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Everything posted by Mister Mister
Yes well moreover I was trying to make the point that, if you go back far in history enough, it's just apes hitting each other with rocks. It's pointless to analyze the morality of how we got here, we just have to figure out how to act as philosophical people in a mostly anti-philosophical world. And in my opinion, clinging to this idea of "we're all just individuals, man", is not a good strategy, especially as things start to unravel in the next decade or two.
Looking for voluntaryist musicians across the world
Mister Mister replied to William Wyatt's topic in General Messages
I'm a professional guitar player with formal training in classical and jazz, and a very eclectic style. I don't know how spicy your chops are, but if you want more technical guitar stuff that you don't think you can pull off; classical, jazz, blues, slide, dobro, 12-string,electric, whatever, lemme know. -
Nations are a concept but unlike many political concepts they have a basis in biology and reality. Sorry but a lot of this is kind of silly and pointless. Though I accept anarchy on philosophical grounds, I also acknowledge that history is made by great men who project their will into the world, not armchair philosophizers who pontificate about the ethics of things that happened centuries ago.
Hey if anyone is interested, me and some other people I met through FDR have a Discord channel dedicated to playing DnD for philosophical people. Humor, mystery, suspense, action, drama, political intrigue, conflict, can all be a part of the game. So far our campaigns have been really fun and interesting, and philosophy comes up both in and out of the game. It's a great time and I've learned a lot. We're currently hoping to recruit one or two members for a new campaign. We usually play Friday Saturday nights American time, Saturday Sunday mornings European time. Experience is a plus, but if you've never played before, we can show you the ropes. You can answer here or PM me if interested.
Women Better Off as Property?
Mister Mister replied to Fashus Maximus's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
You're actually buying into a BS feminist myth. Women were not considered property in the West, they were not second-class citizens, but as Karen Straughan puts it, "different citizens", with different rights and responsibilities. You couldn't just sell your wife, or kill her, the way you could a slave. Marriage existed for many hundreds of years as a kind of social contract, which bound both men and women to certain obligations. I would also add, if you want a healthy society, you need healthy children. If you want healthy children, women need to play their part. So we need to make the case to women why they will be happier with a robust family life, than living with pets, serially dating a steady stream of losers/assholes, with a mid-level dead-end career, and marching in a pussy hat. Which of course they will be. Spicy take tho -
Has science become unscientific?
Mister Mister replied to steljarkos's topic in Science & Technology
Yep not to mention unfalsifiable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hoc#Hypothesis- 84 replies
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Has science become unscientific?
Mister Mister replied to steljarkos's topic in Science & Technology
You forgot to mention the madness of dark matter or dark energy- 84 replies
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Is western civilization a case of rock, paper, scissors?
Mister Mister replied to elzoog's topic in Philosophy
Jew (secret handsign) Trumps all of them -
I don't know why you'd bother, this looks very much like an echo-chamber for snarky bitch Atheist Socialist types, who have enough of an IQ to recite nasty, somewhat eloquent slander, but not enough to process or make an argument, especially if it is outside their orthodoxy. Very similar to rationalwiki, which they have linked as a supposedly objective source on Stef's views. When they say Does that sound like an actual arguments? His tone is coated in a veneer? Are we talking about furniture or philosophy here, lol. Is this even a popular site? Wasting your time with people like this is what amoral losers like this want, to keep you from reaching someone who can actually think.
My girlfriend is a feminist
Mister Mister replied to Druid's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
Whether listening to Stef, this forum, a self-help writer, or whomever, you should weigh the strength of their argument above all else. Of course their credibility/expertise or lack thereof, is important, but above all the facts and reasoning behind the argument are what matter. -
Can someone explain regression to the mean for IQ?
Mister Mister replied to smarterthanone's topic in Science & Technology
My amateur understanding of Regression to the Mean, is that with certain traits, not just IQ but height, creativity, aggressiveness, athleticism, productivity, anything which lies on a Bell Curve really, the statistical probability when two people who are on the ends of the bell curve breed, is for their children to be closer to the middle of the bell curve than they are. A good example is that, Michael Jordan's children are better than most blacks at basketball, but not anywhere close to the elite level their father was. This is to be expected statistically.Therefore, you and your GF being on the far high end of the Bell Curve of IQ, are more likely to have children who are less intelligent than you, but still smarter than average. Indeed as RichardY says, this trend explains why there is a Bell Curve at all; there seem to be some stabilizing factor in genetics, rather than an exponential push toward extremes. -
Join the Discord everybody!
