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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. Sorry my response is contained within this box. I am not smart enough to figure out the proper way to parse a reply.
  2. In all fairness, how many people have written to tell you they think the name is catchy and succinct? Probably zero. Why? Because it is self-evident. That is likely one reason they decided to download and try it.Compare that to the two letters from the name nazis. It's not easy to think for yourself. It's easy to be offended - I'm a victim therefore you must change your behavior. Not UPB.
  3. I thought post #1 and # 2 were both great. Sorry, I haven't read every post after that. Egalitarians hate empiricism, and that seems to be the rub here: biology is somehow conspiring with the patriarchy. In general girls do look funny and awkward throwing a ball or running compared to boys. What's the solution? Make a career out of promoting sophistry and sucking up to the state to make sure females always have a victim card to play. I would describe these professors of non sense as social parasites.
  4. Well done vid showing the absurdity and promotion by feminists of fat acceptance.
  5. Cute meme, but how do you know a McDonald's employee makes the equivalent of $45,000 a year in Denmark?Is that the entry level wage? How many hours do they work for that amount? What is the difference in price for the same items in Denmark and US?
  6. About a year ago I stopped referring to them as the police. I don't call them cops. I don't call them pigs. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name, I refer to them as the violent gang.
  7. You can unfriend her. That's simple and easy. Or you can ask why she thinks might=right? If she should ever need help in her retirement years, would she be okay with someone hitting her if she forgets something or causes some alarm? Don't mince words by using the word spanking. It's your facebook page and while she is allowed to offer a different point of view, you reserve the right to have the final word. Maybe use your post as a way to advertise your position to anyone else who might be curious about the topic of children? What if your post causes one person to reconsider their approach to hitting children. Is that worth the trouble?
  8. Quitting weed is hard. I feel ya. It's everywhere and it never lets you down. It is a relief from the mundane, feels good, and it's better than a whole lot of other substances. Those are the temptations you will face every hour of everyday for the foreseeable future. Few people chose to quit of their own volition. It's not easy. You can do it.You can think of it as closing a chapter in your life even if you don't know how to proceed with the next chapter. You can even reserve the right to have a balanced relationship with weed at some distant point in the future when you meet certain goals or milestones. That can be helpful as you set the terms for when and how you might find value in using weed. For now, you realizeyou and weed need to spend some time apart. If you are not already doing exercise, consider taking it up. Even if you only do an hour walk every other day, you will feel better. Challenge yourself to replace weed with a different activity. Plus you can listen to podcasts. Double whammy.
  9. Good point. Without a definition, philosophy can't be applied which is what Eva stated in post #3.
  10. 10 to 1 odds Stef declines.Why should anyone consider this challenge? It doesn't raise money, it doesn't help cure a terrible disease. This sort of challenge highlights the massive violence and damage that occurs on a daily basis in Gaza and the West Bank. It's not fun, it's not glamorous, but then again neither is being bombed and living in an open air prison. Kudos to Kokesh for doing something other than just talking on youtube.
  11. Yay! A non driving peeve. And I agree with what you have so tenaciously spelled out there. Sorry to not have a more comprehensive response, but to quote the original anarchist, late great John Lennon, "In the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make."
  12. Songbirdo - A very thorough and detailed description. It seems with the frequency with which you encounter these I.S.D.s and the time they steal from you, you have had plenty of time to analyze and diagnose their inconsiderate behavior. I love it. Brentb - the bucket bangers. I am so with you on that one. DaVinci - I am guessing you are like me (regards of others slowing down) and keep saying in your head "Why? why? It's only railroad tracks!" Rainbow - BSNAPS - yeah that can be instant rage worthy. Pepin - yeah, the instigating back seat driver pointing out the obvious. Gee, thanks. A self righteous customer is why you guys get paid the big bucks. Diane Keaton? Now I have to go look her up. argh! hannahbanana - sort of like DaVinci in that it somehow becomes more irritating because it's both silly and destined to occur.
