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Everything posted by Rob_Ilir

  1. @ 1:01 "The medical community (nhs)...have lobbied for an even higher price rise, for 3000 people saved"I have a feeling that that reporter is just pure evil, and understood full well the implications of his mis/report.
  2. Hi MCS, thank you for the links, although not the one I was looking for, I did not leave disappointed in the usual quality of reason.It was a duologue. I think it might have been on the youtube fdr channel, so I will have to retracing my steps.
  3. I remember in a episode, midway through, that Stefan explains (to a nihilist if I remember) of how after a few hours of a troll getting banned there will be a new account who will ask why the troll was banned with really specific questions, he also talks about other determinist, nihilists, and their general (predictable) behaviour on this site. It seemed like he was reading it from the forum (as an example to the caller), but I could not find it through the search. The reading was about 3 minutes, and I only remember only one caller, so maybe it was not a Sunday show. I would love to find it as it was 3 minutes jam packed with the best and easiest metaphores.
  4. ....Rebuilt Germany after WWI... came to mind.It is just a continuation of policies from the French revolution, and still continuing to be pushed into 3rd world country's as a stick, for a few worthless carrots. As for the full employment, I thought only the Vatican had that luxury.
  5. Looking at this , it feels like the most of homescholing is done for religious morals, but teaching different philosophical convictions is seen as a great negative. I would much prefer the unschooling method. Homeschooling sounds like the libertarian way, still having to use the approved statist curriculum, and it has not produced much, compared to the unschooled. This is my vague observation. As for Stefans curriculum, just a kid friendly RTR book would suffice, so they can communicate their needs clearly, and lets face it, thats all we learn in 10 years of public school.
  6. I mean, do you want to live in a world where the FBI is closely monitoring every online community as a defense against shooters and terrorists? Not at all, but I do remember many many people get busted for all sorts of things on b, and very quickly. I would think that if sombody makes a credible threat in a chat forum, that somebody else will press the alarm button, even here.
  7. They have mods and some sort of agents on /b, always. This says more about the state and their dis-organisation, in a place with barely 20k people this should have been dealt with before it began.
  8. Yes, I have not seen it, but I also feel that a the show is more for entertainment rather than education, and the editing crew are magical in most reality shows. So, it would be nice to hear from Dayna and her family of how good did they capture the couple of days down to 40 minutes. But as they say, any expossure is good expossure, and a big bravo to the Martin family, for showing a great alternative.
  9. I would think it is the last stage before "hiting rock bottom".Those are the people that are most likely to commit to major change, if guided right.
  10. This bad news comming out in the same day as the , and all agreeing At least there is a great counter balance going on, not only online, but offline too.
  11. Being born in a country famous for its blood feuds, all I can think of is that vengeance is the small guys compensation, justice is the big guys as that involves the justice apparatus. When the anarchist bf was a social acceptable method, there were no more than 5 "vengeances" a year in a city of 40.000, and all had/have their own methods, such as no kids/woman, and you cant break into private property to take your vengeance (according to my grandparents). I do not agree with it, as it reminds me of "if all you got is a hammer everything is a nail", but what we call justice too is not really acceptable.
  12. Beauty isdifferent in the state that you feel it, imo. As a physical person,I used to think that pace, agility and balance were beautiful. Today it isabout non aggression that I find beautiful in people.I think when people characterise something as beautiful, it is more like a longterm target to aim for.
  13. ^ I "very, very" rarely ever had to,^ Ah, so this is what all this is was about. You are the one who will fix the crack in the dam? Anyway, I am done, as this is no discussion, just post actum justifications, and I feel as an accessory, instead of a part.
  14. Is that from personal experience, or you got a source? Loving your child, is teaching them a skill (spanking) that they only can use on other helpless kids in another generation. Is that what you really call "love"? This sounds like a projection, did you finally say no in your teen years? Meybe becouse the kid grows up in their power, while the parent is loosing power, and beatings cant give the parants any more power? How well do you respond to spanking, especially from people you did not chose to be around, who would be around 4 times bigger than you and had full authority over you? Source? Beat them over a phone book? What is real pain, and fake pain? Why would you want to teach a kid about 2 different punishment pains, and confuse them even more? So the spanking works on the youngest and weakest the most? In ther most delicate age? Assuming that you wanted to have the kid, and learned up upon it, there should be no surprise that it is your own fault in preparation that deserves the spanking, not the kid who gets spanked for your mistakes. In one way I really do feel for you, what you must have goten through to have those thoughts against the most helpless people. But on the other side, I know that people like you will try to screw the weaker people in a second, just as your false self is conditioned to do from your early spanking. Nothing changes, it is called the cycle of violence.
  15. There are somany, everywhere, in real life they try to look classical sleek, on the webzthey have walls of texts and justifications for their "relative" lifechoices and quote decades old medicine. And its a catchy title and as good of a topic, thatis missing from the great youtube globalist library. Have a good day everyone.
  16. Also, the motto of the only libertarian / anarchic "country" that I am aware of (Free Territory of 1918-1921) was "Death to all who stands in the way of freedom." That reminds me of the French revolution: Text displayed on a placard announcing the sale of biens nationaux (1793). Soon after the Revolution, the motto was sometime written as "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death". The "or death" part was later dropped for being too strongly associated with the Reign of Terror.
  17. Nice. I only have a metaphor:In dark times the blind man is your best lead, but once the light comes you will be leading the blind.
  18. A beautiful presentation that deserves to be shared. From the info: Frances Kendall is a portrait artist, businesswoman, former politician, and author living in South Africa. She is the co-author (with Leon Louw) of South Africa: The Solution (1986).This 1984 lecture at a Libertarian International conference in London focuses on Kendall's first book, Super Parents Super Children (1983), wherein she advocates a system of parenting based on respecting the rights of children. Thank goodness for the internet that is finally reaching the info.
  19. That was a very informative read. Thank you. Is there a Nfather type that I can read also by any chance?
  20. If that were so, most of the royalty would not be inbred, as that would break most of the nap.I think this thing surpasses the old dynasties.
  21. Nap is not about "others should not be agressive", you can be agressive as in boxing ring fight after you sign a deal. If you did it before the deal the first punch is the breaking of nap, and the counter punch is self defence.And what is "accaptable" and "this is not accaptable" at the bottom? Other than a reservation for weirdos to practice their agression freely?
  22. I thought that the minimum wage was when the coercioncosts more than the loot.
  23. I can't seeanything wrong either, just checking if my optimism is really out of touch. Thank you.
  24. Maybe it is mybackground, but too much idleness usually rots things in nature/mechanics, andhaving such an extra labour might cause some degradation in itself, once thereis no weird bottom priced incentives like the today's state.Or in other terms, lack of subsidies might createreal problems that maybe today we can't see.
  25. Helloall, first a quick intro. (very short to start a new thread)I am in my late 20's, lived in 3 continents equally, and I thought I was amethodist for most of my life, until methodist turned out to be nap rtr and upbwhen I learned about Stef.I was mostly raised in voluntary communities, I was emotionally neglected atthe beginning of my life for reasons that both my parents had no choice over,conscription in a commie country that is. I was from 6, and am still an entrepreneur,my highest peak was in the late 90's, but I have been working on the next bestanarchist gadget in my lab. With that said, here is my thoughts, and question.Since there are 7 billion people, living each day 24 hours a day, between themliving millions of years worth of experience. And let us assume that on average25% of it is statists schemes of loss, that I consider will be the future"free riders" anyway.Millions of years of labour a day will be available to the future Anarchist.I am looking at it with a very positive eye. But could there be problems with too manymillions of years of labour form, a day?
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