Is God really a paradox? (Omnipotence and Omniscience)
Mister Mister replied to Kohlrak's topic in Atheism and Religion
It's explained in detail here. -
Sorry to be a Negative Nancy, but has it occurred to you that this subject is completely pointless and irrelevant? As far as problems in the world, and in my life, the potential of voluntary slavery in a stateless society is so insignificant, I can hardly muster the energy to think about it for more than a few minutes. Let's say it's true, that in a stateless society, some people would engage in voluntary indentured servitude -- what could that possibly mean to me or to any of us? How would that knowledge change our behavior? Should we stop fighting statism and irrationality because of some unknown potential for people to enter into self-destructive contracts, hundreds of years in the future?
Peaceful parenting and consequences for undesirable behavior
Mister Mister replied to Rooster's topic in Peaceful Parenting
I am not a parent, but I work with kids in their homes and I witness different styles of parenting. One of the biggest problems, in my opinion, is that parents fail to delineate the difference between - Immoral behavior: hitting, stealing - Unaesthetic behavior: screaming, lying, rudeness, dirtiness, etc. - Parent's particular preferences: I don't want you watching TV during these hours, I want you to eat your vegetables, take your shoes off in the house, we pray towards Mecca 5 times a day, etc. Obviously there is some overlap between some of these; for example lying about stealing something is more in the category if immoral behavior. Watching 10 hours of TV a day or eating nothing but candy, is objectively unhealthy and not aesthetic. But I think it's important that we know the difference, and that our children know the difference. Otherwise things tend to devolve into the helicopter parent model of just constantly barking orders at a kid "do this, don't do that, etc.", (very similar to how, when we abandon principles of a limited constitutional republic, things devolve into a constantly growing list of unknowable regulations). Immoral behavior are things which are binding on everyone, Universally Preferable Behavior. Aesthetics are things which are objectively in the child's best interest, as far as physical, mental, emotional, and social health. Preferences are just things that you prefer. So each one requires a different kind of argument. The catch is, that your child now has the ability to mirror these arguments back at you. So if you hold your child to certain moral rules and aesthetic behaviors, they can hold you to them in return. And if you argue for certain preferences, your child can assert their preferences as well. If you do not respond positively when your child does this (which most parents do not), you are doing harm to your child's ability to think critically and respond to authority. If reason and negotiation apply only to a child, but not an adult, then they are a scam, just a manipulative tool to control those with less power than you. So peaceful parenting requires a kind of humility and self knowledge and integrity which most people simply do not have at this moment in time. Those are just my thoughts on the subject, I hope that helps. -
Is God really a paradox? (Omnipotence and Omniscience)
Mister Mister replied to Kohlrak's topic in Atheism and Religion
God is the super-ordinate principle -
All hail the Cultural Revolution
Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert in England
Mister Mister replied to Thesemindz's topic in Current Events
I didn't downvote you, I appreciate you trying to be honest here. So I'm sorry for the harshness of the comments to follow. This is exactly why white people are getting our AAAAASSSSSES kicked. You are more focused on your own guilt about being "raaaaaycist" than anger at the fucking murderer who just killed 20 children, and the community and culture which bred him, indoctrinated him, supported him, and radicalized him. Have you tried therapy? Because it could help you with this self-attack. You referred to your brain has stupid, and "things like that shouldn't be there". This fundamentally doesn't make any sense from a psychological standpoint; self actualizing means uniting all your parts, even the one's you think are "bad". -
Pornography and the First Amendment
Mister Mister replied to richardbaxter's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
False equivalency. Guns are objects. Government is a concept. -
Explosion at Ariana Grande Concert in England
Mister Mister replied to Thesemindz's topic in Current Events
So you had a suspicion based on observable patterns, which turned out to be correct...and you are ashamed of yourself? Sorry I don't see why.