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Everything posted by MaxM
Would love a video about the "Ohh Shit" guy. His story is evolving and the truth is a tragic comedy. Now it seems that, not only is he doing treasonous acts, but he was also asking how to commit them on a public image board site known as "reddit". The reality of this 'Clinton farce' is right in your face and it must be really hard for Americans and many others to swallow.
Hi, I'm Max I'm looking for other people in New Zealand to chat with who are "awake". In this context awake means: Knows goverment is the use of force and legal theft, has some understanding of current ecconomics and that Q.E (currecy debasement) is a guarentee that we are in trouble like Zimbabwe only every central bank is doing it and USA is the world reserve currency so it'll hold out until people lose faith in it. New Zealand has tight connections with USA and we have a central banknig and high public and gov debt. not as bad as other bigger countries though. Has some understanding of resource scarcity like peak oil which is a big problem for New Zealand in the near future as NZ imports the majority of oil it uses. All wars are resource wars obviously be it taxs or fossil fuels. I'm also interested in permaculture and investing in precial metals physically although have not yet started. Naturally I can't talk to anyone in person about these things even my good long time friends. Whenever we watch movies and there's a crazy comspiricy guy I'm told I'm that guy 24/ y/o male. Is there anyone out there?
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I have seen all of one piece I saw it all in a month around 2 years ago and have been keeping up to date with it (anime not manga) and I love the show.It's is a very unique show especially for kids as the main baddies are the world government. Very few if any media shows any government as evil. They're are portrayed as normal gov to the public but very bad to the viewer and protagonists and the world gov also has some good people within trying and failing to do whats right. Much like what many people who can see gov for what it really is in real life can see. Being anti-gov/anarchist myself I love this aspect of the show.However, like all kids/teen shows it relies heavily on violence to solve its problems and fantasy (magically powering up/ training/ gaining magic powers) to become strong enough to take on and defeat the baddies with all the power this is the fantasy part of the show which kids and teen and adults even like myself enjoy. That being said its one of the few shows of its genre to solve problems without using violence and instead just being nice not much negotiation however.Violence is how 99 percent of all fiction media solves its problems, through violence and thats because most people don't know solve big problems in any other way or negotiation. That being said negotiation isn't very entertaining. Or is it! I would like any show to pull it off.Not sure how many others fell about the government portrayed as villainous as this show and relate it to reality but I wonder I really do.The entire show about the main protagonist is trying to be free so he has to be strong enough to be the boss which naturally he ends up pitted against the world gov eventually. It's completely opposite to Japanese culture so it is very strange to be so popular. I think its the most popular/ monotized anime. Perhaps the jap instinctively know they aren't very free and subconsciously live the idea of being free from oppression.thats my 2cents worth. Didn't expect to talk about one piece on here but why not.
Good to see other people in our corner of the world are interested in sanity too. I'm in the wellington region how's it going.
Lol if theres one thing christians are more than anything else it's hypocrites. Don't hit people its bad. Next minute hit child for for hitting another child. It's like this from birth in a christian house.
MSVCR100.dll is missing error.
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Record Number 21 Million Young Adults Living With Parents
MaxM replied to Alan C.'s topic in Current Events
I'm a millennial and me and a lot of my friend live at home because it makes more sence. There are insane house bubles all over the place over 1 million in the main cities and 250-350thousand in ruralish out of town areas. this is for like 203 bedrooms renting is the only choice out side of the folks home which is around 15-25% of full time income so its shitty choices in the 1940 houses were like 60K or like less than five years work us millenials just live week by week and have to save or loan for anything worth more than $300 banks arnt safe and you'd have to be insain to get in the housing bubble because the loans are near free usually for housing.houses should not cost more than 200-350thousand at all I mean the prices doubled in 10 years in some locations were i lived. we came out of school with debt no capital and all the baby making fuckers decided they want to work till they're 70 and raise the minimum wage and claim money from us in the form of taxs because they came first. We should stay at home and move the parents/ baby making gen into the garages for fucking us over so hard. -
They sure did. Private christian school. Also if anyones interested im think left handedness is genetic. my biological brother whom i'v never met is the same as me, bats right handed writes left handed.
