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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. I don't know whether or not Adam's take on the death of R.W. is directed at Stef or not. And not really sure it matters. The movie scene at the end does add to the theory. Adam believes there is a cover up going on. He brings up some good points. Stef doesn't seem to be one that would willingly perpetuate a cover up and upon further review of evidence, he may alter or completely change his take on the death of R.W. I hope Stef will address this angle at some point.Furthermore, playing with fire and unintentionally dying from that, while not a suicide per say, is an indication of a disturbed individual. Adam never addresses that point.
  2. Never even thought about that, but yeah it's fairly obvious Ana is intoxicated being in the vicinity of power.
  3. Presented without comment. Start at 1:20 mark. In this vid Ana rejects stereotypes as useful ie young pretty women generally not well-informed. And goes on to say "You can never judge a book by its cover (3:45)."
  4. Who would've guessed? MMA professional violence promoter dating a professional sex worker - a match made in childhood abuse heaven.
  5. I am not a cop defender. They are disgusting, sick in the head, power hungry, statist conforming retards, at the very least. But my observation has been only a small fraction of a percent physically abuse or terrorize their customers without some provocation. Not saying the provocation justifies their abuse, but that provocation (yelling, swearing, talking back, physically resisting) is what the copper uses to rationalize their tyranny. So while there is no guarantees you won't win the bad cop lottery, suffice to say if you act like they are important, never bruise their fragile egos, and basically surrender to their unjust authority, I would say it is very unlikely you will experience anything you might have seen in that video. I hope that was helpful. Terrified is a strong adjective. Why do you feel terrified of police?
  6. " As of December 2013, the FAA had documented at least 35 incidents where pilots required medical attention after a laser strike."My first thought is " I saw a laser and now I need two weeks paid vacation."Who has lasers so powerful they can blind a pilot thousands of feet away?
  7. First Jason Lewis, now Peter Schiff. Not a good week for spreading of liberty. Radio is quickly losing its shine as the go to medium for talk. . Satellite and podcasts appear to be winning the battle for the ears of the future.
  8. There is no logical reason to wash a modern car. The time and resources it takes will be more than any maintenance losses as far as rust or corrosion goes. Yet most everyone who owns a car washes it. Human behavior is not logical. Socical conformity is definitely not logical. It's practical and based on preferances or cultural influences. Make up can be both pleasing to the self and used to attract the attention of others. It gives the (temporary) illusion that our flaws do not exist, or at least minimize them. You can understand why women or men prefer to tone down flaws and accentuate strengths, yes?
  9. It's interesting how many have no regard or want for a smart phone. Luddites unite! I wish I could say my lack of a smart phone was driven by ideology, but if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would get one. No doubt.The main thing I find compelling about a smart phone would be for using bitcoin.
  10. No offense to you, jacbot, but F the NYT! This article is the same old rubbish from the dinosaur media. Hey this is popular so let's get on board. The NYT and the other pro pot groups are lobbyists for statism. Where do they get the idea selective "prohibition" is or has ever been legitimate? They put their finger in the wind and go with it. They have zero philosophical reasoning. The NYT is one of the biggest opponents of any freedom type movements. They are the home to that fat troll Paul Krugman who never saw a law he didn't want to have sex with. EOR
  11. I know I am not the only one who doesn't have a Galaxy Something or other or the ubiquitous Fruity Phones. I am curious why others don't have one. A matter of preference? A matter of economics? A practical matter? Something else?
  12. This seems like an important issue to you. Did you have a personal connection with this girl? Is the pot gestapo getting worse in Michigan?
  13. Interesting, but not without bias and misinformation. The bread and circus angle appears legit. However, equating free market labor with slavery is not legit.
  14. Whenever I hear some control freak spout off about how "You can never be too safe," in my mind I hear "You can never be too dumb."
