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Everything posted by Rob_Ilir

  1. Such a friend shared one of Stefs True News videos with his business partners and me. I guess its easier when you have only 6 finely selected friends And, long time is relative. Wise words.
  2. I didn't see people wrestling with the deeper ethical issues involved. I see people going vegan based on moral reasons alone, let alone care for innocent humans. But if you jump to that conclusion without even considering the people being harmed and so on, then I think that's a copout. Wouldn't a cop-out involve choice? True, you can choose to spend time in thinking about what ifs, but dont neglect the people that are right there to be helped in your own square meter.
  3. Hi SterDo you really think any one of us on this board can directly save tens, hundreds, or thousands of innocents from a far away dictator?Any intervention that is done with the gun to my head, is no worthy intervention. Helping voluntarily in your own life on the other hand is rewarding to you and all of us, and would end the far away crazy too. But blood with blood, will only encourage the thirstiest of the red substance.
  4. Exactly, Alan.Sure the state is one of the biggest archs, but still only one of many forms of it. What would they (fsp) say if children were encouraged to use force against abusers?
  5. Hello CG, and welcome to the board. It is so good to hear that at your tender age you are developing these ideas, and are willing to share your thoughts here. As per the topic, the glass of water metaphor comes to my mind, taxation is the drop of blood in the water that deforms the whole substance of the water. We have been passing this polluted water for generations and called it healthy, until now, that we know that not polluted fresh water is actually healthier.
  6. Salut MarcI am happy to hear about your improvements. Now that you know how to control your anxiety, how about that call in to the show? I would call it a measurable action of improvement.
  7. Like all theories putting forward 2+2=5, this one too is trying to convince people in a a non violent way, while saying that a non violent way is not preferable/possible.
  8. This feels like a desperate "all in" from the teachers union. No longer will they tolerate anything but a parental role in moral questions, or you snowball through fail.I guess the teacher who went through with the test felt anointed by the state, a licence to play carrots and sticks with weaker others.
  9. There was that study that if you see violence/pain on others, your own body tenses up too, nearly in the same exact places. I wish there was a better study, but I try not to put myself in such a position to begin with. I find "fail videos" with the usual background laughter even more disturbing, but in the same category.
  10. There was a study done on lab mice, and free roaming mice, the cage had normal water and heroin/water, same set-up with the free roaming ones. Most of the caged took the drugged version, none of the free took the drug version. As for the selling, it is no different than selling a knife set for the kitchen, it cant be or be immoral, I dont think there would be an actual market other than hobby growers/makers.
  11. Not sure what that means, if you can give the steps that would be helpful. But considering you find something wrong with the non believers of fairys, I am sure you do not frequent life with them a lot. And that would be a complete opposite of what you wrote.
  12. When people say "I am religious/spiritual", they are saying that they grew up with religious/spiritual people, not that they arrived to that thought through logic or proof. And since people intentionally pass on illogical old scripts to fresh minds with no choice, that is coercion.
  13. Nobody learns religion or spirituality from proof, and that is a coercion against logic, empiricism and the nap.
  14. Hello Cherapple, maybe try the copy paste version of the video: youtube.com/watch?v=T_Rr3bldeb0 @ Wesley, I totally agree.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Rr3bldeb0The positive message I got out of it you can no longer be called a libertarian/anarchist if you don't know Molyneux and peaceful parenting.There are plenty of inconsistency's also.
  16. Say no to the yratilim, man! To me, what you are saying is that you will join the kkk, because they are the closest grapes you can reach, they pay the bills and teach survival skills (to those who have the guns?!), even though you know what they really do and what survival really means. I hope you will remember that each shiny plastic badge you will get decorated/stamp of obeyed with, will never bring you to now and to rethink this easily thrown out future.
  17. Rob_Ilir


    Hi Thomas, I live in Wien, if you are moving down here.
  18. Hello Walt, and welcome to the board.I am please to hear about your U turn from the status quo, and its benefits that you are reaping already. I hope you can encourage, and get encouraged by others in here to live the life of integrity/honesty/consistency that we have all been starved from.I am looking forward to your thoughts and journey of self improvement.
  19. So if I get this right, let me know: A few families did something different than others XXX years ago, and they climbed to the top of the food chain. They (few families) controlled science, medicine, left, right, centre, measurements, locksmiths, patterns, ect ect., and the same few will hold that power for long to come, Long live the King! kinda way. And no matter what we do, all the possibilities we can choose from are sanctioned by the "few" narrators. So do a Socrates and know that you dont know. And you know what I dont know, I did not see where you left that part.
  20. @ DavidddddddCould you please explain your argument as if we are five, and maybe we are towards your finding.
  21. Hi LovePrevails.Sorry for not being clearer before. What I attempted to say was that the other guy already made up his mind about the subject, including who plays what part in it, and he was in his way to bully you to his position through any trick he could find, shamming won in the end. Stephan C also made a good observation that the facts will not matter to him in the debate. Would you have done the same if both of you did not share the same last name or didn't have any relations?
  22. http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/forcible-circumcision-turned-this-man-into-an-anti-circumcision-activist This cattle marking business is just sick, despite what people say about cosmetics, hygiene and all that, they always fight children.
  23. I think the conversation was over and backed out at " Lenient justice is regarded as a weakness to be exploited." He already set up the parameters of who is justice, and who will be the exploited. The unscrupulous/offensive remark was part of the exploited part, as that is "human nature" according to that statement. I wonder what part of " Punishment Does Not Prevent Violence" set him off.
  24. Hi David, welcome. ""and in fact i began where you are now... you might claim that these issues should wait until i have heard your whole moral theory..."" ^That is one contradiction I found weird. Also, what is your argument?
  25. It is the tree/forest business all over again with the 1 concept. And itt the forest has been explained in 12 different ways, yet. I admit that it is hard for me too not to do the same sometimes, but it is/can/will be getting better.
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