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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. This doesn't answer your questions, but I just wanted to point out in case of future bureaucratic problems. From what I've been able to see with my time in bureaucracies, incredibly uneducated assholes are hired to fill the bottom ranks (as if you didn't notice) who literally do not know what the bureaucracy is "capable of". Meaning: I'm assuming you and your wife could have been whisked through that hellhole had you been speaking to the right person, and the way it seems to get a hold of this "right person" is to demand supervisors and threaten complaint forms or reports or whatever to the person you're dealing with. They're all high and mighty and powerful until the spotlight of responsibility falls onto them, in which case they slink away under the closet like the cockroaches that they are. If you tried all that and it didn't work, then I apologize for wasting your time. I wanted to write it just in case. -Dylan
  2. Self-defense isn't abuse. Throwing shit at your dad which he threw at you in the first place isn't an act of aggression. I always try to dish out exactly what I've been given and no more, just to show the abuser he's creating his own misery.
  3. Hey Coreforcruxes, This reply probably isn't worth your five bucks, but I'll throw it in there just so it doesn't sound like you're posting for echoes. Also, you just posted yesterday so maybe everyone's still drunk after Christmas. I had a semi-recent situation like this with my mother that I think more or less ended once and for all any iota of an idea that she can control me. My original "De-FOOing"/runaway experience happened when I was 19, and at 26 I think I kind of drove the nail in. It happened via a Skype conversation where I just simply let loose at her, not giving her an inch on anything. Even though by this point in my life (26) she was very careful when saying things to me, she would still recall episodes from my childhood that basically involved her being abusive, followed by me doing something "stupid" then getting humiliated and embarrassed. However she would love to leave her abusive part out, and just talk about how I would do something "stupid". I would usually bite my tongue when we she did this because I "didn't want to start a fight over something so small", but I realized if I let her push me around just a little bit, that was a foot in the door to push me around a little bit more. Anyway, my point is, for 7 years I was afraid to push things to the limit with her like that. You know, just lay the bare truth on the table, then look up at her with a face saying, "What now, bitch?". After that happened she is really, really careful around me. She slips up accidentally sometimes (says something too bossy or whatever) but will bite it back quickly. If you want to go forward with it, I would just recommend not being apologetic with anything you bring up and don't just "let them have something" because it's easier than not fighting about it. Be prepared to lose everything with them, because I'm willing to bet the instant they see they no longer have any leverage over you, they will be quickly singing another tune. Hope that helps. -Dylan
  4. Not a scholar on the subject, I've gone through a few sources regarding Russia (the landmass and civilization on it, not the "nation") and the strange case of the USSR. From what I've been able to garner, the communist concept was a hoax from the beginning to brutally capture power. The concept in and of itself had absolutely no means of producing wealth, and this was made exponentially worse by the fact that the outset of the USSR was marked by killing anyone and everyone who was capable of producing wealth. What was leftover was simply stolen by the small percentage of higher-ups in the same spirit of pre-communist Russia, and the majority of infrastructure was constructed with slave labor via gulag work camps, which estimates say liquidated an amount of people within the 40-50 million range. Whacked-out, ridiculous, set-up to fail, and knowingly in-no-way capable of producing wealth from its outset due to bogus ideology that didn't even remotely reflect reality, the USSR simply lived off of handouts from monopolistic Western financial institutions from the get-go. Being that it was so obvious from the beginning that such a system couldn't produce anything, it was rammed into place because it was known that a police state is more likely to pay the bills -- it's very easy to collect everyone's stuff when "private property doesn't exist". Russia in particular was eyeballed by Western finance because of the awe-inspiring amount of resources available. A quick glance at a world map should give a vague idea of this. To make matters worse, Russian civilization was borne from a mix of Slavs ("slaves") being invaded from the north which created a foundation consisting of a 2-class system, i.e. you're either in the club or you're not. This separation was further entrenched when the orthodox Christianity made its way through the country. While present in all religions, orthodox Christianity has a particularly heavy emphasis on the fact that your rulers are chosen by God and to disobey your rulers would be to disobey God. This on top of horrendous child-raising practices (example: even today Russian babies are taken out to frozen rivers and dipped into the water through a crack made in the ice as some sort of "blessing") produced a population which seems to have almost entirely lacked empathy, which is imperative in creating a police state where even the lowest-ranked dog in a uniform is willing to devour someone for the slightest bit of personal gain. This was the perfect petri dish for Lenins and Trotskys funded by bankers to bait the populace with bullshit, propaganda, and absolute terror while creating a system of parasites where all transfers of wealth lead to the top. Basically, it was the perfect storm for creating hell on earth, and a perfect enemy of the western world (in the neoconservative sense of things). As for what caused the USSR to collapse? Most of my research has focused on the starting side of the USSR. That being the case, I could conjecture that the collapse was due to the idea being a horrible joke to begin with. I think Alan Chapman pretty much nailed it on the head at the beginning of this thread: And to paraphrase Carroll Quigley; communist countries could only exist by imitating more free ones. Maybe the "more free" countries realized it wasn't worth it anymore to pump money and resources into the black hole of hell, misery, and terror and decided to let up. Those in charge, as mentioned before in the thread, of course retaining their positions in essence. To back up what I just wrote, or at least give an idea where the I got the information, the following are the most important sources that immediately come to my mind: Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, by Carroll Quigley [book: Amazon, Free PDF] (Goes over briefly the evolution of civilizations and in depth with: the foundation of Russian civilization, Russia leading up to 1917, Russia after 1917, and communist "support" in the West.) Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, by Antony Sutton [book: Amazon] (The title says it all.) The Gulag Archipelago, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn [book: Amazon, Audiobook: ThePirateBay] (For an up-close an personal look of what was going on inside the belly of the beast. I'm still only about a third of the way through this one.) Peace Revolution Podcast 071: The Law of Identity vs. the Monopoly of Force [Podcast: link] (includes Gary Allen's "None Dare Call It Conspiracy") Peace Revolution Podcast 059: The Cult of Scientific Management / How the Ruling Elite Forms the Collective [Podcast: link] (includes interviews with Eustace Mullins) The Evolution of Civilizations, by Carroll Quigley [book: Amazon] (Doesn't include Russian civilization specifically, but will give a good insight as to why any civilization might fail.) The History of War in Child Abuse, by Lloyd Demaus [book: psychohistory.com, Audiobook by Stef: Freedomainradio, FullZipFolder] (To get an idea of the societal effects of child abuse and lack of empathy, plus there are some mentions about Russia in particular) 20th Century Democide, by R.J. Rummel [Webpage: link] (Just to get some basic facts on the USSR in the broad scope of death and misery) New Age Bullshit and the Suppression of the Sacred Masculine, by Mark Passio [Video: youtube, Podcast: PeaceRevolutionPodcast074] (Passio doesn't talk about Russia specifically, but the content he goes over talks about exactly what a tyranny requires in the minds of its slaves in order to control them.) Also I've heard other books by Antony Sutton are great for this topic, specifically The Best Enemy Money Can Buy [Amazon]. Hope this helps and others can find it useful. -Dylan
  5. Not saying this is recommendable, but the strategy I took several years back was to start telling people: "I ain't buying anyone shit and I don't want you guys to buy me anything either." So far, so good.
  6. Quick pop in: I've recently learned that in the real estate area, it's very common and quite profitable to find private lenders instead of dealing with the magical-mayhem-world known as banking. It's called "hard money" or "private money" (there's a big difference) and obviously one wouldn't have to go through the bureaucratic rigamarole to raise capital for a project (like renovating a house). Anyway, just saying, with the screwed up money system we have now, people are still figuring how to get around the "usury" problem. -Dylan
  7. Another thing that just popped into my head. My dad's friend had a carved wooden sign with a pistol painted black and the words "WE DON'T DIAL 911" on it. I think they hung it up somewhere along the driveway. I think that would get the point across to some would-be robbers. -Dylan
  8. The elements of the universe are amazingly complex and human institutions have always failed us, therefore Jesus is Lord and the Bible is source of genuine authority. There's a middle point I'm missing here...
  9. Hey omegahero09, I've thought about this myself a few times and wondered what it would take to implement it. I've never heard of anyone else doing it and it sounds like your best bet for figuring it out is just using a search engine to see what other private security forces are used in different areas. I heard something awhile back about a private security force in Detroit popping up after its death-by-socialism. Might be a good place to start? If you are able to implement it, I would definitely like to hear the results! -Dylan
  10. Depends on how bad the situation with your mom is. I had a similar situation with my mom when I was 19 (she held the car and the phone over my head). One day I finally had enough and I left the phone and the keys on the dining room table and walked out the door. She immediately began singing a much different tune. Things worked out for me pretty well without her, but I had a lot of support from a lot of different people. Do what you think is the best. -Dylan
  11. I think those two sentences are the best summary of communism I've ever heard.
  12. Quick word of advice from someone who has lost a rather large number of internet posts from finger slips and wonky servers: Open up your favorite word processing program (one that preferably keeps formatting like italics and bold intact). Copy and paste your post periodically (not just at the end!) into this word file. Save it onto your desktop as "post". Make sure you do a final copy and paste before you send it. Once the post is viewable on the website, THEN you can delete the post.doc on your desktop. You're welcome.
  13. Holy crap, AccuTron, that was a serious data dump. Most appreciated! Just to add at the end there about a "unanimous army of climate scientists". I think the real gold in putting the nail in the "alarmist" coffin are quotes like "the science is settled" and "there's a consensus among scientists". With quotes like that I don't even need to look up the subject to know that the guy who said it is full of shit, because he hasn't got the slightest clue what science is.
  14. This is a thing that constantly gets me when reading articles on "either side". Just what the hell exactly is it that we're talking about? There is so much inane emotional spouting going around it's almost impossible to see what the source of the issue is. Each "side" is always able to pull up graphs proving this that or the other thing, and do it in such a way that the evidence looks final. Thankfully, Stefan found an article that I felt at least gets near the source of the issue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gDErDwXqhc I also listened to this on the Corbett Report recently that was a pretty good attempt to get at the/a source of the issue: http://www.corbettreport.com/the-ipcc-exposed-video/
  15. Just be omniatheistic. You could be the inverse of whatever that Christian sect is that takes "all faiths seriously".