ThoughtTerrist is very right stay away from drugs alchohol or anything that can become a vice/bad habbit because as Stephan has pointed out people who have had abuse as a child are very suseptable to addiction me personally used weed for 4 years and it became a comfort and after when i couldn't get any I turned to legal highs and became addicted to them for several months and it was basically me trying to forget pain with fake happiness. The cure for addiction of any kind, in my opinion, is two things self control or love. If you have love your so happy you don't need to try and find happiness at the bottom of a bottle or to forget about pain by frying your brain. I realised i needed to take back control of my life and kicked the habbit 2 months ago and know that untill i find a special girl and some love I'v got to be careful.
A truth that must be discussed as it will effect all of us.
MaxM replied to MaxM's topic in General Messages
Thanks for the input Thomas and others. Ingnorince really is bliss and thinking about these things is bloody depressing. I think the healthy and sane thing to do is to be informed and go on living in the now and not in the future and adapting to whatever may come our way, when I first find out I totally freaked, which was probably the fault of the media hype in the scene but I guess in my short live span i'v realised everything must be done in small steps not big leaps. Sorry for metaphors on a philisophy site haha. So I'm going to go on with living life normally in my current location and make hobbies out of things that are self investments in the direction I want to go in. things like gardening, tree training and fishing ect. -
This needs something extra to work does it require .netfx?
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The alternatives were there but I didn't have access to them I went througn public not private and public simply didn't have those other surgeries available (doctors simply don;t know how to perform the surgery) also the cream didn't help in my rather extream case. So being 19 and wanting a free quick solution to this embarrasing-ish problem I decided I would do it after getting perspective on both perspectives. I didn't feel that it was that big of a deal. Had I had some thousands to go private onviously I would have takem the more minor surgeries. No regrets and no problems since. Girls don't mind and after the pants came of if i'v never had a negative reaction I simply explain and then sexy time.
A truth that must be discussed as it will effect all of us.
MaxM replied to MaxM's topic in General Messages
Solid points people. Thanks for your input and willingness to discuss your ideas and points of view. Allow me to rebutle. Yes thankyou for pointing out there is a real dooms day feel and historically we have overcome these obsticles in the past with transisional ease whale oil ect. While I completly agree that with the return of real pricing and abolishment of subsides population will normalise. However it is the normalising of population rates that will cause problems. Oil has subsidised the cost of food not government eg fertilizer, cheep energy for irigation, in fact agriculture is second to transportation in fossil fuel use and as oil get more expensive food will get more expensive. Note that oil is taxed in virtually all oil importing countries not subsidised and has still increased 4 X in the last decade. I am awear of peak everything thanks for adding it in. In fact at current rates of uranium use the data says we will run out in 50 years and also note that the process of unranium enrichment is heavily industrial and requires massive amounts of fossil fuels in the lifespan of a nuke plant. In regards to oil activists not understanding economics. With the premis. "poverty is created with the absence of pruductivity not peak oil." This claim is false and misleading. Im sorry I failed to define peak oil in my previous post let me clarify. Peak oil is not a theory. It is a fact. Shit runs out when there is no replacement and that replacement can't be created. We can all understand that. Peak oil tries to analise the data and understand what the outcomes of this crisis are and it is a massive quandry for all of us. The problem with your earlier premis is that productivity and oil/fossile fuels are so imbedded it could be argued that they are one in the same in todays modern world. The dollar is literally a representation of oil. Oil is what gives value to the dollar without Quatar the dollar would be paper. How is one most productive. By producing things. What is a fundamental requirement for production of anything in the universe. Energy. Enegy is required fundamentaly in the act of transportation. To fail to notice the link between oil and productivity is not uncommon because we set up society to make it invisible that is the only explenation that can explain why we "as a people" have not acknoledged this crisis yet. It is important to realise that when looking in the past and using historical human experiences to changing energy resources eg sun, wood, whale oil and then fossil fuels to determin what will happen in the future not going to give the right answers in this case. The reason for this is because the transision of energy will be one we as a human race have never gone through before. Throught out all of humans time on the planet we have to from a less enegy intense resouce to a greater energy resource untill now. Now we will go from a greater energy resource to a lesser one and experience an energy backwarddation. The outcomes of that are unknown. I know gas, heavy oils, coal and even nuclear will be around for some time yet but oil is essential to us in transportation and industry in particular and the existing wells are drying up. Im sure we'd all go back to sailing ships and live how we once did but it is the lack of knowledge and preparation that is very worrying. -
I am the same as in, right with my left hand and throw with my right. I went to a private christian school and was forced to right with my left hand for a short period of time. Someting about being devil hand or evil these "christians" are fucking insain. I became ambidextrous and could right quite well with both hands. After a plethora of lines my hand righting skills turned shit with both hands by age 15. Probably because I learned to get it over with as soon as possible at the cost of legability.
