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Mister Mister

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Everything posted by Mister Mister

  1. We didn't get in, the police were afraid to let people in and to use force to prevent communists thugs from barricading the entrance.
  2. I was there as well, as you know, and this was a really good report and analysis.
  3. Interesting thoughts, but when you say "Societies are inevitably a mix of different IQ individuals," I think this is imprecise. Because different societies have different average IQs; the average of a society like Japan being completely different from a society like Somalia. And also because the disparity of IQ is also important; with multicultural societies like America or Brazil having a very wide disparity of low and IQ.
  4. didn't the hero of central planners, Franklin Roosevelt, actually pay farmers to destroy cattle in order to fix prices?
  5. Yes if they consistently inflicted harm on you you don't owe them shit. And if their illnesses are self-inflicted then. They could have dealt with their demons instead of doing drugs and alcohol, been good parents, and been healthy or at least had children who wanted to be around them (which you obviously don't). But they didn't. By sacrificing your time and happiness to take care of them aren't you just subsidizing bad decisions? Why should you have to keep paying for their shitty choices? And I say that with all sympathy. Have you seen a therapist or talked to someone about this? I think you could enormously benefit from talking to a professional about all the conflicting feelings you must be having over this issue.
  6. You realize that's not an answer to my question right? The premise is that without Christianity, Marxism. I point to many people who are neither. So that's a problem with your argument.
  7. how do you explain people who are neither Christian nor Marxist?
  8. would be cool if he had an automatic laser rifle which could disintegrate thousands of non-arguments
  9. No I don't think I am, because the only moral issue here has to do with laws forcing businesses to have a particular bathroom configuration which is ridiculous. Leave it to free association and people will figure it out. But there is no moral answer to how the question of bathrooms and gender and transgenderism should be dealt with except that people shouldn't use force to get their way.
  10. Step 1 of NVC as I recall is to refrain from language that implies any "judgement". However this of course presumes to judge all judgemental language as "violent communication" and therefore bad. So right off the bat it's a simple logic fail.
  11. Do you see governments giving up their power anytime soon? I'm not sure I see this as a trend. Anarcho-capitalism is still a joke. The evil of government is not that it makes money off of people, but that it restricts their freedom through violence. Facebook for all it's vices does not do that.
  12. - Do some writing to get my thoughts out rather than argue with family members, or with strangers on social media - I'm taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at the end of the year, so I'll be studying for that regularly - Date women
  13. Lol, I never realized before the entire Episode IV is one giant White Knight campaign
  14. This was an excellent exposition of the topic. I was aware of the basic concept from reading the Selfish Gene, but never explored it in this detail.
  15. No, whatever gave you that idea? Are contracts a statist institution?
  16. The Suffrage of Women has gone on long enough! The Man Show already did this 15 years ago btw.
  17. The question is irrelevant. Nobody "should" use this or that bathroom, nor do they have the "right" to use this or that bathroom. It's up to private property holders to figure out.
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