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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. Like the saying goes "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it." What's the difference between aborting/murdering a pre-born baby the day before the due date and one day after due date? That's where the abortion debate needs to start, not at conception. In a way this is a good thing. Let the fuzzy lines of morality dissolve into one unambiguous one. Let's have the baby killers and other misanthropes stop hiding behind the moral facade of climate change socialism and debate them on the merits of calling yourself moral while supporting the murder of babies and children up to 5 years old. Bring it. http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/19896/
  2. That was a good show. Mr. Wrong, could you share the quote when you find it?
  3. I have a question. Given how awful things appear to be economically in Venezuela, why is it conservative oriented news programs don't report on this story? Is the paucity of reporting on Venezuela because daily suffering and general malaise don't make for "breaking news?" Is the lack of coverage due to an even less free press in Venezuela? Is there a fair amount of reporting going on I don't know about?
  4. Not that anyone cares, but if you are a John Stossel fan he will be interviewing Ms. Coulter tonight on FOX news. The topic will be about Ms. Coulter hating on libertarians for not voting republican and hence possibly costing them seats in the Senate. I would probably watch if I had a tv, oh and cable.
  5. Sorry, I know this is a bit off topic, but apropos in light of the lightsaber metaphor.
  6. Challenging ridiculous dogma in a public forum (FB) is not for the faint of heart. When someone makes or supports a retarded statement like "line them up and shoot them," this is very helpful. You now know who to avoid, at least in the way of a public discussion. If it's someone you know and care about, you can reserve the right to challenge their violent solutions in a one on one conversation at a later time. You might ask questions such as do you really support initiating violence towards those that disagree with you? Something along those lines. That would be my approach.
  7. "White racial slurs are not common in our colorblind age because they don’t work on people who possess white privilege. Strip the obfuscation and here's the argument being made. Arbitrary descriptions about people are not common because they don’t work on people with arbitrary traits.
  8. I feel sad and anxious after reading your post. I am sorry your parents and those around you can't or won't give you support and a connection. Being 17 can be frustrating when you are thrown to the wolves and no one seems to notice or care. And then you are forced to see other teens having the time of their life and you feel cheated, resentment, and anger. It's way messed up, I know. You seem like a smart guy who has courage to at least reach out. Keep being compassionate with yourself. Don't blame yourself for your circumstances, but realize only you can change those circumstances. Have you tried reading some of the books suggested in the self knowledge section? I know it's not a substitute for connecting with someone, but having self knowledge increases the chance of making and sustaining a connection. Like Wuzzums said, if you can't for now connect with those around you, connect with yourself.
  9. For clarification purpose , are you referring to this Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British-born philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Watts
  10. One thought experiment. It's not a proof, but I think has some value to showcasing the truth value to the labels of cisgender and transgender.Take a modern person who is experiencing a transgender situation, awakening, crisis, or whatever it is called. Now imagine they were the only inhabitant on an island and had to struggle to meet basic needs: shelter, food, security. How much time and energy would they put into their gender identification? Is transgenderism an internal, organic, and natural process or a reaction to external pressures and social conditions and influences?
  11. You went a full 10 rounds with a typical Cultural Marxist thug. I prefer the Socratic approach. What is the definition of gay? What is the definition of rights? How would a signature on a piece of paper change reality? I walk right up to these guys and politely interrogate them until they beg for mercy. If you are preaching about a cause, you better be ready to answer a few basic questions.
  12. I beg your pardon if this comes off as hyper critical or a cheap shot. Metaphysics is something I would like to learn about, but can you call a 47 minute video a simple explanation? Is there one section of the video you would recommend?
  13. Dsayers, specifically 2nd paragraph, and Alin both good points.You can't report this story without acknowledging one important fact. Public school is an institution built on and run by "bullying." Everything after is secondary to this key fact. That is not an excuse for getting a nasty message on FB, but let's focus on how and why this young lady is forced to associate with kids she doesn't want to associate with. In essence she is a slave to the needs of a corrupt institution her parents are enslaved to pay for. That would make for an interesting local news story. I'm not holding my breath.
  14. I know some think this guy a jerk. I am not here as a cheerleader. He wrote a rather revealing and vulnerable article about his personal issues and romantic relationship troubles. It takes a lot of courage to admit you really don't know what you are doing. I thought some might be able to relate to where he is coming from. http://www.christophercantwell.com/2014/10/11/sorry-silent/
  15. I think Mr. E makes a good point. There is no such things as capitalism, but there is a thing known as free trade which is called capitalism primarily when it has a negative effect/exploitation. When people are better off from free trade, the Marxist blame capitalism for not conforming to egalitarian notions. The Marxist always thinks in terms of zero sum game, which is a fallacy easily shown not to be natural or inevitable. Since it was a word coined by an enemy of freedom, Karl Marx, it is probably not a term one wants to use when debating a Marxist.
  16. Yesterday some turd from the CDC declared the only way hospital workers catch ebola is by "a breech of protocol." Of course they don't know how this Pham woman actually caught the dreaded disease, but they know it could only be from "a breech of protocol." Start with a conclusion and then make reality conform. Brilliant.
  17. Plunge? Oil traded at an average of $20 a barrel less than 20 years ago. In 2009 it got down to $40. In the past month the price of oil has gone from around $105 to $80 at last check.I agree with your point that there is some correlation between voting rituals and a fall in oil prices.
  18. She didn't have one of them fancy pieces of paper declaring her a philosopher, therefore she was not a philosopher. Duh.
  19. 1. Yes, just as it is possible to be cruel to animals that aren't confined regardless of whether you eat them later. 2. There needs to be the involvement of two moral agents to bring in a moral judgement. 3. "Is it possible to raise an animal in a humane manner?" What is the definition of humane manner? 3a. "Is it possible to kill an animal in a humane way?" Again how would you define humane?
  20. It's a start. But to play devil's advocate, that toll road can only exist because it starts and ends at a "government" road.
  21. Please excuse my interruption of the intricate and complex discussion between Kevin, Josh, and MMX.Are sex and sexuality the same thing, or even related? I would argue no. What is sex for? Sex is an objective biological description of an action involving the naughty bits primarily, but not exclusively, for the purpose of producing offspring. In addition, sex is often used as a means for expressing affection or simply for pleasure. What is sexuality? Whatever you want it to be. Would the subject of sexuality and gender ever manifest in a stateless society?
  22. 4 minutes? No biggie. Liberal arts degree, by design, is about taking on $50,000 in debt and spending thousands of hours to hear that sort of anti academic bigotry. Talk to a barista for first hand proof.
  23. "The situation has led some observers to joke that the Pentagon should christen the mission "Operation Hey, Another Reason to get Stolen Funds."
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