As someone who got a circumcision at age 19 I'll give my input. I had phimosis (forskin cannot retract), which was more common than I would have thought. So I had the choice and did the research and In my situation I decided to get the cut. I was put under completely and woke up a few hours later. After gettting home the pain kicks in. I was couch/bedridden for just under 2 weeks. Any movement below the waist caused intense pain, I mean taking a piss was a challenge and liquids were consumed in moderation. I mean wow, I feel sorry or those abused babies. I was informed by the doctor that It was common to start bleeding again from movement and whould have to go back to the hospital. Luckily I was carefull did not need that. He told me it was not uncommon for the dick glands to swell and block the urerthra and sometime people had to get another surgery to cut open a bigger urethra WTF?! My dick was useless from a pleasure stand point for 1.5 months! the doc said 2 months I mean I'd need some wheel barrow for my balls after that. No regrets for me but obviously I would never chop my sensitive dick parts off without a forskin issue in the firstplace. Circumcision causes phimoses In decendants I read so it seems riligion has fucked up my life from birth. After the forskin is removed the glands dry up and becomes rougher and far less sensitive over a month to the sensitivity level of your earlobes-ish. You can get the forskin back stretching or some shit and you get some of the sensitivity back apperantly, but not worth it in my opinion unless you want a prince albert and a bowlingball in your pants 24/7. That's a personal experience which may help you comprehend the transition.
Not sure if this is a troll thread but, Im in. One side of the coin is believing in a theology the other side is disbelief in all ideologies. With all truth claims, the burdon of proof is on the truth claimer. The proof in all theologies is emotional eg feelings, wants, needs, beliefs ect. Everyone who thinks logically can agree that emotional reactions or responses are not a valid reason to claim a theory is fact. If I went up to you and said I am God and my reasons were I can feel it an know it and believe it. Obviously I would immediately be disbelieved because thats bullshit/invalid reason for a truth claim. -Your claim athiesm is a religion Religion as a word. The world religion is insuffent and vague and has near 1000 words as it's definition on wiki. It is a single word to encapsulate cultural, personal, and emotional beliefs that a specific to the individual and the has a different meaning alltogeter to the entire religion, meaning what is religion to you is not religion to someone else and vice versa. There are poitless arguments that claim the word isn't diverse enough to capture it's real meaning . . . because it's an emotional response. So to say athiesm is religious comes down to your own personal definition which is differnt to many others. It's a bad word and fails its job to have clear and easy definition and understanding. My main point is religion is emotional and that is were all these arguments come from. Arguing emotions is a dead end and have truth to them but they're pointless discussing with from a truth perspective because, bottom line it defines a feeling. Athiesm is the position of people with a sane respons to an theory claimed as truth with evidence by emotion. The theologist has not provided the evedence required to claim truth. ~That which is claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence~ Christopher Hitchens.