  13. "This Brazilian town is inhabited and governed almost entirely by women, its population consisting of more than 600 mostly single women aged 20 to 25. Sons are sent away at 18, and spouses are banned from the town except on weekends." I get the feeling there is a certain amount of embellishment and inaccuracy within those two sentences. If this is such a great deal, why do the sons who are sent away not advertise this single female paradise to other guys? What kind of marriage only takes place on the weekends?It's an entertaining article, one for which I am sure many guys won't ask any questions other than directions to their location.
  14. I don't have a lot of pet peeves and I know it doesn't do any good posting about them in this corner of the internets, but that doesn't matter. We are talking pet peeves here, not well-reasoned arguments. And for some reason typing and seeing the words that describe my quirks is sort of therapeutic, especially should someone agree or have a similar pet peeve. This is what community about, is it not?#1 Honking horn. 99% of the time a driver honks their horn not to help avoid an accident, that is fine, but they honk to give sound to their frustration. Person 1- You did X and it made me mad so I am going to blast my horn to show you how mad I am. Person 2- I am aggravated that you are aggravated and have honked your horn at me. To show you how aggravated I am, I am going to blast my horn back at you. See this at least once a week.
  15. The Five is a good show. Greg Gutfeld is a sharp guy.
  16. I am uncomfortable with this challenge, but instead of figuring out why, I will mix up a word salad, mock your enthusiasm, and present you with a bunch of non sense, fog, and self righteousness. Gross is a good description. I would suggest you run, don't walk from this black hole of nihilism and non thinking.
  17. Tom Leykis makes an argument people have kids for vanity and all the other reasons are ex post facto justification.
  18. Benefits? Imagine what the mafia could do for their reputation with 12 years of propaganda.
  19. As far as I know you can not get a parking ticket from the violent gang (govt) while on private property. You could get a counterfeit ticket from a parking management company who has been contracted by the business to manage parking. It has zero legal power. But if you fail to pay they will double or triple the fine. You still don't have to pay but if you are on their parking lot, they might have your car towed. That is not likely given you are a customer of Starbucks and they want to keep you coming back. Like Ace mentioned, these tickets are primarily to discourage drivers from camping in a spot. Next time (if there is a next time), look around and see if there are any signs about parking rules. If there is and you are worried, call the number on the sign and inquire about your situation.Is it possible it was an advertisement/flyer on your windshield?
  20. Occams Razor, which in this case highlights you can't defy basic economic law with more regulations and expect a better outcome, seems rather obvious. Why anyone other than the ruling class and their media lackeys would defend the unending quest for more power from Madurro is a testament to human ignorance and the corrupting power of public school/Marxism. It's not hard to imagine an American version of this rubbish at some point: We need fingerprint scanners to fix the flaws of the free market, and/or to protect you from ____________________.
  21. The first proposal/gun gets pointed at husbands who emotionally or financially deprive their wives.What could go possibly go wrong?The latter proposal, while noble, is a joke. The guns of the state are going to attempt to protect children. Yeah, the state can't manage education, but now they will be the arbriars of social interactions. What could possibly go wrong? "It comes after the Government unveiled a “Cinderella” law earlier this year which will see parents who starve their children of love and affection being prosecuted for “emotional cruelty”. It's likely this big brother camel's nose under the tent is coming to a govt. near you. In the name of the war on women! It's for the children! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11043785/Bullying-husbands-face-jail-under-new-proposals-by-Theresa-May.html
  22. If your into philosophy, you can't. If you are a rent-seeking lobby group, you proclaim your sexual behavior as virtuous and label anyone who doesn't worship the ground you walk on as full of hate.
  23. Typical hip hop youths just out for fun trying to sound tough while destroying other people's property.
  24. This drunk driving hysteria/brainwashing has to end. It is pure propaganda. If you crash and are at fault, then drinking should be factored in to your punishment. But this neo-prohibition pre-crime police state movement where you are guilty for merely combining two actions -driving and having alcohol- is more statist insanity.
  25. I am really sorry you had to witness this out of control woman beating a child. That is an image that had to be horrifying to see.Your corresponding actions took a lot of bravery and courage by risking both your economic and physical well being. You are like a real life superhero. I have a few questions. 1. Is this the first time you have intervened? 2. Had you ever practiced what you would do in such a situation? 3. Is there anything you might do differently should you come across a similar situation in the future?
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