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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. luxfelix - Thank you for posting. The sesame credit thing is frightening as it marks another way for a totalitarian Orwellian nightmare. This new rating people app is like a beta version test of the Chinese model. Kids will be like "It's new. It's fun. Let's try it."
  2. Reichsssssssssssh's "arguments" are solid if you value central planning/socialism which, as csekavec pointed out, assume coercion and violence as a reasonable means for the "leaders" to gain resources AKA tax revenue.
  3. March 8th is just a warm up. I am declaring for the first time ever, April 15th as Solar System Women's Day. Women are just too empowered to be held to this little ole planet.
  4. Curious what you guys think about this app that lets you rate other people in any of the following categories: professional, personal, romantic. Reputation is the essence of a voluntary DRO-based society. Will this app gain traction in the voluntary/anarchy community? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/peeple-the-yelp-for-people-app-launches/
  5. Graffiti for decoration. You can't make this stuff up. SMH http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/mcdonald-s-criticised-for-using-fake-graffiti-tags-in-newly-refurbished-brixton-branch-a6910106.html
  6. Leave wallet on bench in park. Come back a couple of days later. Does a theft victim ever hold responsibility for theft occurring? Of course. Actions have consequences.
  7. The tolerant left doing what they do best: spreading feces instead of reason. Fun starts @ 1:15.
  8. McDonalds is another example of what happens to a corporation embracing diversity rather than profits. They went from the greatest American restaurant chain - where kids used to beg their parents to go, to losing market share and becoming a warehouse for the "jobless." The turning point: http://www.mcdonalds.com/365black/en/home.html The results: (warning) physical violence
  9. This is one of those myths that gets repeated so often by lefty mainstream media, people take it for granted. The left would like to obscure the fact that "green" energy can only survive through subsidies by conflating the terms subsidy with deduction. All companies have tax deductions and/or various incentives. Very few are actually subsidized. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/dec/7/debunking-the-big-oil-subsidy-myth/
  10. Should there be one topless standard for all, or a double standard prohibiting females from exposing nipple? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_the_Nipple_%28campaign%29
  11. Since the relativists/nihilists continue to obliterate and change definitions, it's not ever clear what rape is anymore. Many consider ex post facto regret (about having sex) to be the same as rape eg mattress girl. Using that "logic," you are a thief because you bought a car and the original owner wants it back. An A-Priori definition of rape would clear things up. Racism is anyone who is not openly anti racist. Rapist is any man who is not openly anti rape. The accusation is the evidence. Sophistry 101.
  12. I think most folks realized long ago the media either has a PC agenda, or has been chilled into silence when it comes to reporting anything negative involving "minorities." Using euphemisms worked during the 80s and some of the 90s, but anyone with a clue won't be endlessly fooled by lefty propaganda. When talking about these stories, I like to describe them as 'Japanese exchange students' to shine light on the elephant in the room.
  13. Good thing is bitcoin doesn't give a flying rat poop about any social engineering "credit" score. Programs like this will accelerate the demise of the state as they increase the transparency of centrally planned tyranny.
  14. It appears to me Stef's compliments of Donald Trump stem from his ability AND willingness to challenge the leftists of the Republican party and their cheerleaders that saturate the mainstream media. Donald Trump has chosen the virtue of courage rather than pandering to the god of political correctness.
  15. It's war rhetoric, not policy. Trump is saying fight fire with fire. Anything short of that and you give the enemy an advantage.
  16. I wanna see these commies try pulling their little intimidation stunt at the local biker bar. Until then, they are just typical cowardly collectivist lefty thugs that can't fight their way out of paper bag in neither the academic nor physical realm.
  17. #7 My experience has been females that are into comics, science fiction, and especially cartoons lack maturity at some level. They prefer avoiding serious issues by indulging a non existent fantasy realm. #9 I am referring more to the short attention span must be constantly distracted type of phone user. The sort of phone user that becomes more interested in the phone than their immediate surroundings. They can't sit for two minutes without an electronic hit to relieve anxiety. Frequenting twitter or instagram are indications of this type. Do you know of women that are fond of comics, cartoons, or science fiction that are not dysfunctional? For me, dyed hair is no problem. It's the wacky clown colored hair that is a clear and unmistakable warning sign.
  18. If one commits a "microaggression," do they ask forgiveness with a micro apology? Microagression definition: when you can't satiate your attention needs, a made up word to reclaim your victimhood status.
  19. Wasatch Man - The question is, radicalized compared to what? Like Stef recently pointed out, the "moderates" are the apostates. Either way, the term radicalized appears to be typical smoke screen to avoid any serious discussion as it might offend someone. We rest assured in our condemnation of radicalization. I wonder what Socrates would say about radicalization?
  20. First four totally on board with. For me 5 and 6 are more yellow flags rather than red. Sorry if these have already been mentioned. I would add: 5. any piecing other than ears. 6. Skipping over or refusal of explanation for last failed relationship. 7. Likes cartoons, comics, science fiction. 8. Same aesthetics as in high school - music, movies, clothes. 9. Is attached to phone. 10. fondness for orthoexia.
  21. Terrorism or workplace violence? Debating intentions and labels is for sophists AKA politicians. It's easier to pretend you are doing something by debating what to call an act than to bring about moral condemnation. The media keeps saying "They were radicalized!" Like they were just walking down the street and out of nowhere a streak of radicalization struck them from a blue sky. They are merely victims of the radicalization god who is angry about climate change.
  22. UK is one of the most violent countries in the world. They just use knives and fists so they don't get much media attention like the US gun stuff.
  23. It usually starts out with those who have a 6 figure balance. Irregardless, it affects everyone. Negative rates means the money is so rotten, not even bankers can stand the stench. Savers either have to fend for themselves or convert into non cash assets such as real estate, gold, land, bitcoin, stocks, etc. This could also be an indicator The Fed is bluffing again and won't raise rates now, or possibly ever.
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