Im sick and discusted with all this horrible parental preachy advice comming from these Dr Shmucks with severe childism problems who treat children like a machine to be modified to suit the need of the user (parent). Oh your child has anger problems, adhd, anxiety disorder oh well instead of the underlying cause, (child abuse) lets give them drugs or insert some reason that doesn't point to pathetic sociopathic abusing parents. Any parent who thinks they can change there child behaviour is either dillusional or doesn't understand human psychology at a fundamental level, which is usually the case. Trying to change persons behaviour is asking for conflict in the relationship and inflicting stress and anxiety over the persons. The more the disparaty of power the more the stress and anxiety inflicted ie abuse. People only have the power to change there own behaviour and that is fact, no matter how much foolish parents wish and dream they mold some perfect robot child. So how can I help my child with there behaviour? Well it's simple. All creatures on this planet have to do one thing and they can't controll it. It is instictive and healthy and natural. All creatures must adapt to there environment. Fact. It is a PARENT'S JOB to create an environment for the child. A child will adapt to the environment you create negative or positive whatever. So what type of environment should I create and how? Hey, your the fucking parent! Read a book. The next time you or someone you see tries to change a childs behaviour eg, "do X or else...". not the environment eg, mom dad i want to do x because (environmenral factor installed by parents). It may seem harder at first but if you prepare and study, which you better because if you dont then your telling everyone that your child means less to you than a highschool test in which case you are undeserving of a child and should put him or her up for adoption, then you will have 0 troubles with childrens behavior, The diffrece in long term ease is akin to walking up a river and floating down it, Please educate them, for the childs sake.
I have decided to do what must be done to free myself and find love. I am going to disown my abusive parents. I sure hope I find some emotional support shortly after I do because there's no going back. Also age 23 male if anyone was wondering parents are togerther and pastor level religious. Pastor level anti-rational. I'm gonna pull a Bill Lundburg from Office Space. Yeah, if you wanna reply saying something like your doing the right thing. Fuck your parents. That'd be great.
Im very sorry Honest and Lens for having parents not worthy or deserving of even your presence in everyway. your both great and have integrity and courage like me for mearly coping with anti-parents which is the religiouse equivilent to the Anti-crist. I call these human looking monsters anti-parents because everything a True parent should be they're are the opposite. Loving, caring, emotionally and finatially supportive not only would they treat you like a person not a slave but a priceless friend for life. I bet you, like me were forced into sadomasochism at least for the first few years and not once were you ask about your feelings or emotions, or what you wanted. A slave doesn't get an opinion thats how these sociopaths treated us. Well here's a fact for everyone with monsters for parents. You matter. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and most importantly your love do matter infact they are priceless it's undeniable and true for us all. We need to find someone who reconises this fact by following Stephans relationship advice it'll surely happen we started at less than the bottom of the love ladder and the emotional pain is at level 10 but we can go to 0 strait to the top of the love ladder in one shot with the right one. They're out there waiting to give and acept you with real, complete love. And you deserve it. Internet hug <(^-^)> Max~
Firstly I would like to apologies to the moderator as this is copied from another thread which I replied to earlier. please excuse the repast I'll only do it once. Hi, thanks for your reply. Im now going to give an indepth report on what I have found out in nearly one year of learning this subject. I encourage you to not believe what I say believe in the facts and data which are available on the net. Just google an information point from here and look for data not that corrisponds to what I have said, but information that should corrispond to facts i have pointed out. Peak oil information goes far and deep but still surprisingly little compared to the effect it will have on everyones lives. Supply and demand work fine with adaquate alternatives. However there is no alternative to oil. There is alternatives to energy but not oil. Oil's energy density, ease of transport, and existing inverstructure, and diversity have no alternatives. Also not only do alternatives need 50 years of inferstructure to implement but massive investment and capital is required and in this day and age it's a bit late and were all a bit poor unless your Singapor, China, Russia, and suadi arabia, whom are all already on that road. The reason were all poor is also because of peak oil. Yes it's that important. Oil is the life blood of an economy. As economy grows, so must oil consumption and when oil becomes expensive specifically over $100 a barrel it sends economys into recession and