I am sorry but I cannot reveal my real name right now but call me by my nick Neo. For the Matrix fans here I you propably recognize the nickname.
It was at the time the best nickname I could come up with. I can tell you that have been following Stefan since 08 when the financial meltdown hit The Netherlands. The palce where I currently live and was born some forty years ago. It wasn't Stefs video's and podcasts alone that let me believe that some was seriously wrong with the world as I knew it to be.
It was however things like Youtube and the internet in general that let me know that I wasn't alone. I was not the only guy in the world that believed in his right to be left alone unless I would harm someone. I have a classical liberal all my adult live but never could place it since the socalled liberals in my country more resemble the neo cons / progressives of the 20th century nothing really liberal about them. That confused me. I have heard of John Lock and this writings put I was puzzled for a long time why these "liberals" did not follow true liberal principles but rather came with progressive impulses, busy bodies ...
Anyway as I said before Stef his video's and podcast helped me a lot and sometimes not at all. (I want to be free...[]) anyway and decided to become a donor.
Something more about me. As said before I live in the social democratic banana constitutional monarchy of the Netherlands. The country that excels in wiretapping their civilians in a even more drastic fashion than the USofA or Canada. Our medical system is actually the blueprint for Romney Care and was introduced back in 2002. So I am living the nightmare that Americans can expect. No we don';t have to pull our own teeth just yet like England or perhaps Canada but have a lot of incompetent physicians that work for government run hospitals. Hospitals in the private sector are mostly bullied by the department of health while sometimes ignoring mishaps in other areas that are covered by the healthcare system.
I hope to contribute my share on things happening here in the country where IMHO Romney Care or the current Affordable Care act (Obamacare) originates from. I am /was an entrepreneur owning a few online food supplement retailshops in the Netherlands. My wife and I run the stores but that will soon change thanks to additional bureaucratic legislative burden put on SB (small business) to comply with EU food law. That after serving our community for more than 8 years or so.
I am 40 years old, with no finished batchelor degree, partly selfemployed and partly soon without a second job which really pays the bills.
I try to live free in a very unfree and unjust world but I find it pretty hard. My wife and I have no kids partly due to the fact that she (my girl) is a little bit older and giving birth may put here health in jeopardy. Women should (biologically speaking) get pregnant when they are in their mid twenties but as Stef pointed out in his video's. The government plays an un-equal very disturbing role in the lives of young women. Debasing the currency, treating them as additional tax cattle etc.
I wish we had children though but that is something else.
Anyway thanks you all for having me "on"board so to speak.