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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. More proof the drug war has been and continues to be a total success for sociopaths and their sychopantic cheer leaders. And in a place where god, guns, and government are constantly praised, the war on people is far from over.
  2. I second that.Is it just me or does anyone else find Ms. Williams just plain vulgar? Not sure if I have disdain or sorrow for her husband.Someone brought up a good point. How and why would you marry a woman who not only knows of Wendy Williams, but would seek her out for moral advice?The whole clip strikes me as a mashup of SNL and Idiocracy.
  3. In effect, we have negative interest rates here and now in the US. My mega bank used to offer free checking. Now I either have to jump through a bunch of hoops every month, have a large avg. daily balance, or pay a $10 a month account fee.They are very friendly and outgoing whenever I visit. They will say stupid shyte like "Is there anything we can do to make your experience with us better?"I say yeah, how about not charging me $120 a year for being poor. Instant deer in the headlighs. One time they called the bank manager to throw him under the bus rather than admit they are just lackeys without a soul. We had a nice chat for about 15 minutes where I got him to admit he is just a PR manager for a corrupt system. Good times.
  4. Ain't that the truth. It's vile, cowardly, and disgusting. In other words it is the attitude of the all too common misanthropic nihilist.
  5. As a massage therapist, I have done/do a lot of thinking about relaxation. To me, relaxation is part of a continuum. It if often defined by what it is not: uncomfortable. So on one end of this continuum there are blissful feelings of wonder and joy usually, but not always, combined with low stimulis. That end is known as relaxation. On the other end are frantic feelings of panic and alarm usually, but not always, combined with high stimulus. That end of the continuum is referred as stress. There is one mitigating factor: that of time. The more time one has, the more likely they will gravitate towards the relaxation end of the continuum. Generally the default and nature of life nudges one towards the stress end. It's like the proverbial frog in water that is unaware the water is slowly heating up. Now replace the word heat with the concept of time.
  6. If by poverty you only measure taxable income, those stats might be true. If you measure via consumption, I would argue those stats are meaningless.
  7. I would listen to Mr. 50 cents for no less than half a bitcoin per song. Final offer.
  8. Oregon is a close #2. Oregon is full of California lefties. Won't be long until the entire west coast is relegated to third world status.Downtown Portland is full of roach coaches and vacant (former restaurants) retail space.
  9. Cowards and criminals protected by those who fear speaking the truth. I don't know who is more despicable.
  10. Stop the presses. Mr. Cantwell appears to be having a change of heart about how to best bring about a free society and has come to this realization primarily by watching Stef's videos.Here is first endorsement.http://www.christophercantwell.com/2014/05/31/necessary-training-male-libertarians/ This article he is considering/admitting he may have been deficient in his knowledge of right vs. wrong - IMO a humbling thing to admit. http://www.christophercantwell.com/2014/06/01/im-reconsidering-use-force-arguments/
  11. Death threats for not worshipping at the alter of the eternal feminine victim. Sounds like typical "progressive" tactics.In a way death threats might even be seen as a good sign?
  12. Just pass a law and get rid of low-wage jobs. What could possibly go wrong? Coming to a left coast near you. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/seattle-city-council-panel-oks-191035315.html
  13. I don't know how it is in other places of the world, but in N. America the very word abuse is synonymous with the concept of man=bad, woman=victim. The white knight programming instilled in young boys, whether it's genetic or cultural, is a huge barrier to telling the truth about female aggression.
  14. I have not read the article. However, one has to be suspicious of an article with such an inflamatory headline. The first thought is someone is looking to get clicks or SEO points.
  15. @ 2:50 "Of course there are some occasions where any society will need to rely on coercive force, on incareration. There are some taxes that are necessary in any system. We all accept that." The guy is arguing against socialism while at the same time arguing for coercion and taxes. Is that a logical contradiction?
  16. First off, thank you for posting. I find Panera interesting, and brilliant based on their stock price. They are the only national chain I know that has a voluntary pricing mechanism at two stores. It's called Panera Cares. It's the same as a typical Panera cafe, but you pay what you want to or can afford. You can also volunteer your labor in lieu of payment. We have a Panera Cares in here in Portland. It's an interesting place, and experiment. As for automation. I am sure the unions would never use rhetoric and demagoguery to reignite the luddite movement. That would involve being dishonest and violent. Unions are honest and oppose violence
  17. So it's true, they have impoted the Cuban medical system along with a few thousand mercenaries. Maybe that fat ass Michael Moore can go down there and show how great socialism is working out for the country with the world's largest oil reserves.
  18. shirgall or anyone, would you extend that same courtesy to the Manson scenario? Or am I in error by juxtaposing the two scenarios? In Manson's case you had full grown adults voluntarily associating with one another. At some point a few of them murder and then say Manson made me do it. But they made the choice to do it, yes? Manson was essentially found guilty of murder. In the case of E.R., he was not in a voluntary relationship with his parents for most of his life. E.R was not blatantly physically abused by the parents the way some children are, that we know of at least. According to Stef's video, the father was negligent and absent and the step mother was emotionally cruel. So the question is are they free from all responsibility for their actions and inactions as parents which played a huge part in E.R. becoming an unstable psycho? Would you say Charles Manson was a jackass, but his kind of jackassery very rarely leads to psychopathic behavior that kills people? His ecentric behaviour could have just as easily lead to more hippie dippie art, fun, and free love making. BTW, I don't think that is an unreasonable argument, but it's not a popular one.
  19. Back to my original question. If Manson was culpable, these parents are culpable, yes?
  20. How do you know they didn't plan to be horrible parents?
  21. To further what Rainbow and nathanm pointed out. Noticed how the word "listen" is very key in this exchagne. The violent EBP named Linda is already warping language in order to dominate this child. She is a true POS and so is Ellen (and her audience) for glorifying and giving cover to this barbaric behavior.
  22. Charles Manson from Wiki - In 1971 he was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the murders of seven people, actress Sharon Tate and four other people at Tate's home, and the next day, a married couple, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, all carried out by members of the group at his instruction. He was convicted of the murders through the joint-responsibility rule, which makes each member of a conspiracy guilty of crimes his fellow conspirators commit in furtherance of the conspiracy's objective.If Manson's conviction is legit, would it make sense, for the purpose of consistency, for Rodger's parents to be charged with some form of conspiracy or being held accountable to some degree via the joint-responsibility rule?
  23. The kid is/was deranged. Obviously parenting is the first place to look.After that, it should be noted he specifically targeted blonde girls. Imagine if it were a blonde kid who targeted girls with black hair. Viva La Raza?
  24. Touche.Why Cuban decided to use tattoos and baldenss on white guys as markers of fear shows the coward he is. How would he react were it a black bald guy and tats? While I applauded his courage to even broach the subject, as he has nothing obvious to gain and lots to lose, my applause was short lived.Mr Cuban is now grovelling at the feet of the race baiters for daring to use the 8th letter in the alphabet word to make a point. It's understandable he would apologize, but it's unfortunate as Mr. Cuban's repentence encourages and rewards word bullies, again. http://www.tennessean.com/story/money/2014/05/22/mark-cuban-apology-race-trayvon-martin-nba/9456125/ This story is changing every hour.Now Cuban is the enviable position of proving he is NOT racist.Okay, I am not convinced he has proven his non-racism to my satisfaction. If the moral crusaders of the noble NBA do not take his team, fine him $2.5 million, and ban him for life, well then the NBA is going to need to prove to me they are not a racist institution. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101698785
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