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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. Yea, has this been started, yet? Seems ripe for the picking.
  2. In that case you might have plenty of time. Ask for the financial aid form. Generally if you're under double the poverty line, they'll comp the whole thing.
  3. Small piece of advice that may be too late: ask for financial aid from the hospital. If you're under a certain income they'll waive all or part of the medical bill.
  4. Spend less time on computer and message boards.
  5. I have no idea why you would need to do that. I certainly didn't suggest you do. Again, go out into the business world and tell people that "contracts are a lack of trust" and see how many people trust you to do business with. If both parties can leave without consequence then nothing would ever get done. I'm not sure how many times I have to say this, but I'll say it again: yes the current way the marriage system is set up is completely unfair, absolutely one-sided to favor women, and generally allows them to gold-dig men with very little effort. It's horrible and needs to stop. However, despite this, what I'm saying is: good luck finding a good woman who will stay with you without getting married. Regardless of what a mess the marriage system is, a smart women is just going to see lack of marriage as a lack of real commitment, mostly because there would be nothing keeping the man around. Remember, biologically it's more important for the woman to be able to make the man stay in the relationship than the other way around. Of course you don't, and I would never suggest you would.
  6. My point, as I mentioned before, is that a woman worth marrying won't take you seriously. Again I'll make a business analogy to emphasize the point. If someone ever says, "You can trust me to pay you, we don't need a contract", run away. If a woman worth marrying hears, "You can trust me to stay with you, we don't need to get married", she'll probably be smart enough to run away.
  7. At this point, going to university can literally make you dumber, put you in debt (practically) forever, and limit your ability to be self-sufficient, financially (I need a job from someone else) and psychologically ("I don't know how to do anything else."). Becoming dumber = less knowledge = less freedom (need knowledge to have more choices available). Increasing debt = less freedom (need to do this thing and not that thing in order to pay off my debt. Less choice) Not self-sufficient = less freedom (always dependent on someone else to pay your bills, unable to figure out a different way to do it) Becoming an entrepreneur makes you more knowledgeable, gives you the opportunity to be in charge of your income, and provides the opportunity to be self-sufficient, financially and psychologically ("Whatever happens, I can figure it out!") More knowledge = more freedom (because more choice available) Control over debt/income = more freedom ("I can leverage debt to make money!") Self-sufficiency = more freedom (develop systems to create passive income, creating more income simply becomes a problem to solve) As an entrepreneur, you are more difficult to manage. You can gauge yourself more appropriately against economic and political turmoil. You're not just a leaf in the wind.
  8. So what's to stop me from bailing on her at that point whenever I want?
  9. Let me flip the scenario on you. Here, do a bunch of work for me (like building a house) and I promise to pay you when you're finished. We don't need to have anything in writing. You can trust me on this one. Again, I'm not saying the system isn't fucked up, I'm just saying good luck having a good woman go along with it. Regardless of your intentions, a woman is going to be smart enough to see that the thing is set up that you can bail on her at any time without much recourse for her. Whether or not that's fair isn't the issue. It's the woman who really needs the commitment to ensure that she will have the aid to take care of her kids. There needs to be some sort of consequence to you waking up one day and deciding another woman is a more attractive partner. To put it in the words of one of my entrepreneur coaches regarding partnerships: "When I partner with friends I always get everything down in writing--not because I don't trust them, I just don't want them to have a bad memory."
  10. I'm not saying don't take great cautions. I'm also not saying that the divorce situation/family court system isn't fucked. What I'm saying is good luck finding a good woman who will take you seriously if you offer her this sort of stuff. In this situation, what recourse would the woman have if the man decided to bail in the relationship?
  11. That would be a lot of effort to prove to me that you're not serious about the marriage.
  12. If I was a valuable woman worth having children with, I would drop your ass if you came to me with a proposal like this.
  13. Check out Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) https://traumaprevention.com/what-is-tre/ It's a cheap and super effective method that does not involve talk therapy to allow the body to deal with trauma. There is a list of certified providers on the site all over the world: https://traumaprevention.com/tre-provider-list/ I've been doing it for about a year now and it is amazing. Specifically, it goes to the root of the issue: as humans, we have a "trauma mode" and a "normal mode". These modes are biochemically different--there is literally a different chemistry in the body. The therapy allows the body to switch from trauma to normal mode by affecting the biochemistry. This is SUPER important because it can address things which cannot be talked about, particularly when it comes to abuse received as infants, as someone has no memory to be able to talk about it. For example, I spoke with my TRE provider about being circumcised--there isn't really a way talk therapy can address it.
  14. If the federal government balanced its budget, there wouldn't be any money.
  15. Let me make a small correction for you: You began to notice the problems when you were 13 - 14, and it was probably triggered by the divorce. Sounds like you have a strong amiable character--you try very hard to get along with people. Your mom is more responsible than you are for your childhood, and so far you have made more effort than she has to correct things. She's being too harsh on you.
  16. Nope. Sounds to me like your father is more willing to engage with you on discussion. There is no room for hypocrisy for you here, because at this point you're doing the work of cleaning up the mess your parents made. I 100% gave up speaking with my mother. She was the most horrible person I have ever had in my life and I have no intention of ever speaking to or seeing her again. My parents divorced when I was 4 and my mom got custody. It was like living in hell, as my mother's outbursts were completely unpredictable and, looking back, I really feel like she enjoyed making me miserable. I tried very hard to re-engage with my father. I saw him every other weekend until I was 14 yrs old, at which point he disappeared. He was always incredibly nice to me, and all I remember waiting for as a child was the weekend I was able to go to my dad's house. However, he had a huge problem with alcohol and a shitty choice in women. He reappeared when I was 24 (I'm 30 now) and I made a sincere effort to reconnect with him, but ultimately his interest was in alcohol and avoiding responsibility. I'm still willing to talk to him and meet him, but I've pretty much given up interacting with him. I do not feel like a hypocrit at all for attempting to work with my father and not with my mother.
  17. Yea, you're right. There are always good reasons not to accomplish things.
  18. Quotes as this make me want to point and cry, "AHA! Platonism!"
  19. Guess they're advertising on the internet as the best places to invade?
  20. Forget IQ. Focus on your will, drive, and persistence. Pick a goal and move towards it. Work and success will help take you out of paralyzing self-analysis.
  21. After getting splattered in the head with paint by Antifa, I have concluded that these "leftists" are parasites lacking the proper brain functioning for rational thought.
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