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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. Feminism = bigotry. Another useless subjective term to justify power for the ruling class.
  2. I would argue that as being the difference between philosophy and sophistry. The sophist's primary goal is confusing morals with aesthetics. The word racism is a sophist's best friend. It is one of a few labels that makes the accused guilty until proven innocent.Exhibit B.Mark CubanHis charge by those who live in the world of words? Racism His action in reality? Speaking truth.The focal point? Mr. Cuban didn't use the 14th letter in the alphabet word. No, he showed his racism by using the new 14th letter of the alaphabet word: Hoodie. Sorry if I have offended anyone. Join me in stamping out racism by referring to that wicked word in a more sensitive manner. We do then decree from this point forward in the name of fairness and equality to call that word the 8th letter in the alphabet word! http://news.yahoo.com/mavericks-owner-cuban-under-fire-comments-touching-race-155324522--nba.html
  3. Nice catch. Thank you for the time stamp. Cantwell starts the ball rolling by misrepresenting Stef's approach as merely out-breeding the opposition, and then Freeman continues blathering on and restating what a bad idea that is. It's an idea that can't just be dismissed, but that's what they do. The conversation/framing is dishonest in that it creates a false dichotomy scenario of choosing either a long term solution or a short term solution. Not to mention they never cite any historical examples of how the latter has ever been effective. Short term vs long term solutions are not at parity, but that's what they fail to address. Interesting to see the topic quicky changes by someone bringing up a "zombie apocolypse."
  4. ‘Gentle’ Quebec man who slapped teen daughter to death after she failed to finish chores gets 60 days in jails Why would they print Gentle even if it is outlined with quotes? "The 74-year-old man had pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of his 13-year-old daughter, Noutene, in October 2010." This guy was pumping out children at the age of 61? What does that say abou the mother? "The court heard Sidime struck her because he didn’t like how she’d completed a chore and because she had been disrespectful,..."At least he had good reason and not for something frivelous. "but he said he had never intended to cause serious harm." Oh, he had intended to inflict mild discomfort. I see. In that case why bother even putting him on trial? "Noutene’s family supported him throughout the trial, and testified in his defence." Why let one silly violent homicide cause disharmony in the family? How does the saying go: "Blood is thicker than water."
  5. A few of my favorites: Already mentioned, School Sucks. Great show. Guy has a nice voice.The Jason Lewis Show - IMO the best terrestrial talk show around. Lewis is for practical purposes a volunteerist, but to maintain credibility with his core audience -libertarian conservative religious types- he plays the role of minarchist. A good show to stay up to date on current events. This American Life - high production value with interesting human experience stories. Unfortunately they only list the last few shows for free now. It used to be you could get shows from years ago in the archives, but they now make you pay for that service. Radio Lab - another high quality NPR production. The show mixes science with the humam experience. honorable mention Modern Manners Guy - silly and fun show about the rituals of navigating thru the maze of culture exectations
  6. Friendly reminder: the (semi?) annual racket of armed men threatening and stealing from motorists is in effect until June 1. Because saving you from yourself is something the state specializes in. Even if you are wearing a seat belt, a guy in costume may attempt to pull you over because that is his job: to use arbitrary rules in order to justify stealing from you in order to fuel the budget of the state. Failing to comply with said extortion, while morallly justifable, can result in severe penalties up to and including death.
  7. I don't know if stalk is the right word to use when describing getting information about someone online. I understand why women, or men, might poke around and see what they can find. But IMO, it's a fools errand. When it comes to romantic or personal relationships, isn't it best to evaluate the person by how you feel around them?
  8. The statists tried to slime this guy with the racism label last time he told a cop to leave his "space." That was back in 2010.The cafe owners and patrons are largely steeped in Marxism and hence highly sensitive to words that start with R,N,S,M, etc. At one point in this vid a woman rambles on about something called "Transformative Justice." That's a new one. It is their idea of an alternative to police. It's also a way for men to "challenge their internalized patriacharal oppression." I have the Red and Black on my list of places to have lunch at. Might make for an interesing FDR Portland Meetup. Not sure why the vid link is not posting.
  9. Obviously someone with a life threatening overdose situation is nothing to laugh about. That being said, have a look at video for more comedy gold brought to you by Portland's AnCom community, which is based out of this particular cafe. http://www.policeone.com/patrol-issues/articles/7205079-Anarchist-coffee-shop-owner-refuses-to-let-cops-respond-to-OD/
  10. They are only a few rules and regulations away from fine tuning this experiment. If only the greedy capitalists would just stop hoarding stuff and chasing profits, it would all be good.
  11. Never want to work another day in your life? Ez peazy. Come up with a way to sell a fake cure to a fake disease. That is what Stefan says about religion. It seems applicable to the boogey man/word of racism, as well. Quote referring to statist supremacist Eric Holder, "He said the new battleground against discrimination should focus on policies and laws that appear race-neutral but in practice impede equal opportunity."Okay, how about you start with affirmative action?Furthermore, Mr. Holder it's quite obvious you would rather focus on the non issue of discrimination rather than get a real job that doesn't rely on violence and coercion. Your whole existence is predicated on forcing others to pay your bloated salary and to submit to your unjustified authority. But at least you are out bravelly battling the unicorns and leprechauns of "discrimination." http://news.yahoo.com/u-attorney-general-says-racial-equality-threatened-subtle-144426557.html
  12. The saying goes the victors of war write history. It's illegal in several countries to question the official story. While not illegal in the US, it can get you fired from your job, and likely will get you the label of anti-semite and even on a Soviet style enemies list kept by the ADL or their all inclusive subisidiary the SPLC. youtube is notorious for censoring anything that doesn't parrot the official storyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY7GAvJFjZU
  13. Podcast 2698 from Wednesday May 14 (about the 7 minute mark) "Racism is a general statement about a group based on inconsequential biological characteristics." "And racism is of course negative racism and positive racism." "Negative racism is blacks are stupid." "The positive racism is blacks are the coolest ever." "Both of those are a racist statement." In Stef's defense, this was tangent/metaphor on the fly in the middle of a conversation. I say dumber things everyday as my main point in conversation.
