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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. Thanks for posting. First half of video appears as an interview with his mom. Second half it appears as an interview of his mom's Marxism/classism politics. But give credit where credit is due. His brilliance shines through despite a corrupt upbringing. Had he not been seduced with money and fame, he would have been a force to reckon with given he studied some austrian economics and became educated in philosophy. Had FDR been around at the time, Tupac would have been legendary in freeing the black community from vice.
  2. What happens when sociology becomes the be all and end all? You turn schools into a nightmare of Lord of the Flies hierarchy mixed with frequent outbursts of brutality that are not condemned, but praised. What a nightmare for the sane to have to endure day after day. Calling it a tragedy is an understatement.
  3. The goal of "progressives:" mono syllabic safe-space words only. All other words will be known only by their first letter eg F word, N word, L word, S word. Esperanto 2.0.
  4. Recently I pointed out a fallacious argument on FB. Not long after I was accused of having ableist privilege. Anti social injustice cowards are a dime a dozen. They aim to not only disarm your rational abilities, they want to convince you to physically harm yourself. Disgusting misanthropic cretins. This may be rare now. That will quickly change when they start indoctrinating pre schoolers with the ultimate sacrifice to the gods of altruism. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/becoming-disabled-by-choice-not-chance-transabled-people-feel-like-impostors-in-their-fully-working-bodies
  5. Utopian, that is very comprehensive and detailed analysis. Mad props. My two cents FWIW. Nihilism>socialism>feminism>transgenderism. It's the social equivalent of "climate change." The 15th century had good, smart men spending millions of man hours debating Adam's belly button or non belly button. Our sentence is toiling about the virtue of sexual behavior, and the importance of gender theory.
  6. I have read a little over half of this thread. And I will confess to having pro-human bias. The inherent problem with VHEM, and it's spokesperson, has already been pointed out. Preaching a value, but not living it, or this case deceasing from it, is a contradiction. People don't listen to what someone says, they pay attention to what they do. Espousing and championing the death of humans would require one to commit suicide to show they practice what they preach. That is not what these folks are about to do. They want others, by means of guilt (AKA slave morality), to voluntary not pro create and ultimately end their own lives. John Malthus and the misanthropic movement lives on. “No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country.” ― George S. Patton Jr.
  7. Interesting article and idea. Not sure how they can double blind or find a method to falsify their conclusion. How do they eliminate coincidence and or friendship influence ie a dominant friend directly influencing passive friend? Let's take this theory for a spin with alcohol. Go to bar where friends are drinking and choose not drink. How likely is it your non-drinking will influence friends to put down their glasses?
  8. I know Patrick already mentioned this is not a topic of philosophy. FWIW my two cents. Feminism is a made up word devoid of any metaphysical or epistemological foundation. I would argue the same for the word neomasculinity. You can't counter BS with a different form of BS and maintain philosophical street cred.
  9. Emotional gold digging, and flirting S & M. Not sure you can blame the women. It beats working a real job.
  10. It is despicable the elevation of a violent beast attacking her child. There are a few comments on that video condemning the "mother."
  11. School Sucks Podcast Radical Agenda This American Life Adam Carolla Show
  12. I feel horrible for the son. I wonder how messed up his constitution is to have a mother like this. It's one thing to own a slave in private, it's quite another thing to brag about it in public.
  13. Triage is the key. Trying to bring logic and rationality to the most difficult of the non-philosophical, while challenging, is a fools errand. It sounds like they want to manage their empty feelings by instilling them into others. Unless you have a personal reason, I would thank these people for their honesty and choose not associate with them. One question you could toss their way. If they believe what they profess, ask them if they wish you were dead.
  14. Feminists declare clapping "a trigger" used by ableists. Clapping bad, jazz hands good. Any questions? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/mar/24/feminist-conference-says-clapping-triggers-anxiety/
  15. Mormons and Muslims. It's difficult to not be cynical.
  16. Now that Angelina Jolie is becoming a shell of former herself (rim shot), Emma Watson is interviewing to take her place as the next socialism babe. I had to look her up. I guess she was in some Harry Potter movie at some point. I could only make it half way through the video. It made me want to gouge my ear drums with an ice pick. Her self righteous indignation tone reminds me of a Monty Python skit but with all the appeal of a what Tom Leykis would call a shrill, shrieking, dried up harpie. Her speech with a theme of men need to do more dishes appears to be the same non sense Sheryl Sandberg is touting with the Lean In campaign.
  17. Reminds me of: "The debate is over." BS tactic they trotted out to politicize weather.
  18. I read they have to finger print scanners at locations now but the system is still months away from working. Gee, unmotivated commies. Who woulda thunk it?
  19. The issue at hand, correct me if I am wrong, is which do you value more: freedom of speech or freedom to not be offended. I don't condemn Lewinsky for her tawdry behavior two decades ago. I could care less. I am opposed to anyone that champions suppressing free speech even if that speech hurts someone's feelings be it online or in a classroom ( eg Jeremiah True).
  20. Mothers can get jobs, not be around their kids, and turns out this is a good thing according to recent study. A study to make female parents feel better about paying taxes instead of taking care of their children AKA feminism. Get ready for a big dose of (the state is good) utilitarianism. http://www.today.com/parents/quality-over-quantity-new-study-brings-time-squeezed-parents-relief-2D80577158
  21. Religion vs the state. Gee, I wonder which one will win. I live in Oregon where not baking a cake is crime punishable by taking all your stuff, because egalitarianism/altruism. Indiana has passed a law saying not baking a cake is okay. For that the lefties are losing their minds. How about a law that makes not dating someone a crime of sexual assault. Sounds reasonable /sarc. As to the OP, removing religion and politics you have freedom of association. Open a gay unicorn bar for all I care.
  22. Plato vs Aristotle: the battle of the ages, and a dangerous paradox playing out before us. The irrational cloak themselves as rational up to and including the point at which they thrust a knife into the rational by claiming it's justified because they feel hurt.
  23. Related to, but a slight tangent. Has anyone heard of this Safe-Space? It's where sane, philosophical, and traditional thinking folks are banned from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe-space I propose a Safe Safe-space. The symbol could be a blue square with lots of flare surrounded by a rainbow circle with lots of smiley faces. This would be a place where anyone can go who wishes to be around rational and sane people. I'm sure the tolerant left would welcome this diversity.
  24. Has modern feminism has gone full Idiocracy with its latest claim that logic is part of the patriarchy? http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/logic-another-form-of-female-oppression/ Along the same lines, this Reed college student questioned statistics about rape culture in his (mandatory) Humanities 101 class. He has been banned from class and caused a PR nightmare for the free speech reputation of his "progressive" (Reed) college.
  25. Marriage is far more important. Can we have mandatory vote on helping beautiful people marry less than beautiful people?
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