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Mister Mister

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Everything posted by Mister Mister

  1. The solution to the Jewish and all other problems of race is to have an open and honest conversation about it in society.
  2. Associating with criminals is one thing. Aiding and abetting and helping cover up their crimes makes you an accomplice. But we already have laws for that
  3. That's an interesting way to look at it. I couldn't help but notice that the Bible is in many ways the opposite.
  4. It's true that anger is powerful, and is not inherently bad, but neither is it inherently good. Movements of angry people are very dangerous, without the guiding compass of philosophy. You can end up with the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and so on.
  5. Really masterful. Your style is very personable and entertaining while delivering important information. Also all the banana republic stuff reminded me that the Left has some good points. Liked, subscribed, and shared
  6. sorry can you restate 4) in more plain terms for people who don't know statistics that well? Also I don't know if it's relevant to your thesis, but if I was giving someone a crash course an this subject, I would also need to cover: a) IQ is significant because it correlates heavily to life outcomes such as income, life expectancy, drug and alcohol abuse, criminality, likelihood of divorce, etc., as well as political/economic stability when applied to nations as a whole. b) IQ seems to be, according the best data available, 70-80% heritable and 20-30% environmental
  7. China has cut off coal imports to the North Koreans. Kim Jong Un is a weak leader. They're done. The regime will fall in a few years, I suspect and hope. I don't know what Trump's angle is, but if it was me I would be willing to offer the top brass some kind of asylum (they are terrified of being lynched by the angry mob) in order to make the transition more speedy and peaceful.
  8. awesome dude, I like those guys, can't wait to listen to it
  9. Yes I think you are on to something. When people say "society", or "the country", or even "we" in the collective sense, they are trying to apply instincts which have evolved for the family, the tribe, the race, to millions of people who happen to fall in the political lines of national borders. Altruism evolved, as Richard Dawkins and others have pointed out, because it increases the chances of survival of an extended family or tribe, sharing similar genes, by helping each other out. Taking care of the sick or old or needy makes sense when it is voluntary, and within one's tribe or family, but becomes much more complicated when it is run by the government who rules over millions of strangers. Good post.
  10. Even more delicious, Trump will not attend the White House Press Correspondence Dinner.
  11. Oh so you make them from used shell casings and gunpowder? What do you use for the fresh rounds?
  12. has "injustice" been defined in the first place? This is completely nonsensical. What is the "rule of capitalism"? Every transaction has to "create equal opportunity for everyone"??? I don't remember any advocates of capitalism ever saying anything like that. Inheritance is a gift. It follows from the biological impulse to provide resources for one's children. I can see how it can be considered "unfair" in a cosmic sense, but that's not the same as injustice. Injustice implies someone has been harmed, and is now owed restitution.
  13. Jordan Peterson talked about this with Stef. He made the point that different tribes of chimpanzees will war on each other, and actually Christianity and religion can also bring tribes together. Of course the danger is that this creates a "super-tribe"; nations or alliances of nations that can then escalate into military conflicts with other nations with different belief systems. But to blame this on religion I agree is short-sighted and incorrect.
  14. I'm amazed how these people tend to focus their outrage on the most trivial aspects of life. I can't think of a more pure expression of "privilege" than having time and energy to use social media on your smart phone to shame a fashion magazine for offending you.
  15. I think the issue is really to do with honesty, and confusion around the word love. The beauty of free market negotiation is that both parties can be honest about their perfectly natural selfish interests without guilt or shame or manipulation, ideally. But when economic transactions are disguised as intimate relationships (friends, family, romantic partners), I think this is the problem. Most people's idea of love is more like co-dependency and mutual utility. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with this except for the lies people tell themselves and each other to mask this reality. That's my thoughts anyway.
  16. Economic collapse is not a "conspiracy theory". It has happened to many societies throughout history when they live beyond their means for too long and can no longer pay their debts. The price of gold and silver tends to rise in times of economic uncertainty and therefore it is considered a good investment by those who expect such a collapse in their lifetime.
  17. What does the man get in return from the woman for pandering to trivial preferences about things like glasses left next to the sink?
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