contracts an economy. If you look up the facts (which your should, and don't believe me read the data) every recession has happened when an oil shock or price jump has occured. And yes I know correlation is not always causation but in this case it is the data supports it. With Saudi Arabia being on the cusp of revoluion who knows what'll happen to oil as Quatar is the largest known oil reserve on the planet and literaly every super power wants it desperately. All money is basically a representation of resources so it helps to think of money as oil especially the dollar which is only backed by oil. oil will never run out just get really expensive and eventurally when it takes more oil (money, energy, investment ect) to get oil as in oil extracted, then it's no longer economically viable to produce. This is a hard scientifict fact ~exponential growth cannot go on forever~ the law of entrophy. If fact growth is bad after a point nothing can grow forever. youtube Dr Albert Bartlett: Arithmetic, Population and Energy. for a great easy lesson on this. No one in the main stream are willing to admit were gonna have to change our culture and way of life. Prices of oil quadrupled in 10 years. in 20-40 years only the super rich are going to be able to fly in a plane were are in depletion rates of 8% per year globally. This is faster than anyone anticipated. The scarier fact is that oil is not only the lifeblood of economies but populations too. As oil consumtion increased world population has too and it's my personal opinion that globaly more people will die in the next 200 year that ever before or ever again because of the lack of energy to keep as all alive. Maybe we'll all imbrace food forests and permaculture as it only takes 5-10 years to set up and have a limitless supply of food providing the environment can support it but will we be in time. No one knows. After researching this for nearly a year i have learned that good things to do is own your home no mortgage, have a garden, farm animals, and basically get as off grid as much as possible while creating redundencies, own precious metals as savings. Also it's better to be a producer than in the service section and having a diverse skill list is vastly more usefull than a specialised one. I recommed learning these skills also they're very interesting to. Tree trainig, animal husbandry, permaculture, fishing, repair work, butchery, cooking. These are a few skills that will help. Im fucked because im 23 with no resources to my name hoping to get experience in these areas and marry into a permaculture family hahah. Good Luck to you all and I hope you take this information and inquire into peak oil as it will effect your life dramatically directly and indirectly. p.s inquire with me if you want clarification on a premis or something and i'll help. Hey if us philosophers handle the crisees? better than the matrix users than were gonna have a great chance to 'preach the truth with scientific validity'. aka Philosophy. Doesn't that sound sexy. Peace~
My way to freedomain radio via disaster, drugs, and depression The 3D's.
MaxM replied to MaxM's topic in Introduce Yourself!
Hi, thanks for your reply. Im now going to give an indepth report on what I have found out in nearly one year of learning this subject. I encourage you to not believe what I say believe in the facts and data which are available on the net. Just google an information point from here and look for data not that corrisponds to what I have said, but information that should corrispond to facts i have pointed out. Peak oil information goes far and deep but still surprisingly little compared to the effect it will have on everyones lives. Supply and demand work fine with adaquate alternatives. However there is no alternative to oil. There is alternatives to energy but not oil. Oil's energy density, ease of transport, and existing inverstructure, and diversity have no alternatives. Also not only do alternatives need 50 years of inferstructure to implement but massive investment and capital is required and in this day and age it's a bit late and were all a bit poor unless your Singapor, China, Russia, and suadi arabia, whom are all already on that road. The reason were all poor is also because of peak oil. Yes it's that important. Oil is the life blood of an economy. As economy grows, so must oil consumption and when oil becomes expensive specifically over $100 a barrel it sends economys into recession and contracts an economy. If you look up the facts (which your should, and don't believe me read the data) every recession has happened when an oil shock or price jump has occured. And yes I know correlation is not always causation but in this case it is the data supports it. With Saudi Arabia being on the cusp of revoluion who knows what'll happen to oil as Quatar is the largest known oil reserve on the planet and literaly every super power wants it desperately. All money is basically a representation of resources so it helps to think of money as oil especially the dollar which is only backed by oil. oil will never run out just get really expensive and eventurally when it takes more oil (money, energy, investment ect) to get oil as in oil extracted, then it's no longer economically viable to produce. This is a hard scientifict fact ~exponential growth cannot go on forever~ the law of entrophy. If fact growth is bad after a point nothing can grow