist

    Good vs. Evil

    That's the same thing as saying that no truth is possible, that everything is subjective. You are free to believe that if you wish, but again, that's not what this forum or community is about.
  16. In that case she's not really talking to you, so it wouldn't make sense to listen
  17. cynicist

    Good vs. Evil

    It makes sense, as in I understand what you are saying, but it doesn't make sense in that it is incorrect. Ideas about existence are not automatically subjective, that's the whole point of logic and empiricism, to distinguish these things. The way that I know, for example, that there is no such thing as 'subjective morality', is that morality is defined as objective principles. So anyone putting forward an idea of 'subjective morality' is suggesting something self-contradictory. Sure, let's read that: I don't see anything about discussing impossible ideas in there.
  18. Haha that's the album I'm currently listening to, and where that orchestral track comes from. It's a nice piece of work for sure. Also thanks for the introduction to Bliss N Eso, just grabbed two albums based on that song you posted. (quality hip-hop is hard to find imo) And now I feel obligated to link another song so I will One of my favorite D&B tracks:
  19. cynicist

    Good vs. Evil

    Absolutely, new ideas are welcome. However, ideas about things that are self-contradictory by definition cannot exist in reality, and therefore have no place on a board devoted to discussing the truth. Since that's what this board is for, I'm suggesting that discussion of those ideas move to a site more suited to them. Maybe a Hindu or Buddhist forum? That is what he believes, at least that's what he expressed to me in another thread. Again that's fine, I have no problem with that, but if that's the case then this board is not meant for you.
  20. Incredible orchestral tune by Lindsey Stirling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFv1yaDih7c
  21. cynicist

    Good vs. Evil

    That's like asking for feedback about god or square circles. I'm sorry I don't have anything to add to your ideas on imaginary things, maybe you should try a different venue?
  22. Well it's more than that though, since the laws aren't just gone, you are also in constant danger of dying. Talking about morality in a situation where you are just struggling to survive doesn't make sense, because morality isn't applicable in those situations. So it's like, wouldn't it be cool if god existed and you could pray to him for goodies? What would you ask him for?! I don't mean to put your topic down or anything, but I would have been more interested in it 8 years ago when I had a joint in my hand and munchies on the table.
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