Hmm.. Well. All my life i easily understood that good was much more preferable than evil..I was hit by my mom once when i was like 5 and that was because one of the older kids in the neighborhood beat some one up and i was standing there and left after about 15 seconds.. I guess i got hit because i didnt at the age of 5 attack and mutilate this older kid who was like 10 and also he was the bully of the whole block back then.. So i did get hit by my mom. That really is the only time i recall getting physically attacked by the people that supposedly loved me the most ..There was so much trauma, physical and mental in both my parents life when they were children but they never got any help in resolving their issues so all the pain and disfunction just poured into my sisters and brothers life(and mine)..Oh yea.. getting back to being hit by my mom, the kid who gotten beat up by this bully told his parents the names of all the kids that were there and it was like 8 kids there or something.. I dont really remember exactly but his parents went to all the houses of the kids that were there at the time of his beating and in front of the parents my mom hit me on my backside in front of them.. I was shocked.I didnt know why she would turn on me like that...But now i know.. So. FDR has given me the information to make rational sense of all the child hood terror my family was put through and how all this morphs into society being an extremly violent place to live..Just me all by myself have talked to people about child abuse and have given them Stefs videos and i know for a fact this has helped at least a few people..If we create conditions where the good people know they can act morally (UPB) without the threat of violence or theft against them from a small handfull of people with a monopoly on the use of violence, then thats our chance for a peaceful world. Thats our only chance for the good moral people to stop allowing themselves to be preyed upon by these psychopaths and statists..So lets just take this one chance we have and try it.. The violence that starts in the family does continue with us into adulthood . Stef is so right about that.I dont mind that in 2 or 3 generations there might be the slightest chance for people to openly talk about exactly where all the violence is coming from.Thats better than never. I wish someone like Stef would of happened 50,000 years ago and we are just only reading about this insanity in books and never actually having to expeirence it first hand ..It never took much to convince me that stealing or hurting other people was wrong. I didnt need to be told that there was a gigantic pit of flaming sulfer awaiting me if i didnt accept my slavery.. FUCK THEM ! I own Myself now ! Thanks Stef. erich