  15. Not sure if a coherent argument with this hypothetical situation can be made, or if it is worth the effort, but this is what I have come up with.You have grown up in this place called America and you are fully aware of the culture, custom, and tradition of tipping. (A) If you held the philosophical position of (Mr. Pink in video) of not tipping, or (B) you didn't tip for practical reasons (didn't bring enough cash, or credit card is maxed out), the effect is the same ie no tip. (1) Could the non-tip be justified by either A, or B? (2) Have you violated the NAP (property rights) by getting a service and not paying for it?
  16. New FDR game: is it N. Korea or is it NY?One question brings clarity to this insanity. If you were a cop, what would you rather do: difficult police work that includes interacting with violent criminals, or "investigate" by watching video surveillance of a flag on a bridge?
  17. Warren and her Marxist rhetoric has the intellectual merit worthy of a Cracker Jack Box. Her and John Stuart are competing for lead role to be emulated in the much anticipated sequel to Idiocracy.
  18. Holding a door open is somewhat similar, IMO, albeit slightly influenced by chivalry as men are usually the ones going out of their way to hold a door for a lady, especially attractive young ladies. However, there is no economic dimension to complicate things. When you mention charity, the same gender thing comes to mind. I'm sure you have noticed these car washes kids put on to raise money for school activities. They often have signs FREE CAR WASH being waved around by attractive young women. When you pull up they tell you the cause they are raising money for and suggest a donation amount. They wash your car but can't legally force you to pay. I'm sure there are very rare occasions people don't pay for whatever reason, but never out of principle. They may have forgot to bring money or they are upset with the quality of work. Nobody in their right mind would say "The sign said FREE."It's like a restaurant advertising FREE SERVICE, which would be technically correct, but it wouldn't negate the tipping practice. It would also seem weird to advertise what everyone already knows: the waiter extends to you a service and you decide what it's worth.On a side note. The car wash situation has me thinking. This is presented merely as a rhetorical question. Since I have never seen young men out waving signs for FREE CAR WASH, is using attractive young ladies to be considered sexual exploitation? Would the car wash receiver be considered guilty of sexual exploitation? ATTN: Paul Walker
  19. That is an honest letter. I am sure it wasn't easy to write. Bravo.
  20. Quality people are not super rare, IMO, but they are difficult to discover. Fast and loose "friends" or people you can do activities with are a dime a dozen. However, you are not likely to share values or develop a close bond with those types. Like fast food, they are convenient but empty calories. Quality people are either reluctant to engage with a crazy society for obvious reasons and limit their accessibility, or they are content and not necessarily searching for more friends. It's a difficult puzzle to figure out as most on this board can attest to. Now add to that you are a married person with kids, and you have added several more hurdles to jump over.I suppose some parts of the country are better than others. Certainly you would probably best avoid small religious towns, which is stating the obvious. New Hampshire and the FSP is interesting. Retirement cities are places that would lower the odds. Not sure that is much help. But there ya go. How do you know there are no quality people within 20 miles of your current home?
  21. Like SamuelS stated: it's rule by fiat which means without reason or principle.If the the city operated as a DRO, they could negotiate and or mitigate any unpleasant effects the chickens might have on neighbors. But since the city has no incentive to be customer service friendly, they just swing the bat of fiat power knocking down anyone they feel like knocking down.
  22. Tipping is an interesting topic to me because it is generally a good indicator to gauge one's outlook, economic education, and degree of self self knowledge all within a transparent, simple, and everyday transaction. The ingredients and circumstance of tipping are rife for philosophical discussion and differences: it's voluntary, it (usually) involves a stranger, there are no legal consequences, there are social implications (Reservoir Dogs vid does great job demonstrating that aspect). In a sense tipping presents an economic and ethical dilemma- something that scares the hell out of most people. Can anyone come up with a simple and similar thing to tipping that causes as much worry and anxiety?
  23. TWA flight 800. That has never been resolved, and neither will this. A plane was shot down. Okay. How exactly are the "investigators" going to determine intentions?
  24. DSEngere, It appears to me Cantwell has divorced himself, to some extent, from his earlier rhetoric. I refer you to post #26 of this thread.
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