  14. Adam Kokesh interviews Ian Freeman about Chris Cantwell and conflict, in general, the FSP is experiencing.
  15. Approaching a half a million to keep kids from learning. What a deal. 7 kids in college by age 12 by avoiding public gulag scools. It's no wonder the violent class hates empiricism. http://www.today.com/moms/meet-brainy-bunch-family-7-kids-college-age-12-2D79669284
  16. In other words fake power, that which comes from the individual, will be treated like it is a serious threat to social justice. The individual will be treated as if they have the power of the state. That's not bait and switch. No, not at all. “A mandatory power and privilege training that examines components of race, gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability, religion, international status, and power differentials for every incoming HKS student starting August 2014,” it states." Mandatory training is nothing more than indoctrination. I predict lots of hand wringing as some retard blubbers on about structural violence.
  17. Red headed Muslims is an analogy to the Donald Sterling story. It's intended to show the nature of the word racism: a made up term used to slander while having no basis in philosophy. Don Lemon is a presenter on the cable tv show/propaganda channel of CNN. How do you become a highly paid mouth piece for the ruling class? Come up with brilliant stuff like this. “I’ve said for years now that the new unicornism is the denial of unicornism,” Lemon said. “But in the past few weeks, after hearing from Bundy and Sterling, I have changed my mind.The new unicornism is being unaware that you are unicornist.” That is what you call a solid proof - in the land of CNN make believe. http://www.mediaite.com/online/cnns-lemon-not-knowing-youre-racist-is-the-new-racism/
  18. Need another laugh? Apparently threre is something called the Jericho Movement. You see them referenced on the opening shot of OP video.This bullet point is taken from the Oregon Jericho website is an article about communist Chilean "Anarchists" (a slight contradiction IMO). Anarcha-Feminism • The Theater of the Oppressed and popular education • Patriarchy and structural violence through capitalism, state and religion• Gender violence and discrimination http://oregonjericho.wordpress.com/
  19. Colin Flaherty has been slimed with the racist smear for writing a book that sites, contrary to rubbish from the MSM, numerous statistics showing whites most often as the victims of inter racial crimes in the US. Is that evidence that would exclude culture? If not, how could one factor out culture? Here is one critic of Flaherty. Imagine if someone used this sort of BS to criticize a scientific proposition. "In The Los Angeles Times, Robin Abcarian also felt Flaherty's numbers were out of proportion, feeling that Flaherty, amongst other conservative media personalities, were only trying to incite anxiety." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Girl_Bleed_a_Lot
  20. Anti tipping is en vogue and being pushed by the usual suspects. There are a couple of restaurants in the states that have done away with tipping. Now Canada is giving it a go. What are your thougths on tipping? Is it a viable business model or a tradition that needs to die out? A proxy war for the Ancoms and the Ancaps?Any predictions on success of restaurant mentioned in article Smoke and Water? http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/tipping+please+restaurant+plans+away+with+gratuities+favour+paying+living+wage/9830287/story.html
  21. It must be fairly ambitious if he is planning a year for development. Excited to see how this goes.
  22. The "anarchists" were upset about a guy, Kristain Williams a fellow anarchist, who had the audacity to say allegations are not proof of wrong doing. Typical leftist nonsense:Williams’s controversial writing, “The Politics of Denunciation,” states that factions of feminism have made questions about sexual assault “off limits” because it has become widely accepted that the answer is always “whatever the survivor says it is.” “Under this theory, the survivor, and the survivor alone, has the right to make demands … one obvious implication is that all allegations are treated as fact. And often, specific allegations are not even necessary” it reads. “It may be enough to characterize someone’s behavior … as ‘sexist,’ ‘misogynist,’ ‘patriarchal, ‘silencing,’ ‘triggering,’ unsafe,’ or ‘abusive.’” The students organized the protest through a Facebook event titled “Shut Down Kristian Williams!” “Please come and support the survivors who Kristian Williams has targeted, support the feminists and survivor-supporters who Kristian Williams has deemed as ‘divisive,’ support a rad community that supports survivors and values women,” the description reads. http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5612
  23. You have to feel sorry for Peter Boghossian who teaches on the campus (Portland State Unviversity) where this took place. He has the unenviable task of having to deal with these sorts.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7cwWegXCU
  24. 10% of tea party donors have been auditied. The eff bee eye is now investigating Bundy supporters. FB and Youtube having no interest in freedom of speech seems only natural. "Progressives" use the tactices of fear, intimidation, and silencing opposition. The HGTV channel is now pulling a show because of non-conformist views of two brothers. They are being Donald Sterling'd. Remember to proudly proclaim "They are over there fighting for our freedoms" next time you are stuck in the supermarket checkout line. EOR
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