  16. Oh man that cracked me up. It is really quite interesting with the "left" that they don't understand that the policies they proclaim are hypocritical and counter-productive. As if wanting to do something magically makes that thing happen. Just off the top of my head, even if more money gets spent in a local "poorer" economy, wouldn't that local poorer economy still be subject to the same minimum wage laws of higher income areas? Even if a few people from a low income area were able to take some more money home from a high income area, wouldn't the minimum wage law still be stifling there?
  17. Don't forget the Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQiW_l848t8
  18. Isn't the US just sitting on more oil than we can ever dream of that companies aren't allowed to touch due to "environmental" regulations?
  19. Nope, that's not it. I think the one I watched was an hour-ish and it was Stefan's own breakdown. This one looks interesting, though! I'm gonna watch it, too.
  20. I saw a video of Stef some time ago going over what I think he read in a book about the history of health care in the US, the rise of the American Medical Association, and what havoc was wrought because of it. Can't seem to figure out what to type into youtube to pull it up again, though. Anyone got it handy? -Dylan
  21. Ah yes, because seven-month-old children are well-aware of the concept of damnation and effective at bringing around its effects. I guess as a parent you don't want that kind of competition.
  22. Oh yea, one more thing I wanted to add. It's common to also get hit with pretend-moral arguments. Instead of "you should do this because it makes sense" you'll get things like "you should do this because it's the right thing to do". Or more specifically: "A son does what his father wants." or "You're disobeying God", etc. At least that sounds like the sort of thing that might come from your dad from what you've already described. Just treat these like the pretend-rational arguments. It's just a trick to keep you playing chess while the other person throws rocks. "If I can get you to accept a rule that applies to you and doesn't apply to me, well then I have control over you." -Dylan
  23. Glad I can help. I just want to add in here that I usually don't list the options to the person I'm dealing with--I just do it. I also don't use the word "rational" at any point, as this tends to open up another can of worms. The least-rational people tend to have the biggest opinions about what being rational means. On top of it, if you find yourself in an altercation as you've described, the person you're dealing with probably has never even thought about the subject and isn't even aware that he "isn't being rational". Basically, I just bare my teeth until the opposing party quits baring theirs. A quick example from me: I've studied a lot about the effects of fluoride and feel quite strongly about its use in public water supplies and on children in schools and dentist offices. Awhile ago I made myself a T-shirt that says FLUORIDE KILLS on the front of it to get people to talk to me about the subject. I wore this shirt to a week-long Systema seminar in Augsburg, Germany, and one day in between training a bunch of us from the seminar were at dinner and a bunch of new people were showing up. A Ukrainian guy who spoke English fluently and was my age sat down next to me and asked me about my shirt while I was eating. Naturally excited to let people know what I've learned (I majored in chemistry on top of it), I first asked him how much he wanted to know (I can do five minutes or an hour if you let me). His reply was, "Just tell me. Just tell me." So I began to talk about it and he began to interrupt me in the middle of my sentences with brain-tantalizing retorts like, "No, that's not true. You can't know that. Yeah I've heard that from someone else and he was an idiot. etc." I began to notice a smug smirk on his face and after four or five interrupts I realized that he wasn't in the least bit interested in what I knew about fluoride. He had come over to make fun of me. [He was pretending to have a rational discourse but in reality trying to (emotionally) humiliate me.] Once this clicked, I put my fork down, looked at him directly, and said, "You need to change your tone of voice or I'm not telling you anything." [i dropped the rational pretext and switched to his emotional level.] He responded by repeating the things he had been saying before ("You can't know that. That's not true. etc."). [This was a tactic to get me back into the rational where he could effortlessly dominate me.] From my personal experience and from what I've seen of other people, this is where most people get tripped up. They go back into rational and basically become a soccer ball for the bully. I kept looking at him and repeated even more sternly, "You need to change your tone of voice or I'm not telling you anything." This is where the "You're taking things too personally" and "That's not what I meant" comments started coming out of him. I repeated, "You need to change your tone of voice or I'm not telling you anything." [This was the next trick. He was pretending that he was the one being rational and that I was the emotional one. Especially as this was in front of several of my friends, it was an extra sneaky gambit to make me look bad in front of them.] I don't remember how many times I had to repeat my statement, but at some point his shit-eating smirk dropped off his face, he leaned forward onto the table (he had been leaning back before that. Breaking of posture is a good sign of defeat), and he began to talk to me respectfully. He came back up to rational and I was more than happy to switch back to it myself and drop the issue. If you don't give the guy a way out, he'll become a cornered animal. Naturally, the conversation after that was a little bit awkward and we never got back around to the subject of fluoride, but my goal was accomplished: he dropped that shit like it was hot, and I was able to eat my dinner without my tail between my legs. Hope that helps! -Dylan
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