forever. youtube Dr Albert Bartlett: Arithmetic, Population and Energy.for a great easy lesson on this. No one in the main stream are willing to admit were gonna have to change our culture and way of life. Prices of oil quadrupled in 10 years. in 20-40 years only the super rich are going to be able to fly in a plane were are in depletion rates of 8% per year globally. This is faster than anyone anticipated. The scarier fact is that oil is not only the lifeblood of economies but populations too. As oil consumtion increased world population has too and it's my personal opinion that globaly more people will die in the next 200 year that ever before or ever again because of the lack of energy to keep as all alive. Maybe we'll all imbrace food forests and permaculture as it only takes 5-10 years to set up and have a limitless supply of food providing the environment can support it but will we be in time. No one knows. After researching this for nearly a year i have learned that good things to do is own your home no mortgage, have a garden, farm animals, and basically get as off grid as much as possible while creating redundencies, own precious metals as savings. Also it's better to be a producer than in the service section and having a diverse skill list is vastly more usefull than a specialised one. I recommed learning these skills also they're very interesting to. Tree trainig, animal husbandry, permaculture, fishing, repair work, butchery, cooking. These are a few skills that will help. Im fucked because im 23 with no resources to my name hoping to get experience in these areas and marry into a permaculture family hahah. Good Luck to you all and I hope you take this information and inquire into peak oil as it will effect your life dramatically directly and indirectly. p.s inquire with me if you want clarification on a premis or something and i'll help. Hey is us philosophers handle the crisees? better than the matrix users than were gonna have a great chance to 'preach the truth with scientific validity'. aka Philosophy. Doesn't that sound sexy. Peace~ -
It sounds so easy but in reality it's near impossible. In my ideal, free world my relationship would all be honest but I havev found information that would/should change a persons life. The problem is what if? what if he/she/they (hst) don't believe me and negativly effects our relationship or if they do belive me and the information is negative so I am now a negative in hst life. What is the best course of action. Should I plant the truth infront of them hopeing hst will notice? What is the truth of telling the truth? Truthseeker Max,
First of all let me say in this introduction that this will not discuss my childhood like many other threads that I have read. The idea of a thread where you discuss your childhood and what you are like as an adult interests me so I will make one if there is not one already. Let me first put out a warning. This story is sad. You were warned. The 3D's and this aint a movie you want to see. Me 22 and no cares in the world. Studying at uni. . . again this time philosophy and something else *psychology. After realising why I quit the first time I was wondering why I signed up for this shit again. Sounds good on paper sucks in reality. If your interested in New Zealand University well it's endless hoop jumping! for what a piece of paper and 20K debt. The philosophy was insulting to people who can read. Does god exist, can computers think, what a waste of time aside from critical thinking which was helpful. I'v found self education works best. Mid year break and I'm online bored I like to watch documentaries so click on one. I have a love of disaster movies, I don;t know why. So I watched in horror, a movie called, 'Collapse', it explained primarily about peak oil. [if you have not researched this subject I suggest you do as it will effect your life]. After learning the hard way never to trust anyone and do research yourself(#Born surrounded by psychopaths), moreso if the information will change you. So basically the catch is fossile fules are NOT infinite and the limited of production are being reached. Experts say well were definatly in trouble in 20 years and well probably hit depression (economy in 2012-2015) this is because fossile fuel is a large part of our lives, 'as in grow a fucking garden you gonna get hungry', so without it we have to change the way we live. After watching all the documentaries and listening to people speak about it and reviewing the data. . . My life went from what shoud I do now? :-) to what the fuck do I do now? Depression and drugs. The reality is not many people know about these facts or avoid them, which makes perfect sense because it is just a big smash in the face of your awesome reality the younger the worse it is. So there is no one to talk to about these subjects in person. The thought of telling my close friends is unfathomable. Unfortunatly realitie's consiquences cannot be hidden from. A funny thing happens to adults who stare blank at problems and panic. Which is they forget what they've learned. We've all learnt how to deal with problems, even huge, big overwhelming ones, and that is research and study the problem to pass it. And that is how I found freedradio which introduced me to more problems . . . great almost endless. que drugs I searched America collapse and Stephan's video the collapse of America. Badabing badaboom here I am!